# v1.2.8 ## 09/10/2020 1. [](#improved) * Improved some translations 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix for PHP 7.4 [#81](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/81) * Fix for allowing path in form submission [#86](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/86) [#80](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/80) # v1.2.7 ## 05/12/2017 1. [](#improved) * Added Japanese translation * Move captcha over email [#45](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/45) 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix comment form processing * Fix issue with scope for autofilled values # v1.2.6 ## 01/09/2017 1. [](#improved) * Use existing `Utils::startsWith()` method 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix [#41](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/41) using Comments in a Gantry-powered theme did not escape the comment form token correctly # v1.2.5 ## 09/16/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix [#37](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/37) showing comments older than one week in the "latest comments" view # v1.2.4 ## 09/15/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix missing Twig template error if route is excluded but twig is loaded # v1.2.3 ## 09/15/2016 1. [](#improved) * Added Croatian translation 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix [#35](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/35) Allow comments to work fine on Form 2.0 too # v1.2.2 ## 08/12/2016 1. [](#improved) * Added Romanian translation 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix issue in storing comments cache when cache is enabled [#33](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/33) # v1.2.1 ## 07/19/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Check if Login plugin is installed before checking for user object [#28](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-comments/issues/28) # v1.2.0 ## 07/14/2016 1. [](#improved) * Prevent a missing template problem on ignored routes * Allow to translate the comments form * Added spanish and brazilian portuguese translations * Enhanced german, russian and french translations * Added cache for comments * Handle logged in users by not requiring username/email * Reset the comments form after a comment is submitted # v1.1.4 ## 02/05/2016 1. [](#improved) * Added german and polish * Avoid listening on onTwigTemplatePaths if not enabled # v1.1.3 ## 01/06/2016 1. [](#improved) * Disable captcha by default, added instructions on how to enable it 1. [](#bugfix) * Increase priority for onPageInitialized in the comments plugin over the form plugin one to prevent an issue when saving comments # v1.1.2 ## 12/11/2015 1. [](#improved) Fix double escaping comments text and author # v1.1.1 ## 12/11/2015 1. [](#improved) * Drop the autofocus on the comment form 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix double encoding (#12) # v1.1.0 ## 11/24/2015 1. [](#new) * Added french (@codebee-fr) and russian (@joomline) languages * Takes advantage of the new nonce support provided by the Form plugin 1. [](#improved) * Use date instead of gmdate to respect the server local time (thanks @bovisp) * Now works with multilang (thanks @bovisp) # v1.0.2 ## 11/13/2015 1. [](#improved) * Use nonce 1. [](#improved) * Changed form action to work with multilang # v1.0.1 ## 11/11/2015 1. [](#improved) * Use onAdminMenu instead of the deprecated onAdminTemplateNavPluginHook 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix error when user/data/comments does not exist # v1.0.0 ## 10/21/2015 1. [](#new) * Initial Release