

The goal of Seekia is to help humanity mate in a race and genetics aware manner.


Find members of the race which you desire.

View racial information about users such as eye, skin, and hair color; genetic ancestry; haplogroups; and more.

View the calculated ancestry of your prospective offspring with each user.


Sort your matches by their racial similarity to yourself.

Find matches who look like you, and produce offspring who resemble you.


Understand your offspring's genetic disease risk and trait scores.

Filter your matches based on a calculated genetic analysis for your offspring.

Maximize the probability of a healthy offspring who has the traits which you desire.


Seekia aims to facilitate eugenic breeding by encouraging humans to breed more beautiful, healthier, more intelligent, more virtuous, and happier offspring.

Seekia aims to help members of the world's most beautiful races to meet and have children.


Browse user profiles for free.

Broadcasting a profile and chatting costs money.


The Seekia application source code is released into the public domain.
