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// profileFormat provides a specification of user profile format and syntax
// It is used by readProfiles to verify profiles
package profileFormat
//TODO: Add Host and Moderator attributes
//TODO: Change all attribute identifiers so they are in ascending order
// The order was tarnished after I added and removed some attributes
import "seekia/resources/currencies"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/traits"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/polygenicDiseases"
import "seekia/resources/imageFiles"
import "seekia/resources/worldLanguages"
import "seekia/resources/worldLocations"
import "seekia/internal/allowedText"
import "seekia/internal/cryptography/kyber"
import "seekia/internal/cryptography/nacl"
import "seekia/internal/encoding"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/companyAnalysis"
import "seekia/internal/helpers"
import "seekia/internal/identity"
import "seekia/internal/imagery"
import "seekia/internal/mateQuestionnaire"
import "slices"
import "strings"
import "errors"
func VerifyProfileType(profileType string)bool{
if (profileType == "Mate" || profileType == "Host" || profileType == "Moderator"){
return true
return false
func GetSupportedVersionsList()[]int{
supportedVersionsList := []int{1}
return supportedVersionsList
type AttributeObject struct{
// A list of the profile versions that this attribute is allowed for
ProfileVersions []int
// This is an integer that is used as the key for the entry in the raw profile
// We do this to save space. 16 (1 byte encoded MessagePack) is smaller than "SecondaryLocationCountry" (24 bytes).
// It will always be the same for all profile versions
// It must be a number between 0 and 4294967295
AttributeIdentifier int
// The name will always be the same across all profile versions
// We can change what is stored in the attribute for a new profile version, so we never need to worry about "using up" a name
AttributeName string
// Is true if this attribute is required for all profileTypes returned by GetProfileTypes
// Example: "CreationTime" and "ProfileType" are required attributes for all profiles
// Input: Profile Version
// Output: Attribute is required, error
GetIsRequired func(int)(bool, error)
// List of attributes that must come accompanied with this attribute
// An example is PrimaryLocationCountry, which must be accompanied by PrimaryLocationLatitude and PrimaryLocationLongitude
// If isRequired == true, this will be an empty list. All of the IsRequired==true attributes are part of the same mandatory group
// Input: Profile Version
// Output: Attribute mandatory attributes, error
GetMandatoryAttributes func(int)([]string, error)
// List of profileTypes that the attribute is allowed to exist for
// Example: "Height" is only permitted for Mate profiles
// Input: Profile Version
// Output: Attribute profile types, error
GetProfileTypes func(int)([]string, error)
// Returns "Always"/"Sometimes"/"Never"
// Example: "Age" is always canonical (a number), "GenderIdentity" is sometimes canonical, "Description" is never canonical.
// Input: Profile Version
// Output: Attribute Is Canonical, error
GetIsCanonical func(int)(string, error)
// This function is used to check if profile values are valid
// Input: Profile Version, ProfileType, Attribute Name
// Output: IsValid, IsCanonical, error
CheckValueFunction func(int, string, string)(bool, bool, error)
// This must be run once upon application startup
func InitializeProfileFormatVariables()error{
err := initializeProfileAttributeObjectsList()
if (err != nil) { return err }
profileAttributeObjectsList, err := GetProfileAttributeObjectsList()
if (err != nil) { return err }
// Map Structure: Attribute name -> Attribute Object
profileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap = make(map[int]AttributeObject)
// Map Structure: Attribute name -> Attribute Object
profileAttributeObjectsByNameMap = make(map[string]AttributeObject)
// Map Structure: Attribute Identifier -> Attribute Name
profileAttributeNamesByIdentifierMap = make(map[int]string)
// Map Structure: Attribute Name -> Attribute Identifier
profileAttributeIdentifiersByNameMap = make(map[string]int)
for _, attributeObject := range profileAttributeObjectsList{
attributeIdentifier := attributeObject.AttributeIdentifier
attributeName := attributeObject.AttributeName
profileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap[attributeIdentifier] = attributeObject
profileAttributeObjectsByNameMap[attributeName] = attributeObject
profileAttributeNamesByIdentifierMap[attributeIdentifier] = attributeName
profileAttributeIdentifiersByNameMap[attributeName] = attributeIdentifier
return nil
func GetAttributeNameFromAttributeIdentifier(attributeIdentifier int)(string, error){
if (profileAttributeNamesByIdentifierMap == nil){
return "", errors.New("GetAttributeNameFromAttributeIdentifier called when map is not initialized.")
