


Beauty Extinction Is Unlikely


May 1st, 2024

I have removed "prevent beauty extinction" from Seekia's goals. I now believe that the extinction of the world's most beautiful races is very unlikely. I believe that beauty extinction is unlikely enough that including it in Seekia's stated goals is unnecessary. I will describe my reasons below.

Race is defined by grouping humans by genetic characteristics such as skin color, eye color, hair color, hair texture, facial structure, and the genes which effect physical traits. Beauty extinction is defined as the extinction of the world's most beautiful human races.

I predict that the full diversity of modern human races will continue to exist for at least the next 100 years. This is partially because the average human lifespan is 80 years and will likely become longer. Thus, humanity has at least 100 years to enact solutions to the problem of beauty extinction. I predict that humanity will take the necessary actions to prevent the most beautiful races from going extinct by then.

Firstly, race aware mate discovery technologies like Seekia will help the world's most beautiful races to meet and have offspring. The world's most beautiful races are also able to preserve themselves without the use of race-aware mate discovery technologies such as Seekia by using less advanced methods to breed among themselves. Modern humans can identify other members of their own race by using less precise methods such as using one's own eye vision. The accuracy of eye vision is often sufficient enough to produce mate pairings which produce offspring who belong to the same race as one or both parents.

Secondly, people will choose to create and adopt embryos from the world's most beautiful races. The most beautiful races will be preserved through the harvesting and storage of their sperm, eggs, and genetic material in biobanks. Humanity will use this banked genetic material to produce members of the world's most beautiful races. For any races whose members have no sperm or eggs to donate, we will be able to produce sperm and eggs with their body cells using gametogenesis. Humanity must focus on preserving the most beautiful human races' genetic material in biobanks.

Even if beautiful races go extinct, genetic editing and fabrication are technologies which will be able to resurrect the most beautiful extincted races. Racial resurrection efforts only need to reproduce the portions of each extincted race's genomes which effect physical appearance in new humans. I predict that humanity will be able produce an embryo which possesses any target genome sequence within the next 100 years. I predict that by then, most of the modern world's races will have their genomes sequenced and available to the public. The sequencing of humanity's genomes will be aided by the monetary cheapening of genetic sequencing machines. If a race's genomes were not preserved, we will be able to exhume the bodies of the race's deceased members to sequence and replicate their genomes in new humans.

We will also be able to recreate extincted races' appearances by selectively breeding members of extant races over several generations. The selective breeding process will require enough time to allow the new humans to grow old enough so we can harvest their sperm and eggs, unless we use embryo breeding. Breeding embryos together to create new embryos will allow us to breed multiple generations of humans without needing to wait for the embryos to develop further.

For extinct races whose genomes and bodies we have no access to, humanity will probably be able to resurrect these races by producing novel genetic sequences. Advanced technologies will enable humanity to invent new genetic sequences which produce humans who resemble specific people, without requiring the possession of the target person's genetic sequence. People will be able to edit their offspring to have the appearance of people who they have photos of, such as celebrities and models. This technology will initially be limited to reproducing human appearances which contain attributes which exist in the genomes we have sequenced. For example, we will be able to create humans with a particular combination of skin, eye, and hair colors, so long as we have the genomes of humans who possess those skin, eye, and hair colors individually. This replication will be possible, even if all humans who possessed a particular skin, eye, and hair color combination are extinct and their genomes were never preserved.

Humanity will also probably create new races which will likely be more beautiful than any modern races. Creating novel hyper-beautiful synthetic races will make the potential extinction of modern beautiful races less tragic.


I overstated and overestimated the risk of beauty extinction. I'm sorry for being alarmist. I am confident that future beautiful race extinctions can be prevented. Even if a mass mortality event such as nuclear winter reduced the global population by 99%, beauty extinction probably wouldn't occur.

My anxiety around the extinction of human races was partially derived from my concern about the extinction of ancestral genetic clusters. I posit that humanity's historical ancestral genetic clusters are much more likely to go extinct than particular human appearances. Ancestral genetic clusters are the human populations reported by services such as 23andMe. The extinction of an ancestral genetic cluster results in a world without any "pure" members of the cluster. Ancestral clusters are measured by a set of DNA allele values which are commonly found among members of specific ancestral populations. Someone is considered a "pure" member of a cluster if their set of population allele markers are statistically extremely unlikely to be present within humans who have ancestors from any other populations from the same time period. Ancestral purity is not an exact science, because all ancestral human populations are genetically diverse. The concept of ancestral purity is also relative to specific human populations at specific periods in history, because many human populations are mixtures of older human populations.

