# v3.1.0 ## 12/09/2021 1. [](#new) * **NEW** Added option to automatically copying to clipboard an anchor URL when clicking on it # v3.0.0 ## 12/03/2021 1. [](#new) * **NEW** Support built-in `anchors` with customization of icon/classes/css etc. * **NEW** `[anchor]` shortcode for creating manual anchors for easy linking to page content * Moved the vendor-based TOC functionality in-plugin to provide more flexibility and additional features * Added several more Twig functions for increased flexibility * Ability to limit the length of a fragment link * Ability to set a custom prefix for anchor links * Added `languages.yaml` file for text translations 2. [](#improved) * Independent control over the levels of anchors that should be built and the TOC displayed * `page-toc:` page-level configuration can be set in parent pages and trickles down to child pages * Removed dependency on HTML5 library and use the faster PHP `DOMDocument` class * Translated text for the "Table of Contents" in the `page-toc.html.twig` template # v2.0.0 ## 11/24/2021 1. [](#new) * Added new `components/page-toc.html.twig` that can be extended and the HTML output modified * Updated core TOC library to latest `3.0.2` version * Requires PHP `7.3.6` * Requires Grav `1.7+` * Added Shortcode-like in-page syntax support. e.g. `[toc]` # v1.1.2 ## 06/01/2021 1. [](#new) * Added page-toc blueprints under "Advanced" tab for admin 1. [](#improved) * Updated to latest `knplabs/knp-menu` library 1. [](#bugfix) * Added `|raw` filter to twig output in README.md # v1.1.1 ## 12/02/2020 1. [](#improved) * Updated to latest `masterminds/html5` and `knplabs/knp-menu` libraries # v1.1.0 ## 04/01/2019 1. [](#improved) * Updated to latest `caseyamcl/toc` library 1. [](#bugfix) * Fixes relative levels [#6](https://github.com/trilbymedia/grav-plugin-page-toc/pull/9) * Fixes incorrect reference to `end` when it should be `depth` [#7](https://github.com/trilbymedia/grav-plugin-page-toc/pull/7) # v1.0.1 ## 03/19/2017 1. [](#improved) * Fixed issue with `end` not being valid, should be `depth`. Updated README # v1.0.0 ## 08/01/2017 1. [](#new) * ChangeLog started...