attributeName, exists := profileAttributeNamesByIdentifierMap[attributeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
attributeIdentifierString := helpers.ConvertIntToString(attributeIdentifier)
return "", errors.New("GetAttributeNameFromAttributeIdentifier called with unknown attributeIdentifier: " + attributeIdentifierString)
return attributeName, nil
func GetAttributeIdentifierFromAttributeName(attributeName string)(int, error){
if (profileAttributeIdentifiersByNameMap == nil){
return 0, errors.New("GetAttributeIdentifierFromAttributeName called when map is not initialized.")
attributeIdentifier, exists := profileAttributeIdentifiersByNameMap[attributeName]
if (exists == false){
return 0, errors.New("GetAttributeIdentifierFromAttributeName called with unknown attributeName: " + attributeName)
return attributeIdentifier, nil
func GetAttributeObjectFromAttributeIdentifier(attributeIdentifier int)(AttributeObject, error){
profileAttributeObjectsMap, err := GetProfileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap()
if (err != nil) { return AttributeObject{}, err }
attributeObject, exists := profileAttributeObjectsMap[attributeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
attributeIdentifierString := helpers.ConvertIntToString(attributeIdentifier)
return AttributeObject{}, errors.New("GetAttributeObjectFromAttributeIdentifier called with unknown attribute identifier: " + attributeIdentifierString)
return attributeObject, nil
// We read data into these variables to make retrieval faster
// Map Structure: Attribute Identifier -> Attribute Name
var profileAttributeNamesByIdentifierMap map[int]string
// Map Structure: Attribute Name -> Attribute Identifier
var profileAttributeIdentifiersByNameMap map[string]int
// Map Structure: Attribute Identifier -> Attribute Object
var profileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap map[int]AttributeObject
// Map Structure: Attribute Name -> Attribute Object
var profileAttributeObjectsByNameMap map[string]AttributeObject
var profileAttributeObjectsList []AttributeObject
// Outputs:
// -map[int]AttributeObject: Attribute Identifier -> Attribute Object
func GetProfileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap()(map[int]AttributeObject, error){
if (profileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap == nil){
return nil, errors.New("GetProfileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap called when map is not initialized.")
return profileAttributeObjectsByIdentifierMap, nil
// Outputs:
// -map[string]AttributeObject: Attribute name -> Attribute Object
func GetProfileAttributeObjectsByNameMap()(map[string]AttributeObject, error){
if (profileAttributeObjectsByNameMap == nil){
return nil, errors.New("GetProfileAttributeObjectsByNameMap called when map is not initialized.")
return profileAttributeObjectsByNameMap, nil
func GetProfileAttributeObjectsList()([]AttributeObject, error){
if (profileAttributeObjectsList == nil){
return nil, errors.New("GetProfileAttributeObjectsList called when list is not initialized.")
return profileAttributeObjectsList, nil
func initializeProfileAttributeObjectsList()error{
// Below are some standard getAttribute functions
getIsRequired_Yes := func(profileVersion int)(bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, errors.New("Trying to retrieve isRequired status for unknown profile version.")
return true, nil
getIsRequired_No := func(profileVersion int)(bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, errors.New("Trying to retrieve isRequired status for unknown profile version.")
return false, nil
getMandatoryAttributes_None := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
emptyList := make([]string, 0)
return emptyList, nil
getProfileTypes_All := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve profileTypes for unknown profile version.")
profileTypesList := []string{"Mate", "Host", "Moderator"}
return profileTypesList, nil
getProfileTypes_Mate := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve profileTypes for unknown profile version.")
profileTypesList := []string{"Mate"}
return profileTypesList, nil
getProfileTypes_MateOrModerator := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve profileTypes for unknown profile version.")
profileTypesList := []string{"Mate", "Moderator"}
return profileTypesList, nil
getIsCanonical_Always := func(profileVersion int)(string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return "", errors.New("Trying to retrieve IsCanonical for unknown profile version.")
