====== Server & desktop backup solutions ====== ===== rsync ===== Follow our [[en:server:services:rsync|rsync]] tutorial first. The snapshots are stored locally and remotely via rsync daemon. This backup solution is only recommended for an internal network. ==== Credentials ==== echo "$password" > /etc/rsyncd.password chmod 400 /etc/rsyncd.password === Server === == Script == Add your details for ''DAEMONUSER=""'' and ''DAEMONHOST=""''. #!/bin/sh ## Based on: ## my own rsync-based snapshot-style backup procedure ## (cc) marcio rps AT gmail.com # config vars SRC="/" SNAP="/root/backup/" OPTS="--rltogiPhv --stats --delay-updates --delete --chmod=a-w" EXCL="--exclude-from=/root/backup-filter.rule" DAEMONUSER="" DAEMONHOST="" MINCHANGES=1 # run this process with real low priority ionice -c 3 -p $$ renice +12 -p $$ # List and save installed packages pacman -Qn | awk '{ print $1 }' > /root/pkglist # sync rsync $OPTS $EXCL $SRC $SNAP/latest >> $SNAP/rsync.log # check if enough has changed and if so # make a hardlinked copy named as the date COUNT=$( wc -l $SNAP/rsync.log|cut -d" " -f1 ) if [ $COUNT -gt $MINCHANGES ] ; then DATETAG=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M) if [ ! -e $SNAP/$DATETAG ] ; then cp -al $SNAP/latest $SNAP/$DATETAG chmod u+w $SNAP/$DATETAG mv $SNAP/rsync.log $SNAP/$DATETAG chmod u-w $SNAP/$DATETAG fi fi rsync -avAXHP --delete --password-file=/etc/rsyncd.password $SNAP rsync://$DAEMONUSER@$DAEMONHOST/archive/backup/server/root == Exclude folder and files == This is an example and widely used as a starting point for a server. Add anything you don't need to backup. backup-filter.rule /dev/* /proc/* /sys/* /tmp/* /run/* /mnt/* /media/* /home/* /root/backup/* /lost+found === Desktop (home) === == Script == Add your details for ''DAEMONUSER=""'' and ''DAEMONHOST=""''. #!/bin/sh ## Based on: ## my own rsync-based snapshot-style backup procedure ## (cc) marcio rps AT gmail.com # config vars real_user=$SUDO_USER SRC="/home/$real_user/" SNAP="/home/$real_user/backup/" OPTS="-rltgoiP --delay-updates --delete --chmod=a-w" EXCL="--exclude-from=/home/$real_user/backup-filter.rule" DAEMONUSER="" DAEMONHOST="" MINCHANGES=1 # run this process with real low priority ionice -c 3 -p $$ renice +12 -p $$ # sync rsync $OPTS $EXCL $SRC $SNAP/latest >> $SNAP/rsync.log # check if enough has changed and if so # make a hardlinked copy named as the date COUNT=$( wc -l $SNAP/rsync.log|cut -d" " -f1 ) if [ $COUNT -gt $MINCHANGES ] ; then DATETAG=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M) if [ ! -e $SNAP/$DATETAG ] ; then cp -al $SNAP/latest $SNAP/$DATETAG chmod u+w $SNAP/$DATETAG mv $SNAP/rsync.log $SNAP/$DATETAG chmod u-w $SNAP/$DATETAG fi fi rsync -avAXHP --delete --password-file=/etc/rsyncd.password $SNAP rsync://$DAEMONUSER@$DAEMONHOST/archive/backup/server/$real_user == Exclude folder and files == This is an example. Add anything you don't need to backup. backup-filter.rule backup/ .cache/