====== WireGuard ====== WireGuard is a next generation secure network tunnel protocol. This application allows users to connect to WireGuard tunnels. More information may be found on the [[https://www.wireguard.com/|project webpage]]. If your device has a custom kernel containing the WireGuard module, then the module will be used for superior battery life and performance. Otherwise a userspace version will work sufficiently on all other devices. ===== Download and install apk ===== Install WireGuard via [[en:phone:apps:f-droid|F-Droid]] - https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.wireguard.android/. Click the plus button (bottom right) and select ''Scan from QR code'' and follow our [[/en/server/services/wireguard##generate_qr_code|wireguard tutorial]].