# v1.2.3 ## 12-05-2021 1. [](#modification) * [solved] Portugese translation added # v1.2.2 ## 14-01-2019 1. [](#bug) * [solved] Problem with assets organization solved, button sometimes didn't show properly # v1.2.1 ## 28-10-2018 1. [](#bug) * [solved] Button was not removed, even when admin cookie did not exist (anymore) # v1.2 ## 25-10-2018 1. [](#modification) * Restructuring of the assets folder and combined sass/css. * Corrected bug where button was only shown after doing a page refresh # v1.0.12.1 ## 19-10-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Corrected the check if admin is logged on. In the former version the button was not on shown when not logged in. * Version 1.12 (former version) is not working with release 1.5 and later of Grav CMS. # v1.0.12 ## 22-07-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Corrected that the button still was showing sometimes, even after the admin was logged out. (Paul Hibbits, thanks for noticing) # v1.0.11 ## 16-07-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Corrected that page kept on refreshing, even after logged out. Now it refreshes 1 time after logging out to remove the button and the JavaScript to reload the page. # v1.0.10 ## 13-07-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Button is not displayed anymore when admin has logged out, button disappears after refresh (when clicking the tab with the page) # v1.0.9 ## 02-06-2018 1. [](#feature) * Automatic update of the contents in other tabs is now optional # v1.0.8 ## 23-03-2018 1. [](#feature) * Button icon is now an independent font for this plugin 2. [](#new) * New language Croatian # v1.0.7 ## 16-03-2018 1. [](#feature) * Optional, if user has to be logged in before showing the button # v1.0.6 ## 15-03-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Fix for incorrect edit button href 2. [](#new) * New language Spanish and Catalunian # v1.0.5 ## 27-01-2018 1. [](#bugfix) * Solved problem of multilanguage URL redirecting to wrong corresponding URL in backend 2. [](#bugfix) * Updated README.md content # v1.0.4 ## 16-12-2017 1. [](#bugfix) * Solved the hardcoded '/admin' in relocate URL in case the admin route has been modified to something other than '/admin' 2. [](#bugfix) * Updated README.md content 3. [](#bugfix) * Renamed some files # v1.0.3 ## 14-10-2017 1. [](#bugfix) * Solved problem when Grav is installed in sub folder # v1.0.2 ## 01-11-2017 1. [](#bugfix) * Solved issue when Grav is installed in sub folder # v1.0.1 ## 04-08-2017 1. [](#bugfix) * Problem solved with `NULL` on the `header()` function in the `onOutputGenerated` event # v1.0.0 ## 04-03-2017 1. [](#new) * Initial version committed to Github