return "Always", nil
getIsCanonical_Sometimes := func(profileVersion int)(string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return "", errors.New("Trying to retrieve IsCanonical for unknown profile version.")
return "Sometimes", nil
getIsCanonical_Never := func(profileVersion int)(string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return "", errors.New("Trying to retrieve IsCanonical for unknown profile version.")
return "Never", nil
checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Mate 1to10 rating: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 1, 10)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
checkValueFunction_MateYesOrNo := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify MateYesOrNo: " + profileType)
if (input != "Yes" && input != "No"){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObjectsList := make([]AttributeObject, 0, 322)
checkValueFunction_ProfileVersion := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check ProfileVersion: " + profileType)
if (input != "1"){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_ProfileVersion := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 1,
AttributeName: "ProfileVersion",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_ProfileVersion,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_ProfileVersion)
checkValueFunction_NetworkType := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check NetworkType: " + profileType)
if (input != "1" && input != "2"){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_NetworkType := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 51,
AttributeName: "NetworkType",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_NetworkType,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_NetworkType)
checkValueFunction_IdentityKey := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check IdentityKey: " + profileType)
isValid := identity.VerifyIdentityKeyHex(input)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_IdentityKey := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 2,
AttributeName: "IdentityKey",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_IdentityKey,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_IdentityKey)
checkValueFunction_ProfileType := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check ProfileType: " + profileType)
if (input != profileType){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_ProfileType := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 3,
AttributeName: "ProfileType",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_ProfileType,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_ProfileType)
checkValueFunction_CreationTime := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check CreationTime: " + profileType)
_, err := helpers.ConvertCreationTimeStringToInt64(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_CreationTime := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 4,
AttributeName: "CreationTime",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_CreationTime,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_CreationTime)
checkValueFunction_Disabled := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check attribute value: " + profileType)
if (input != "Yes"){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_Disabled := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 5,
AttributeName: "Disabled",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Disabled,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Disabled)
checkValueFunction_ProfileLanguage := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to check ProfileLanguage: " + profileType)
languageIdentifier, err := helpers.ConvertStringToInt(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := worldLanguages.VerifyLanguageIdentifier(languageIdentifier)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_ProfileLanguage := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 107,
AttributeName: "ProfileLanguage",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_ProfileLanguage,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_ProfileLanguage)
checkValueFunction_Height := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check if Height is valid for non-mate profileType: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsFloatWithinRange(input, 30, 400)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == true){
return true, true, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Height := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 6,
AttributeName: "Height",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Height,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Height)
checkValueFunction_Sex := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check if Sex is valid for non-mate profileType: " + profileType)
if (input == "Male" || input == "Female" || input == "Intersex Male" || input == "Intersex Female" || input == "Intersex"){
return true, true, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Sex := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 7,
AttributeName: "Sex",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Sex,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Sex)
checkValueFunction_Age := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check if age is valid for non-mate profileType: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 18, 150)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == true){
return true, true, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Age := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 8,
AttributeName: "Age",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Age,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Age)
checkValueFunction_Description := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Description: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
descriptionLength := len(input)
if (profileType == "Mate" && descriptionLength <= 3000){
return true, false, nil
if (profileType == "Host" && descriptionLength <= 300){
return true, false, nil
if (profileType == "Moderator" && descriptionLength <= 500){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Description := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 9,
AttributeName: "Description",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Description,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Description)
checkValueFunction_Username := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Username: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
containsTabsOrNewlines := helpers.CheckIfStringContainsTabsOrNewlines(input)
if (containsTabsOrNewlines == true){
return false, false, nil
usernameByteLength := len(input)
