| «« Seekia Memo »» | |- Signature: | YFf5Ofl1E2vA3562HBvs2ubtm6VQLg | Z1AYOS9F3KYiTJ6YKyq2e-NlN7mF3V | jfMAOgHkJjdnfEj09ZPQ_mAEBA== | |- Identity Key: | f59a0bce855d6e48105612ae73ffabfc | 4fac1349226433ff586e08b9b32ffd9d | |- Author: | simonx5yudleks5jhwhnck5s28m | |- Memo: | | Ethereum Block Height: | 18527621 | | Ethereum Block Hash: | 0x43d6014d847b6c0bd54506b43a958f573c7530ffcfbf948073b700e03537bc73 | | Date: | November 8, 2023 | | This memo is an announcement of Seekia version 0.30. | | This version is much closer to my ultimate vision for what Seekia should be. My thinking has evolved and I'm a lot happier with this version than with any previous version. | | Seekia now has a Racial Similarity calculator. Whitepaper Version 2 is much clearer and makes way more sense. Network Type switching functionality has been added. The code has been upgraded to utilize Golang version 1.21 features. Many important bug fixes and improvements have been implemented. | | Cheers! | | - Simon Sarasova | | --- | | Release Filename: | Seekia-v0.30.zip | | Release SHA256 Checksum: | eebf5ed39cc550a34f75d066776a2025e6874216844a7e4c22ecf17e63047d9c | | | GPG Signature Filename: | Seekia-v0.30.zip.asc | | GPG Signature SHA256 Checksum: | 72e424eee3a2a5f38b50541f62016847cc650adaf4cbcd0f9a628d4c79eda6ad | | | Version 0.30 Changelog: | | - Improved ReadMe.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved Documentation.md and Future Plans.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the whitepaper and updated Whitepaper.pdf to version 2. - Simon Sarasova | - Ran "go mod tidy" and updated some imported modules. - Simon Sarasova | - Reduced message size by ~33 bytes by removing unnecessary covert public key from the outer message. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the GetProfileAttributeHashesMap function to be slightly faster. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the NumberOfReviews calculated attribute. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the readProfiles package in various ways. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the ReadRawGenomeFile function. It now returns a genomeMap representing locus values as structs instead of strings. It also now avoids adding unknown locus values to the total loci count. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the ViewedModerators and ViewedContent generation progress bars by making them update more frequently. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the TotalPolygenicDiseaseRiskScore and OffspringTotalPolygenicDiseaseRiskScore calculated attributes. - Simon Sarasova | - Fixed bug which caused the chat conversations generation progress bar to jump backwards. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the SelectMyConversationsSortByAttribute page. - Simon Sarasova | - Added progress updating to the myChatMessages generation portion of the myChatConversations generation process. - Simon Sarasova | - Made various optimizations to get the Moderate Profiles page to load faster. It is still too slow. - Simon Sarasova | - Added a wordLists test package. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the ReadProfile function. It now returns an unformatted raw profile map and does not calculate the profile's attribute hashes map. Created new functions to retrieve formatted profile attribute values and profile attribute hash maps. Reading profiles is faster now. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the whitepaper. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved Future Plans.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the whitepaper. - Simon Sarasova | - Upgraded msgpack to version 5.4.0. - Simon Sarasova | - Upgraded Fyne to version 2.4.1. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the trait genetic similarity calculation. Each allele is now compared, so locus base pairs with only 1 common allele are counted as being 50% similar. - Simon Sarasova | - Created a test for the attributeDisplay package. Also added missing attributes to the package. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the Questionnaire attribute to the attributeDisplay package and the setViewNewProfileChanges page. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the whitepaper. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved Specification.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the edwardsKeys and blake3 packages. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved Future Plans.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed the ExportedProfiles folder to MyExportedProfiles. - Simon Sarasova | - Content hashes are now created by hashing the entire content bytes. Thus, hashes now incorporate signatures. Content hashes have also been removed from within serialized content, reducing content size. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the whitepaper. It now describes how the racial similarity calculator works. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the ViewAllMyDesires page. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the myChosenAnalysis package and related GUI. - Simon Sarasova | - A user's chosen genetic analysis is now read into memory. Thus, the analysis json file only has to be unmarshalled once, or whenever a new analysis is generated. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved app theme colors and the theme selection GUI. Added the Ocean theme. - Simon Sarasova | - Made various improvements to the View Profile and Desires pages. Added monogenic disease information to fake profiles. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the Match Score Breakdown page. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the timestamps folder and ReadMe. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the GUI in various ways. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed Diseases to Monogenic Diseases, renamed Ailments/Health Risks to Polygenic Diseases. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the SelectMyConversationsSortByAttribute page. - Simon Sarasova | - Added Racial Similarity, Skin Color and Hair Texture profile attributes; added genetic analysis tests; made use of switch statements; and implemented various other improvements and bug fixes. - Simon Sarasova | - Updated ReadMe.md images. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed "Location Composition" to "Ancestry Composition". - Simon Sarasova | - Removed the navigation bar from all loading screens. The navigation bar was not usable during loading anyway. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the Ascending/Descending default for several matches sort by attributes. - Simon Sarasova | - Updated Fyne to version 2.4.0. - Simon Sarasova | - Added Contributors.md. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed alphabetRange package to byteRange. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed notarize to timestamp when referring to memo timestamping. - Simon Sarasova | - Fixed bug which caused an unnecessary Unknown value item to be added to donut chart statistics items lists. - Simon Sarasova | - Replaced usage of maps with structs in myChatFilterStatistics package. - Simon Sarasova | - Added the IsIgnored desire. - Simon Sarasova | - Replaced usage of maps with structs in myDesireStatistics package. - Simon Sarasova | - Made use of the GetListOfMapKeys and GetListOfMapValues functions. - Simon Sarasova | - Renamed Race to Ancestry when referencing ancestral locations. I was trying to equate race and ancestry but they are not the same. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved chat GUI code to be faster at checking which messages are seen. - Simon Sarasova | - Replaced all usage of sort package with slices package. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the helpers package in various ways. - Simon Sarasova | - Added information to the GUI to teach the user that location composition and neanderthal variant predictions are averages which will not always match any conceived offspring exactly. - Simon Sarasova | - Fixed bug on statistics data page which caused empty parentheses to be shown for nonexistent units. - Simon Sarasova | - Replaced a few list functions in the helpers package with generic versions. - Simon Sarasova | - Removed splitLists package, replaced its usage with a single generic function. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved generate package. Fake profiles may now contain genome locus values. - Simon Sarasova | - User profiles now share genome locus values for rsIDs, not locus identifiers. Thus, profiles are smaller because loci which are used for multiple traits/diseases/rules only require 1 entry. - Simon Sarasova | - Removed sorting package and replaced its usage with the slices package. - Simon Sarasova | - Updated badger database to version 4.2.0. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved statistics functionality and code. Maps have been replaced with structs, simplifying and speeding up code. - Simon Sarasova | - Upgraded to Golang version 1.21. Made use of new language features. - Simon Sarasova | - Added NetworkType functionality. Also implemented many fixes and improvements. - Simon Sarasova | - Moved locus metadata into seperate files for each chromosome. - Simon Sarasova | - Moved company locus aliases to the locusMetadata package, and added many company aliases. 23andMe files now provide many more locations used in genetic analyses. - Simon Sarasova | - Switched to using bufio Reader to read genome files for improved performance and better code readability. - Simon Sarasova | - Added readRawGenomes package tests. - Simon Sarasova | - Genome maps created from raw genome files now only include loci which are used in the genetic analysis, speeding up analysis time and raw genome file reading. - Simon Sarasova | - Added seedPhrase package tests. - Simon Sarasova | - Fixed CRITICAL bug which would rarely result in no randomness being used to generate various keys. Thankfully, seed phrases and identity keys were not affected, so my identity hashes and memos should still be secure. - Simon Sarasova | - Added locusMetadata package, resulting in simpler code and a more accurate genetic analysis. Now rsID aliases are handled during genome combining. The locus metadata package adds locus position information, which will be necessary for predicting the effects of genetic linkage in probability estimates. - Simon Sarasova | - Added separators to the genetic reference pages to improve readability. - Simon Sarasova | - Fixed bug in genetic analysis which caused analysis to not account for multiple different monogenic disease variants on the same locus. - Simon Sarasova | - Improved the genetic analysis so each locus has an IsPhased status, rather than per-genome. This should improve analysis accuracy for combined genomes. - Simon Sarasova | - Removed GenomeStrand from the ReadRawGenome function outputs. The function itself will format all locus values to the Plus strand. - Simon Sarasova | - Started using Int64 to represent RSIDs rather than strings, improved data structure to store genomes with metadata. - Simon Sarasova | | | «« End Of Memo »»