I no longer care about the extinction of ancestral genetic clusters. All that matters to me is the preservation of the most beautiful appearances associated with these clusters. As soon as I stopped caring about the extinction of ancestral clusters and started only caring about the extinction of particular appearances, I realized how unlikely the risk of appearance extinction is. Ancestral genetic clusters are a fairly accurate and computationally-cheap way of classifying people by their appearance, thus, Seekia users gain benefits from filtering and discriminating their potential mates by these clusters. After the use of genetic editing for appearance becomes widespread, people who belong to particular clusters will be much less likely to share the historical appearance of the cluster's members. Thus, ancestral genetic clusters will become less valuable to filter and discriminate by when selecting a mate. I predict that technologies like Seekia will prevent many ancestral genetic clusters from going extinct, which is not an inherently good or bad thing. The long-term future of race aware mate discovery technologies like Seekia's will be a shift away from ancestral genetic cluster filtering to instead focus on appearance filtering and providing users with deep insights into the genes which control for appearance, helping users to choose a mate who looks a certain way and will produce offspring that look a certain way. Seekia will still allow users to share ancestry information for at least several centuries because some people get emotional value from their ancestral background and gain satisfaction from choosing the ancestral background of their mate and offspring.

The problem of the world's most beautiful races going extinct is much less important than the problem of the world's overall population becoming less beautiful. The overall prevalence of beauty in the world is what matters most. A race's beauty would still be very scarce, regardless of whether a beautiful race was extinct or if it existed in very small numbers. Either way, only a very small percentage of humans would be able to mate and breed with them. It is still better for the world's most beautiful races to not go extinct so that it is remains possible for anyone to pursue a relationship with one of their members. The possibility of such a relationship provides a positive psychological effect for humanity.

Seekia's now has 4 main goals: Curing racial loneliness, providing offspring race predictions, providing search-by-race, and facilitating eugenic breeding. Racial loneliness is important to cure because humans have a biological and psychological desire to breed with humans who resemble them and to produce offspring who resemble them. Offspring race prediction is important because people want to choose a mate who will produce offspring who possess a particular appearance. Search-by-race is important because people want to be able to find mates who belong to races they think are beautiful. Eugenics is important because humanity will be happier if humans become more beautiful, healthy, intelligent, and virtuous. I posit that our species has become less beautiful and healthy over the past 100 years. We need to utilize eugenic technologies and eugenic breeding practices to offset the dysgenic and uglifying effects of our modern world.

- Simon Sarasova

Below is a Seekia memo I digitally signed with my Seekia identity hash.

You can use the Seekia application to verify its authenticity.