if (usernameByteLength <= 25){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Username := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 10,
AttributeName: "Username",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Username,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Username)
checkValueFunction_LocationLatitude := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify LocationLatitude: " + profileType)
latitudeFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := helpers.VerifyLatitude(latitudeFloat64)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationLatitude := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLongitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_PrimaryLocationLatitude := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 11,
AttributeName: "PrimaryLocationLatitude",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationLatitude,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationLatitude,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_PrimaryLocationLatitude)
getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationLongitude := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLatitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_LocationLongitude := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify LocationLongitude: " + profileType)
longitudeFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := helpers.VerifyLongitude(longitudeFloat64)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_PrimaryLocationLongitude := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 12,
AttributeName: "PrimaryLocationLongitude",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationLongitude,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationLongitude,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_PrimaryLocationLongitude)
getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationCountry := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLatitude", "PrimaryLocationLongitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_LocationCountry := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify LocationCountry: " + profileType)
countryIdentifier, err := helpers.ConvertStringToInt(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := worldLocations.VerifyCountryIdentifier(countryIdentifier)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_PrimaryLocationCountry := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 13,
AttributeName: "PrimaryLocationCountry",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_PrimaryLocationCountry,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationCountry,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_PrimaryLocationCountry)
getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationLatitude := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLatitude", "PrimaryLocationLongitude", "SecondaryLocationLongitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_SecondaryLocationLatitude := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 14,
AttributeName: "SecondaryLocationLatitude",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationLatitude,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationLatitude,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_SecondaryLocationLatitude)
getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationLongitude := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLatitude", "PrimaryLocationLongitude", "SecondaryLocationLatitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_SecondaryLocationLongitude := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 15,
AttributeName: "SecondaryLocationLongitude",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationLongitude,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationLongitude,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_SecondaryLocationLongitude)
getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationCountry := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"PrimaryLocationLatitude", "PrimaryLocationLongitude", "SecondaryLocationLatitude", "SecondaryLocationLongitude"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_SecondaryLocationCountry := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 16,
AttributeName: "SecondaryLocationCountry",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_SecondaryLocationCountry,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_LocationCountry,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_SecondaryLocationCountry)
checkValueFunction_Tags := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Tags: " + profileType)
tagsList := strings.Split(input, "+&")
if (len(tagsList) > 30){
return false, false, nil
// We use this map to detect duplicates
allTagsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
totalTagByteLength := 0
for _, tagString := range tagsList{
if (tagString == ""){
return false, false, nil
_, exists := allTagsMap[tagString]
if (exists == true){
// Duplicate exists
return false, false, nil
allTagsMap[tagString] = struct{}{}
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(tagString)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
containsTabOrNewline := helpers.CheckIfStringContainsTabsOrNewlines(tagString)
if (containsTabOrNewline == true){
return false, false, nil
tagByteLength := len(tagString)
if (tagByteLength > 40){
return false, false, nil
totalTagByteLength += tagByteLength
if (totalTagByteLength > 500){
return false, false, nil
return true, false, nil
attributeObject_Tags := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 17,
AttributeName: "Tags",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Tags,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Tags)
checkValueFunction_Photos := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Photos: " + profileType)
base64PhotosList := strings.Split(input, "+")
if (len(base64PhotosList) > 5){
return false, false, nil
for _, base64Photo := range base64PhotosList{
photoBytes, err := encoding.DecodeBase64StringToBytes(base64Photo)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
if (base64Photo == ""){
return false, false, nil
isValid, err := imagery.VerifyStandardImageBytes(photoBytes)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, err
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, false, nil
attributeObject_Photos := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 18,
AttributeName: "Photos",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Photos,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Photos)
checkValueFunction_Questionnaire := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Questionnaire: " + profileType)
_, err := mateQuestionnaire.ReadQuestionnaireString(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
return true, false, nil
attributeObject_Questionnaire := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 19,
AttributeName: "Questionnaire",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Questionnaire,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Questionnaire)
checkValueFunction_Avatar := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Host" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Avatar: " + profileType)
emojiIdentifier, err := helpers.ConvertStringToInt(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := imageFiles.VerifyEmojiIdentifier(emojiIdentifier)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_Avatar := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 20,
AttributeName: "Avatar",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_All,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Avatar,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Avatar)
checkValueFunction_Sexuality := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Sexuality: " + profileType)
if (input != "Male" && input != "Female" && input != "Male And Female"){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_Sexuality := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 21,
AttributeName: "Sexuality",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Sexuality,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Sexuality)
checkValueFunction_23andMe_AncestryComposition := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify 23andMe_AncestryComposition: " + profileType)
isValid, _, _, _, err := companyAnalysis.ReadAncestryCompositionAttribute_23andMe(true, input)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_23andMe_AncestryComposition := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 22,
AttributeName: "23andMe_AncestryComposition",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_23andMe_AncestryComposition,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_23andMe_AncestryComposition)
checkValueFunction_23andMe_NeanderthalVariants := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify 23andMe_NeanderthalVariants: " + profileType)
neanderthalVariantsInt, err := helpers.ConvertStringToInt(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
isValid := companyAnalysis.VerifyNeanderthalVariants_23andMe(neanderthalVariantsInt)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_23andMe_NeanderthalVariants := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 23,
AttributeName: "23andMe_NeanderthalVariants",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_23andMe_NeanderthalVariants,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_23andMe_NeanderthalVariants)
checkValueFunction_23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify 23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup: " + profileType)
isValid, isCanonical := companyAnalysis.VerifyMaternalHaplogroup_23AndMe(input)
return isValid, isCanonical, nil
attributeObject_23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 24,
AttributeName: "23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Sometimes,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_23andMe_MaternalHaplogroup)
checkValueFunction_23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify 23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup: " + profileType)
isValid, isCanonical := companyAnalysis.VerifyPaternalHaplogroup_23AndMe(input)
return isValid, isCanonical, nil
attributeObject_23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 25,
AttributeName: "23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Sometimes,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_23andMe_PaternalHaplogroup)
checkValueFunction_BodyFat := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify BodyFat: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 1, 4)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_BodyFat := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 26,
AttributeName: "BodyFat",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_BodyFat,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_BodyFat)
checkValueFunction_BodyMuscle := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify BodyMuscle: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 1, 4)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_BodyMuscle := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 27,
AttributeName: "BodyMuscle",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_BodyMuscle,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_BodyMuscle)
checkValueFunction_EyeColor := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify EyeColor: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
eyeColorsList := strings.Split(input, "+")
if (len(eyeColorsList) > 4){
return false, false, nil
// We use this map to check for duplicates
addedColorsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, colorName := range eyeColorsList{
if (colorName != "Blue" && colorName != "Green" && colorName != "Amber" && colorName != "Brown"){
return false, false, nil
_, exists := addedColorsMap[colorName]
if (exists == true){
return false, false, nil
addedColorsMap[colorName] = struct{}{}
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_EyeColor := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 28,
AttributeName: "EyeColor",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_EyeColor,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_EyeColor)
checkValueFunction_HairColor := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify HairColor: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
hairColorsList := strings.Split(input, "+")
if (len(hairColorsList) > 2){
return false, false, nil
// We use this map to check for duplicates
addedColorsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, colorName := range hairColorsList{
if (colorName != "Black" && colorName != "Brown" && colorName != "Blonde" && colorName != "Orange"){
return false, false, nil
_, exists := addedColorsMap[colorName]
if (exists == true){
return false, false, nil
addedColorsMap[colorName] = struct{}{}
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_HairColor := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 29,
AttributeName: "HairColor",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_HairColor,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_HairColor)
checkValueFunction_HairTexture := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify HairTexture: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
// 1 == Straight, 2 == Slightly Wavy, 3 == Wavy, 4 == Big Curls, 5 == Small Curls, 6 == Very Tight Curls
// These descriptions are taken from 23andMe.
