name: Archives version: 2.0.2 type: plugin slug: archives description: The **Archives** plugin creates links for pages grouped by month/year icon: university author: name: Team Grav email: url: homepage: demo: keywords: archives, plugin, blog, month, year, date, navigation, history bugs: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.0' } form: fields: enabled: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.PLUGIN_STATUS highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool built_in_css: type: toggle label: Use built in CSS highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool date_display_format: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: Date Format default: 'jS M Y' options: 'F jS Y': "January 1st 2014" 'l jS of F': "Monday 1st of January" 'D, m M Y': "Mon, 01 Jan 2014" 'd-m-y': "01-01-14" 'jS M Y': "10th Feb 2014" 'F Y': "Jan 2015" show_count: type: toggle label: Show Count highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED validate: type: bool limit: type: text size: x-small label: Count Limit validate: type: number min: 1 taxonomy_names: type: array label: Taxonomy Names placeholder_key: e.g. month placeholder_value: e.g. archives_month taxonomy_values: type: array label: Taxonomy Values (date format) placeholder_key: e.g. month placeholder_value: e.g. 'M_Y' defaults_section: type: section underline: true title: Default Configuration type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: Order Type options: default: Default - based on folder name title: Title - based on title field in header basename: Basename - based on the alphabetic folder name date: Date - based on date field in header modified: Modified - based on the modified timestamp folder: Folder - based on prefix-less folder name random: Random - order is randomized order.dir: type: select size: medium label: Order Direction default: desc options: asc: Ascending desc: Descending filters: type: textarea yaml: true label: Filter placeholder: "page@: '/blog'" validate: type: yaml filter_combinator: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: Filter Combinator default: and options: and: 'And - Boolean &&' or: 'Or - Boolean ||' pageconfig_section: type: section underline: true title: Page-Specific Configuration page_specific_config: type: list label: Configurations fields: .route: type: text label: Route placeholder: '/blog' validate: required: true .filters: type: textarea yaml: true label: Filter placeholder: "page@: '/blog'" validate: type: yaml .filter_combinator: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: Filter Combinator default: '' options: '': Use Default and: 'And - Boolean &&' or: 'Or - Boolean ||' .order_by: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: Order Type default: '' options: '': Use Default default: Default - based on folder name title: Title - based on title field in header basename: Basename - based on the alphabetic folder name date: Date - based on date field in header modified: Modified - based on the modified timestamp folder: Folder - based on prefix-less folder name random: Random - order is randomized .order_dir: type: select size: medium label: Order Direction default: '' options: '': Use Default asc: Ascending desc: Descending