

You can support me by donating to my Monero address:


Donations are very appreciated, and will help me focus more time and energy on Seekia.

I will also leave the project eventually, so keep that in mind when donating.

When I leave depends on many factors, but I do want to stay involved for years.

I feel that Seekia is the most important thing I can focus my energy on right now.

Even if I get no donations, I will still work on Seekia.

For privacy reasons, I am only publicly sharing a Monero donation address.

If you want to send other cryptocurrencies, contact me.

For our privacy, you should not donate directly from an exchange.

You should use a Monero wallet to receive your exchange withdrawal, and then send funds from that wallet.

If you donate directly via an exchange withdrawal, the exchange will learn the amount and recipient of your Monero donation.

You should also ideally use a Monero wallet which does not share your wallet's view key.

Wallets which share your view key are faster to sync, but they have a privacy risk.

The servers you share your view key with will gain access to sensitive information about your wallet.

I recommend using the official Monero GUI wallet.

Below is a Seekia memo I digitally signed with my Seekia identity hash.

You can use the Seekia application to verify its authenticity.

| «« Seekia Memo »» | |- Signature: | eZFOcoWrRvWc4xjBICv6pJWbvAIgid | L6eSwGDcMCOUzDJslT3c7Gj_OqQC2y | WzPGJ8Y-p57Tqkru_6-JA6UPBg== | |- Identity Key: | f59a0bce855d6e48105612ae73ffabfc | 4fac1349226433ff586e08b9b32ffd9d | |- Author: | simonx5yudleks5jhwhnck5s28m | |- Memo: | | Ethereum Block Height: | 17476616 | | Ethereum Block Hash: | 0xe6ec5fa6c0561e12e73699653b04bc4826e77af00fa0983e0f2b8938ec366f98 | | Date: | June 14, 2023 | | | You can support me by donating to my Monero address: | | 43jb81bbzmo2y8UjrS84LQ6xWtyW3kfEe7BQWz3WFRkc7SzXUp9hBtqWsAaBnSzGGs1jxR9Ub91a3LmcA3DJTCEy9yR7BNu | | | Donations are very appreciated, and will help me focus more time and energy on Seekia. | I will also leave the project eventually, so keep that in mind when donating. | When I leave depends on many factors, but I do want to stay involved for years. | I feel that Seekia is the most important thing I can focus my energy on right now. | Even if I get no donations, I will still work on Seekia. | | For privacy reasons, I am only publicly sharing a Monero donation address. | If you want to send other cryptocurrencies, contact me. | | For our privacy, you should not donate directly from an exchange. | You should use a Monero wallet to receive your exchange withdrawal, and then send funds from that wallet. | If you donate directly via an exchange withdrawal, the exchange will learn the amount and recipient of your Monero donation. | | You should also ideally use a Monero wallet which does not share your wallet's view key. | Wallets which share your view key are faster to sync, but they have a privacy risk. | The servers you share your view key with will gain access to sensitive information about your wallet. | I recommend using the official Monero GUI wallet. | | - Simon Sarasova | | | «« End Of Memo »»