if (input == "1" || input == "2" || input == "3" || input == "4" || input == "5" || input == "6"){
return true, true, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_HairTexture := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 63,
AttributeName: "HairTexture",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_HairTexture,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_HairTexture)
checkValueFunction_SkinColor := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify SkinColor: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
if (input == "1" || input == "2" || input == "3" || input == "4" || input == "5" || input == "6"){
return true, true, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_SkinColor := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 108,
AttributeName: "SkinColor",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_SkinColor,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_SkinColor)
attributeObject_HasHIV := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 30,
AttributeName: "HasHIV",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MateYesOrNo,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_HasHIV)
attributeObject_HasGenitalHerpes := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 31,
AttributeName: "HasGenitalHerpes",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MateYesOrNo,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_HasGenitalHerpes)
checkValueFunction_Hobbies := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Hobbies: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
if (len(input) <= 1000){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Hobbies := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 32,
AttributeName: "Hobbies",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Hobbies,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Hobbies)
getMandatoryAttributes_Wealth := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"WealthCurrency", "WealthIsLowerBound"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_Wealth := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Wealth: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 0, 9223372036854775807)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_Wealth := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 33,
AttributeName: "Wealth",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_Wealth,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Wealth,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Wealth)
getMandatoryAttributes_WealthCurrency := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"Wealth", "WealthIsLowerBound"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_WealthCurrency := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify WealthCurrency: " + profileType)
isValid, err := currencies.VerifyCurrencyCode(input)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_WealthCurrency := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 34,
AttributeName: "WealthCurrency",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_WealthCurrency,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_WealthCurrency,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_WealthCurrency)
getMandatoryAttributes_WealthIsLowerBound := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Invalid profile version when trying to get mandatory attributes.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"Wealth", "WealthCurrency"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_WealthIsLowerBound := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 35,
AttributeName: "WealthIsLowerBound",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_WealthIsLowerBound,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MateYesOrNo,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_WealthIsLowerBound)
checkValueFunction_Job := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Job: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
if (len(input) <= 100){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Job := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 36,
AttributeName: "Job",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Job,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Job)
addFoodRatingAttributeObject := func(attributeIdentifier int, attributeName string){
attributeObject_FoodRating := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: attributeIdentifier,
AttributeName: attributeName,
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_FoodRating)
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(37, "FruitRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(38, "VegetablesRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(39, "NutsRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(40, "GrainsRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(41, "DairyRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(42, "SeafoodRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(43, "BeefRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(44, "PorkRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(45, "PoultryRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(46, "EggsRating")
addFoodRatingAttributeObject(47, "BeansRating")
//TODO: Add Potatoes?
attributeObject_Fame := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 48,
AttributeName: "Fame",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Fame)
attributeObject_AlcoholFrequency := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 49,
AttributeName: "AlcoholFrequency",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_AlcoholFrequency)
attributeObject_TobaccoFrequency := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 50,
AttributeName: "TobaccoFrequency",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_TobaccoFrequency)
attributeObject_CannabisFrequency := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 52,
AttributeName: "CannabisFrequency",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_CannabisFrequency)
checkValueFunction_Language := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Language: " + profileType)
languageItemsList := strings.Split(input, "+&")
if (len(languageItemsList) > 100){
return false, false, nil
allLanguageObjectsMap, err := worldLanguages.GetWorldLanguageObjectsMap()
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
// We use this map to detect duplicates
languageNamesMap := make(map[string]struct{})
customLanguageExists := false
for _, languageItem := range languageItemsList{
languageName, languageRating, delimiterFound := strings.Cut(languageItem, "$")
if (delimiterFound == false){
return false, false, nil
_, exists := languageNamesMap[languageName]
