

Seekia aims to accelerate humanity's adoption of race and genetics aware mate discovery technology.

Seekia aims to bring genetic order to humanity's breeding patterns.

Be Race Aware

Seekia is a mate discovery network where users can find a mate while having a deep awareness of each potential partner's race.

Users can share racial information in their profiles such as their eye, skin, and hair color; hair texture; genetic ancestry; haplogroups; and the alleles of their genes which effect physical traits.

Seekia enables users to browse and filter potential mates by their racial attributes.

Seekia can also calculate the racial characteristics for prospective offspring between users.

Seekia allows for users to predict and choose the race of their offspring by selecting a mate who is the most capable and likely to produce offspring of their desired race.

Curing Racial Loneliness

Seekia aims to cure racial loneliness by helping people to find members of their own race to mate with.

Seekia aims to help users to produce offspring who resemble them.

Facilitating Eugenic Breeding

Seekia aims to improve humanity's genetics by making humans more beautiful, healthier, more intelligent, more virtuous, and happier.

Users can filter and sort users by their genetic disease and trait information.

Users can analyze their genomes using the Seekia app to learn about monogenic disease risks, polygenic disease risks, and traits.

Users can share their disease and trait information in their profiles.

Seekia allows users to choose their mate in such a way to reduce the probability of their offspring having diseases and increase the probability of their offspring having certain traits.

Seekia users will choose mates who are the most likely to produce beautiful, healthy, intelligent, virtuous, and happy offspring.

Learn more by reading the Seekia whitepaper.

Read the Whitepaper


Below are the official Seekia websites.

These sites should be nearly identical to the website you are currently viewing.

Clearnet Site:


Ethereum IPFS Site:


Tor Site:
