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<h1> Posts </h1>
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<p>Below are my posts.</p>
<p>Posts are short ideas and thoughts.</p>
<p>Longer-form content is on the Blog page.</p>
<p>Please share these ideas. Giving me attribution is not necessary.</p>
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<p class = "shortPostDate">April 30th, 2024</p>
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<p>My name is Simon Sarasova.</p>
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<p>I have created a race aware mate discovery network called Seekia.</p>
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<p>Seekia is a mate discovery network where users can find a mate while having a deep awareness of each potential partner's race.</p>
<p>Users can share racial information in their profiles such as their eye, skin, and hair color; hair texture; and the alleles in their genome which effect physical traits. Users can also share their genetic ancestry, which correlates to their race.</p>
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<p>Seekia enables users to browse and filter potential mates by their racial attributes.</p>
<p>Seekia can also calculate the racial characteristics for prospective offspring between users.</p>
<p>Seekia allows for users to predict and choose the race of their offspring by selecting a mate who is the most capable and likely to produce offspring of their desired race.</p>
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<p>Seekia aims to cure racial loneliness.</p>
<p>Racial loneliness is the condition of being unable to find members of one's own race to mate with.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to help people to meet and mate with members of their own race.</p>
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<p>Seekia aims to beautify the human species.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to encourage breeding between human pairs which will produce the most beautiful offspring who belong to the most beautiful races and possess the most beautiful traits.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to help members of the most beautiful races to meet and have offspring, helping to increase the populations of the world's most beautiful races.</p>
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<p>Seekia is also genetics aware. Users can share genetic information in their profiles.</p>
<p>Users can choose a mate with whom their offspring has a lower probability of having diseases and a higher probability of possessing certain traits.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to drastically reduce the prevalence of recessive monogenic disorders within the human species.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to improve humanity's genetics by making humans more beautiful, healthy, intelligent, virtuous, and happy.</p>
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<p>Seekia is open source and released into the public domain.</p>
<p>The Seekia network is decentralized and not yet operational.</p>
<p>You can download the Seekia app and simulate its use.</p>
<p>You can also read the whitepaper which is located on the Seekia website.</p>
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<p>Here are some links:</p>
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<p>Seekia Clearnet website:</p>
<p>Seekia IPFS .eth website: Seekia.eth</p>
<p>My IPFS .eth website: SimonSarasova.eth</p>
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<p>To access .eth websites you can use Brave Browser.</p>
<p>To access them from any browser, you can use a gateway, which are trusted services run by third parties.</p>
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<p>Gateway 1:</p>
<p>Gateway 2:</p>
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<p>You can contact me using Session, an encrypted messenger. My Session identity key is on my website.</p>
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<p>Seekia's goal is to accelerate the world's adoption of race and genetics aware mate discovery technology.</p>
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<p>Seekia aims to usher in a new era of human breeding strategies.</p>
<p>Seekia aims to bring genetic order to humanity's breeding patterns.</p>
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<p>Please let me know your thoughts, and please spread the word about Seekia.</p>
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<p>The genetic future of our species is at stake.</p>
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<p>- Simon Sarasova</p>
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<a class = "shortPostMemoLink" href="./memos/posts/Post4.txt" target=”_blank”>View Signed Memo</a>
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<p class = "shortPostDate">March 11th, 2024</p>
<p>Beauty is more valuable than diversity.</p>
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<p>A world with low racial diversity and high beauty is better than a world with high racial diversity and low beauty.</p>
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<p>Beauty is measured by surveying the magnitude of sexual attraction felt by humans towards each other.</p>
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<a class = "shortPostMemoLink" href="./memos/posts/Post3.txt" target=”_blank”>View Signed Memo</a>
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<p class = "shortPostDate">March 11th, 2024</p>
<p>Seekia aims to bring genetic order to humanity's breeding patterns.</p>
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<p>Seekia aims to usher in a new era of human breeding strategies.</p>
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<a class = "shortPostMemoLink" href="./memos/posts/Post2.txt" target=”_blank”>View Signed Memo</a>
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<p class = "shortPostDate">March 11th, 2024</p>
<p>"You're here because you know something.</p>
<p>What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.</p>
<p>You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.</p>
<p>You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.</p>
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<p>It is this feeling that has brought you to me."</p>
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<p>- Morpheus</p>
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<a class = "shortPostMemoLink" href="./memos/posts/Post1.txt" target=”_blank”>View Signed Memo</a>