if (exists == true){
return false, false, nil
languageNamesMap[languageName] = struct{}{}
ratingIsValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(languageRating, 1, 5)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (ratingIsValid == false){
return false, false, nil
_, exists = allLanguageObjectsMap[languageName]
if (exists == false){
// Language must be custom
customLanguageExists = true
if (languageName == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(languageName)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
containsTabsOrNewlines := helpers.CheckIfStringContainsTabsOrNewlines(languageName)
if (containsTabsOrNewlines == true){
return false, false, nil
if (len(languageName) > 30){
return false, false, nil
if (customLanguageExists == false){
return true, true, nil
return true, false, nil
attributeObject_Language := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 53,
AttributeName: "Language",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Sometimes,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Language,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Language)
checkValueFunction_Beliefs := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify Beliefs: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
if (len(input) <= 1000){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_Beliefs := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 54,
AttributeName: "Beliefs",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Never,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Beliefs,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_Beliefs)
checkValueFunction_GenderIdentity := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify GenderIdentity: " + profileType)
if (input == ""){
return false, false, nil
isAllowed := allowedText.VerifyStringIsAllowed(input)
if (isAllowed == false){
return false, false, nil
containsTabsOrNewlines := helpers.CheckIfStringContainsTabsOrNewlines(input)
if (containsTabsOrNewlines == true){
return false, false, nil
if (input == "Man" || input == "Woman"){
return true, true, nil
if (len(input) <= 50){
return true, false, nil
return false, false, nil
attributeObject_GenderIdentity := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 55,
AttributeName: "GenderIdentity",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Sometimes,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_GenderIdentity,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_GenderIdentity)
attributeObject_PetsRating := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 56,
AttributeName: "PetsRating",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_PetsRating)
attributeObject_DogsRating := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 57,
AttributeName: "DogsRating",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_DogsRating)
attributeObject_CatsRating := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 58,
AttributeName: "CatsRating",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_None,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_Mate1To10Rating,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_CatsRating)
getMandatoryAttributes_NaclKey := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to check mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"KyberKey", "DeviceIdentifier", "ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_NaclKey := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify NaclKey: " + profileType)
isValid := nacl.VerifyNaclPublicKeyString(input)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_NaclKey := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 103,
AttributeName: "NaclKey",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_NaclKey,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_MateOrModerator,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_NaclKey,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_NaclKey)
getMandatoryAttributes_KyberKey := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to check mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"NaclKey", "DeviceIdentifier", "ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_KyberKey := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify KyberKey: " + profileType)
isValid := kyber.VerifyKyberPublicKeyString(input)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_KyberKey := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 104,
AttributeName: "KyberKey",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_KyberKey,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_MateOrModerator,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_KyberKey,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_KyberKey)
getMandatoryAttributes_DeviceIdentifier := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to check mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"NaclKey", "KyberKey", "ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_DeviceIdentifier := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify DeviceIdentifier: " + profileType)
isValid := helpers.VerifyHexString(11, input)
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_DeviceIdentifier := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 105,
AttributeName: "DeviceIdentifier",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_DeviceIdentifier,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_MateOrModerator,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_DeviceIdentifier,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_DeviceIdentifier)
getMandatoryAttributes_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to check mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{"NaclKey", "KyberKey", "DeviceIdentifier"}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
checkValueFunction_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate" && profileType != "Moderator"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime: " + profileType)
_, err := helpers.ConvertCreationTimeStringToInt64(input)
if (err != nil){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
attributeObject_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: 106,
AttributeName: "ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime",
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_Yes,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_MateOrModerator,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_ChatKeysLatestUpdateTime)
checkValueFunction_MonogenicDiseaseVariantProbability := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify MonogenicDiseaseVariantProbability: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 0, 100)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
