--- layout: post title: QR Codes --- An alternative way of communicating the secret to the user is through the use of [QR Codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code) which most if not all authenticator mobile apps can scan. This can avoid accidental typing errors and also pre-set some text values within the users app. You can display the QR Code as a base64 encoded image using the instance as follows, supplying the users name or other public identifier as the first argument ````php

Scan the following image with your app:

```` You can also specify a size as a third argument which is 200 by default. **Note:** by default, the QR code returned by the instance is generated from a third party across the internet. If the third party is encountering problems or is not available from where you have hosted your code, your user will likely experience a delay in seeing the QR code, if it even loads at all. This can be overcome with offline providers configured when you create the instance. ## Online Providers [QRServerProvider](qr-codes/qr-server.html) (default) [ImageChartsQRCodeProvider](qr-codes/image-charts.html) [QRicketProvider](qr-codes/qrickit.html) ## Offline Providers [EndroidQrCodeProvider](qr-codes/endroid.html) and EndroidQrCodeWithLogoProvider [BaconQRCodeProvider](qr-codes/bacon.html) **Note:** offline providers may have additional PHP requirements in order to function, you should study what is required before trying to make use of them. ## Custom Provider If you wish to make your own QR Code provider to reference another service or library, it must implement the [IQRCodeProvider interface](https://github.com/RobThree/TwoFactorAuth/blob/master/lib/Providers/Qr/IQRCodeProvider.php). It is recommended to use similar constructor arguments as the included providers to avoid big shifts when trying different providers. ## Using a specific provider If you do not want to use the default QR code provider, you can specify the one you want to use when you create your instance. ```php use RobThree\Auth\TwoFactorAuth; $qrCodeProvider = new YourChosenProvider(); $tfa = new TwoFactorAuth( null, 6, 30, 'sha1', $qrCodeProvider ); ``` As you create a new instance of your provider, you can supply any extra configuration there.