| «« Seekia Memo »» | |- Signature: | WVY_LUlITj9TYuSufO3JxsLcGwmPyc | kQ4zrGG-Hvou0FF9HoqPG_3ysGH6YJ | MILW37IdvkhIp-sUMyP5PbFNBw== | |- Identity Key: | f59a0bce855d6e48105612ae73ffabfc | 4fac1349226433ff586e08b9b32ffd9d | |- Author: | simonx5yudleks5jhwhnck5s28m | |- Memo: | | Cardano Block Height: | 10257000 | | Cardano Block Hash: | eed3c86d731f8ecc393f2c6c51eb2d05879ee30b97d768fafc57303f89cb4c75 | | Date: | May 1st, 2024 | | Author: | Simon Sarasova | | Content Type: | Blog Post | | Title: | Beauty Extinction Is Unlikely | | Content: | | | I have removed "prevent beauty extinction" from Seekia's goals. I now believe that the extinction of the world's most beautiful races is very unlikely. I believe that beauty extinction is unlikely enough that including it in Seekia's stated goals is unnecessary. I will describe my reasons below. | | Race is defined by grouping humans by genetic characteristics such as skin color, eye color, hair color, hair texture, facial structure, and the genes which effect physical traits. Beauty extinction is defined as the extinction of the world's most beautiful human races. | | I predict that the full diversity of modern human races will continue to exist for at least the next 100 years. This is partially because the average human lifespan is 80 years and will likely become longer. Thus, humanity has at least 100 years to enact solutions to the problem of beauty extinction. I predict that humanity will take the necessary actions to prevent the most beautiful races from going extinct by then. | | Firstly, race aware mate discovery technologies like Seekia will help the world's most beautiful races to meet and have offspring. The world's most beautiful races are also able to preserve themselves without the use of race-aware mate discovery technologies such as Seekia by using less advanced methods to breed among themselves. Modern humans can identify other members of their own race by using less precise methods such as using one's own eye vision. The accuracy of eye vision is often sufficient enough to produce mate pairings which produce offspring who belong to the same race as one or both parents. | | Secondly, people will choose to create and adopt embryos from the world's most beautiful races. The most beautiful races will be preserved through the harvesting and storage of their sperm, eggs, and genetic material in biobanks. Humanity will use this banked genetic material to produce members of the world's most beautiful races. For any races whose members have no sperm or eggs to donate, we will be able to produce sperm and eggs with their body cells using gametogenesis. Humanity must focus on preserving the most beautiful human races' genetic material in biobanks. | | Even if beautiful races go extinct, genetic editing and fabrication are technologies which will be able to resurrect the most beautiful extincted races. Racial resurrection efforts only need to reproduce the portions of each extincted race's genomes which effect physical appearance in new humans. I predict that humanity will be able produce an embryo which possesses any target genome sequence within the next 100 years. I predict that by then, most of the modern world's races will have their genomes sequenced and available to the public. The sequencing of humanity's genomes will be aided by the monetary cheapening of genetic sequencing machines. If a race's genomes were not preserved, we will be able to exhume the bodies of the race's deceased members to sequence and replicate their genomes in new humans. | | We will also be able to recreate extincted races' appearances by selectively breeding members of extant races over several generations. The selective breeding process will require enough time to allow the new humans to grow old enough so we can harvest their sperm and eggs, unless we use embryo breeding. Breeding embryos together to create new embryos will allow us to breed multiple generations of humans without needing to wait for the embryos to develop further. | | For extinct races whose genomes and bodies we have no access to, humanity will probably be able to resurrect these races by producing novel genetic sequences. Advanced technologies will enable humanity to invent new genetic sequences which produce humans who resemble specific people, without requiring the possession of the target person's genetic sequence. People will be able to edit their offspring to have the appearance of people who they have photos of, such as celebrities and models. This technology will initially be limited to reproducing human appearances which contain attributes which exist in the genomes we have sequenced. For example, we will be able to create humans with a particular combination of skin, eye, and hair colors, so long as we have the genomes of humans who possess those skin, eye, and hair colors individually. This replication will be possible, even if all humans who possessed a particular skin, eye, and hair color combination are extinct and their genomes were never preserved. | | Humanity will also probably create new races which will likely be more beautiful than any modern races. Creating novel hyper-beautiful synthetic races will make the potential extinction of modern beautiful races less tragic. | | « Conclusion » | | I overstated and overestimated the risk of beauty extinction. I'm sorry for being alarmist. I am confident that future beautiful race extinctions can be prevented. Even if a mass mortality event such as nuclear winter reduced the global population by 99%, beauty extinction probably wouldn't occur. | | My anxiety around the extinction of human races was partially derived from my concern about the extinction of ancestral genetic clusters. I posit that humanity's historical ancestral genetic clusters are much more likely to go extinct than particular human appearances. Ancestral genetic clusters are the human populations reported by services such as 23andMe. The extinction of an ancestral genetic cluster results in a world without any "pure" members of the cluster. Ancestral clusters are measured by a set of DNA allele values which are commonly found among members of specific ancestral populations. Someone is considered a "pure" member of a cluster if their set of population allele markers are statistically extremely unlikely to be present within humans who have ancestors from any other populations from the same time period. Ancestral purity is not an exact science, because all ancestral human populations are genetically diverse. The concept of ancestral purity is also relative to specific human populations at specific periods in history, because many human populations are mixtures of older human populations. | | I no longer care about the extinction of ancestral genetic clusters. All that matters to me is the preservation of the most beautiful appearances associated with these clusters. As soon as I stopped caring about the extinction of ancestral clusters and started only caring about the extinction of particular appearances, I realized how unlikely the risk of appearance extinction is. Ancestral genetic clusters are a fairly accurate and computationally-cheap way of classifying people by their appearance, thus, Seekia users gain benefits from filtering and discriminating their potential mates by these clusters. After the use of genetic editing for appearance becomes widespread, people who belong to particular clusters will be much less likely to share the historical appearance of the cluster's members. Thus, ancestral genetic clusters will become less valuable to filter and discriminate by when selecting a mate. I predict that technologies like Seekia will prevent many ancestral genetic clusters from going extinct, which is not an inherently good or bad thing. The long-term future of race aware mate discovery technologies like Seekia's will be a shift away from ancestral genetic cluster filtering to instead focus on appearance filtering and providing users with deep insights into the genes which control for appearance, helping users to choose a mate who looks a certain way and will produce offspring that look a certain way. Seekia will still allow users to share ancestry information for at least several centuries because some people get emotional value from their ancestral background and gain satisfaction from choosing the ancestral background of their mate and offspring. | | The problem of the world's most beautiful races going extinct is much less important than the problem of the world's overall population becoming less beautiful. The overall prevalence of beauty in the world is what matters most. A race's beauty would still be very scarce, regardless of whether a beautiful race was extinct or if it existed in very small numbers. Either way, only a very small percentage of humans would be able to mate and breed with them. It is still better for the world's most beautiful races to not go extinct so that it is remains possible for anyone to pursue a relationship with one of their members. The possibility of such a relationship provides a positive psychological effect for humanity. | | Seekia's now has 4 main goals: Curing racial loneliness, providing offspring race predictions, providing search-by-race, and facilitating eugenic breeding. Racial loneliness is important to cure because humans have a biological and psychological desire to breed with humans who resemble them and to produce offspring who resemble them. Offspring race prediction is important because people want to choose a mate who will produce offspring who possess a particular appearance. Search-by-race is important because people want to be able to find mates who belong to races they think are beautiful. Eugenics is important because humanity will be happier if humans become more beautiful, healthy, intelligent, and virtuous. I posit that our species has become less beautiful and healthy over the past 100 years. We need to utilize eugenic technologies and eugenic breeding practices to offset the dysgenic and uglifying effects of our modern world. | | - Simon Sarasova | | | «« End Of Memo »»