addMonogenicDiseaseVariantProbabilityAttribute := func(attributeIdentifier int, attributeName string){
attributePrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(attributeName, "ProbabilityOfPassingAVariant")
getMandatoryAttributes_MonogenicDisease := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributeName := attributePrefix + "NumberOfVariantsTested"
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{mandatoryAttributeName}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_MonogenicDiseaseVariantProbability := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: attributeIdentifier,
AttributeName: attributeName,
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_MonogenicDisease,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MonogenicDiseaseVariantProbability,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_MonogenicDiseaseVariantProbability)
checkValueFunction_MonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTested := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify MonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTested: " + profileType)
isValid, err := helpers.VerifyStringIsIntWithinRange(input, 1, 31)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
addMonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTestedAttribute := func(attributeIdentifier int, attributeName string){
attributePrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(attributeName, "NumberOfVariantsTested")
getMandatoryAttributes_MonogenicDisease := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributeName := attributePrefix + "ProbabilityOfPassingAVariant"
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{mandatoryAttributeName}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_MonogenicDiseaseVariantsTested := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: attributeIdentifier,
AttributeName: attributeName,
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributes_MonogenicDisease,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTested,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_MonogenicDiseaseVariantsTested)
addMonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTestedAttribute(59, "MonogenicDisease_Cystic_Fibrosis_NumberOfVariantsTested")
addMonogenicDiseaseVariantProbabilityAttribute(60, "MonogenicDisease_Cystic_Fibrosis_ProbabilityOfPassingAVariant")
addMonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTestedAttribute(61, "MonogenicDisease_Sickle_Cell_Anemia_NumberOfVariantsTested")
addMonogenicDiseaseVariantProbabilityAttribute(62, "MonogenicDisease_Sickle_Cell_Anemia_ProbabilityOfPassingAVariant")
// TODO: Change attributeIdentifiers so:
// -Polygenic diseases are allotted the range: 1000 - 1999
// -Monogenic diseases are allotted the range: 2000 - 9,999
// -rsIDs are allotted the range: 10,000 - 3,000,000 (profiles will probably never share more than 500,000 loci)
// We build the profile from the traits/polygenic diseases objects list
// This approach is temporary
// Once we have profile versions on a testnet/mainnet, we have to keep the loci static for each profile version
// For now, profile encodings will change whenever we add/remove locus metadata
// This map will store all rsIDs for traits and polygenic diseases
shareableRSIDsMap := make(map[int64]struct{})
traitObjectsList, err := traits.GetTraitObjectsList()
if (err != nil){ return err }
for _, traitObject := range traitObjectsList{
traitLociList := traitObject.LociList
for _, rsID := range traitLociList{
shareableRSIDsMap[rsID] = struct{}{}
polygenicDiseaseObjectsList, err := polygenicDiseases.GetPolygenicDiseaseObjectsList()
if (err != nil) { return err }
for _, diseaseObject := range polygenicDiseaseObjectsList{
diseaseLociList := diseaseObject.LociList
for _, rsID := range diseaseLociList{
shareableRSIDsMap[rsID] = struct{}{}
shareableRSIDsList := helpers.GetListOfMapKeys(shareableRSIDsMap)
// We sort rsIDs so they are always in the same order
validBasesList := []string{"C", "A", "T", "G", "I", "D"}
checkValueFunction_GenomeBasePair := func(profileVersion int, profileType string, input string)(bool, bool, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return false, false, errors.New("Trying to check profile value for unknown profile version.")
if (profileType != "Mate"){
return false, false, errors.New("Invalid profile type when trying to verify MonogenicDiseaseNumberOfVariantsTested: " + profileType)
base1, base2, delimiterFound := strings.Cut(input, ";")
if (delimiterFound == false){
return false, false, nil
baseIsValid := slices.Contains(validBasesList, base1)
if (baseIsValid == false){
return false, false, nil
baseIsValid = slices.Contains(validBasesList, base2)
if (baseIsValid == false){
return false, false, nil
return true, true, nil
addLocusValueAttributeObject := func(attributeIdentifier int, attributeName string, mandatoryAttributeName string){
getMandatoryAttributeFunction := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{mandatoryAttributeName}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_LocusValueBasePair := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: attributeIdentifier,
AttributeName: attributeName,
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributeFunction,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_GenomeBasePair,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_LocusValueBasePair)
addLocusIsPhasedAttributeObject := func(attributeIdentifier int, attributeName string, mandatoryAttributeName string){
getMandatoryAttributeFunction := func(profileVersion int)([]string, error){
if (profileVersion != 1){
return nil, errors.New("Trying to retrieve mandatory attributes for unknown profile version.")
mandatoryAttributesList := []string{mandatoryAttributeName}
return mandatoryAttributesList, nil
attributeObject_LocusIsPhased := AttributeObject{
ProfileVersions: []int{1},
AttributeIdentifier: attributeIdentifier,
AttributeName: attributeName,
GetIsRequired: getIsRequired_No,
GetMandatoryAttributes: getMandatoryAttributeFunction,
GetProfileTypes: getProfileTypes_Mate,
GetIsCanonical: getIsCanonical_Always,
CheckValueFunction: checkValueFunction_MateYesOrNo,
attributeObjectsList = append(attributeObjectsList, attributeObject_LocusIsPhased)
index := 10000
for _, rsID := range shareableRSIDsList{
rsIDString := helpers.ConvertInt64ToString(rsID)
locusValueAttributeName := "LocusValue_rs" + rsIDString
locusIsPhasedAttributeName := "LocusIsPhased_rs" + rsIDString
addLocusValueAttributeObject(index, locusValueAttributeName, locusIsPhasedAttributeName)
index += 1
addLocusIsPhasedAttributeObject(index, locusIsPhasedAttributeName, locusValueAttributeName)
index += 1
profileAttributeObjectsList = attributeObjectsList
return nil