Wiki page rsync changed with summary [] by Krause

This commit is contained in:
ORG-wiki 2022-09-03 12:16:35 +12:00
parent 01a90c2834
commit 43134a5065

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
====== rsync ======
rsync ist ein Open-Source-Dienstprogramm, das eine schnelle inkrementelle Dateiübertragung ermöglicht. rsync ist unter der [[|GNU General Public License]] frei verfügbar.
===== Paket =====
pacman -S rsync
===== SSH =====
rsync --recursive --links --times --owner --group --itemize-changes --partial --progress --human-readable --verbose --stats /local/path user@host:~/path/
**Von ssh nach lokal**:
rsync --recursive --links --times --owner --group --itemize-changes --partial --progress --human-readable --verbose --stats user@host:~/path/ /local/path
rsync -rltogiPhv --stats /local/path user@host:~/path/
rsync -rltogiPhv --stats user@host:~/path/ /local/path
**Anderer port**:
rsync -rltogiPhv --stats -e "ssh -p PORTNUMBER" /local/path user@host:~/path/
Siehe, was jede Option bewirkt -
===== Daemon =====
==== Anmeldeinformationen====
echo "$user:$password" > /etc/rsyncd.secrets
chmod 400 /etc/rsyncd.secrets
==== Konfiguration ====
Ändere ''$user''.
nano /etc/rsyncd.conf
path = /path/
comment = Archive
timeout = 300
read only = false
# http user if you want to have access via web
#uid = 33
#gid = 33
# Run a script before and after a connection
#pre-xfer exec = /root/
#post-xfer exec = /root/
# Security
auth users = $user
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
# Optional
#hosts allow =
==== Start ====
systemctl enable --now rsyncd.service
==== Command ====
Änder ''$DAEMONUSER'' und ''$DAEMONHOST''.
rsync --rltogiPhv --stats /local/path rsync://$DAEMONUSER@$DAEMONHOST/archive/path/
===== Backup =====
Gehe zu unserem [[de:backup:server#rsync|backup]] Tutorial.