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====== KDE ======
pacman -S plasma xorg
systemctl enable --now sddm
That's actually it.
Check out all the [[|KDE software]] and suggested packages below and install whatever you like.
====== Suggested software ======
Just add the packages to the above ''pacman'' command.
===== System =====
networkmanager-openvpn wireguard-tools keepassxc arch-audit konsole keditbookmarks gparted htop dolphin spectacle wget lm_sensors ark kleopatra kate kompare rsync
===== Audio =====
pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa
===== Multimedia/Graphics =====
vlc openshot gimp inkscape
===== Office =====
thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-en-us wqy-zenhei ttf-liberation libreoffice-fresh cups cups-pdf xsane system-config-printer kdeconnect firefox okular gwenview
If you install ''cups'' you also need to enable the service:
systemctl enable --now cups.service
===== Others =====
bash-completion cronie
Add for ''bash-complition'' the following to your ''.bashrc'':
echo "if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
fi" >> ~/.bashrc
Enable service for ''cronie'':
systemctl enable --now cronie.service
Check also [[/en/desktop/services/crontab|crontab]].