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// geneticAnalysis implements the geneticAnalysis objects
// There are 2 geneticAnalysis types: Person and Couple
package geneticAnalysis
import "seekia/internal/genetics/locusValue"
type PersonAnalysis struct{
AnalysisVersion int
// This is a list of each raw genome identifier (not including combined genomes)
AllRawGenomeIdentifiersList [][16]byte
// This is true if there is more than 1 raw genome
CombinedGenomesExist bool
// These are the identifiers for the combined genomes
// These only exist if CombinedGenomesExist == true
OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> PersonMonogenicDiseaseInfo
MonogenicDiseasesMap map[string]PersonMonogenicDiseaseInfo
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> PersonPolygenicDiseaseInfo
PolygenicDiseasesMap map[string]PersonPolygenicDiseaseInfo
// Map Structure: Trait Name -> Trait Info Object
TraitsMap map[string]PersonTraitInfo
type PersonMonogenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This map gives information about each genome's monogenic disease risk
// If no map entries exist, then no disease info is known
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseInfo
MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap map[[16]byte]PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseInfo
// This is true if there are multiple genomes and the results for each genome differ
ConflictExists bool
type PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This describes if the person has the disease
PersonHasDisease bool
// This describes the number of variants that were tested for this disease
NumberOfVariantsTested int
// This describes the number of loci that were tested for this disease
// 1 locus can have multiple potential variants
NumberOfLociTested int
// This describes the number of loci which are phased
// This number will always be <= NumberOfLociTested
NumberOfPhasedLoci int
// This describes the probability that the person will pass a disease variant
// It is a value that represents a percentage between 0-100
ProbabilityOfPassingADiseaseVariant int
// This map contains info about all tested monogenic disease variants for the genome
// If the map does not contain an item for a disease variant, then the genome does not contain information for that variant
// Map Structure: Variant Identifier -> PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo
VariantsInfoMap map[[3]byte]PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo
type PersonGenomeMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo struct{
// These bools describe if each base has the variant at the variant's locus
Base1HasVariant bool
Base2HasVariant bool
// This bool describes if the bases are phased or not
// If they are not phased, then Base1/2 are the same, the number carries no meaning
// If they are phased, then Base1 is inherited from the father? and Base2 was inherited from the mother?
LocusIsPhased bool
type PersonPolygenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// If no map entries exist, then no disease info is known
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseInfo
PolygenicDiseaseInfoMap map[[16]byte]PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseInfo
// This is true if there are multiple genomes and the results from each genome differ
ConflictExists bool
type PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This describes the number of loci tested for this disease
// This should be len(LociInfoList)
NumberOfLociTested int
// This is total risk score for this disease for the person's genome
// This is a number between 1-10
RiskScore int
// This map contains info about all tested polygenic disease loci for this genome
// If a locus does not exist in the map, its values are unknown
// Map Structure: Locus Identifier -> PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo
LociInfoMap map[[3]byte]PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo
type PersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo struct{
// The person's genome locus base pair value for this variant's locus
// Example: "G", "C"
LocusBase1 string
LocusBase2 string
// This is the risk weight that this person's genome has for this variant
// A higher risk weight means more risk of getting the disease
RiskWeight int
// This is valse if the odds ratio is not known
OddsRatioIsKnown bool
// This is the person's genome odds ratio value for this variant's locus
// A ratio >1 means their risk is increased, a ratio <1 means their risk is decreased
OddsRatio float64
type PersonTraitInfo struct{
// This map contains the person's trait info for each genome
// If no map entries exist, then no trait info is known
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> PersonGenomeTraitInfo
TraitInfoMap map[[16]byte]PersonGenomeTraitInfo
// This is true if there are multiple genomes and the results from each genome differ
ConflictExists bool
type PersonGenomeTraitInfo struct{
// This should be len(RulesList)
NumberOfRulesTested int
// This map contains the locus values for the genome
// If an locus's entry doesn't exist, its value is unknown
// Map Structure: Locus rsID -> Locus Value
LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue
// This map contains the outcome scores for the genome
// Map Structure: Outcome Name -> Score
// Example: "Intolerant" -> 5
OutcomeScoresMap map[string]int
// Map Structure: Rule Identifier -> Genome Passes rule (true if the genome passes the rule)
GenomePassesRulesMap map[[3]byte]bool
type CoupleAnalysis struct{
AnalysisVersion int
Pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte
Pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte
// This is only true if at least 1 person has more than 1 genome
SecondPairExists bool
// These are empty unless SecondPairExists == true
Pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte
Pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte
Person1HasMultipleGenomes bool
Person2HasMultipleGenomes bool
// These are empty unless Person1HasMultipleGenomes == true
Person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
Person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
// These are empty unless Person2HasMultipleGenomes == true
Person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
Person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier [16]byte
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo
MonogenicDiseasesMap map[string]OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo
PolygenicDiseasesMap map[string]OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo
// Map Structure: Trait Name -> Trait Info Object
TraitsMap map[string]OffspringTraitInfo
type OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This map stores the number of variants tested in each person's genome
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> Number of variants tested
NumberOfVariantsTestedMap map[[16]byte]int
// This map stores the offspring disease probabilities for each genome pair.
// A genome pair is a concatenation of two genome identifiers
// If a map entry doesn't exist, the probabilities are unknown for that genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfo
MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap map[[32]byte]OffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfo
// This is true if there is more than 1 genome pair and the results from each genome pair differ
ConflictExists bool
type OffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// At least 1 variant's information is needed from either person to include the diseaseInfo object in the MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap
ProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown bool
// This is the probability that the offspring will have the disease
// Is a number between 0-100%
ProbabilityOffspringHasDisease int
ProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown bool
// This is the probability that the offspring will have a variant
// Is a number between 0-100%
ProbabilityOffspringHasVariant int
// Map Structure: Variant Identifier -> OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo
VariantsInfoMap map[[3]byte]OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo
type OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo struct{
// These are all numbers between 0-100%
ProbabilityOf0MutationsLowerBound int
ProbabilityOf0MutationsUpperBound int
ProbabilityOf1MutationLowerBound int
ProbabilityOf1MutationUpperBound int
ProbabilityOf2MutationsLowerBound int
ProbabilityOf2MutationsUpperBound int
type OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This map stores the polygenic disease info for each genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo
PolygenicDiseaseInfoMap map[[32]byte]OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo
// This is true if there is more than 1 genome pair and the results from each genome pair differ
ConflictExists bool
type OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo struct{
// This should be len(DiseaseLociList)
NumberOfLociTested int
// A number between 1-10 representing the offspring's risk
// 1 == lowest risk, 10 == highest risk
OffspringRiskScore int
// A map of the offspring's locus information
// Map Structure: Locus Identifier -> OffspringPolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo
LociInfoMap map[[3]byte]OffspringPolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo
type OffspringPolygenicDiseaseLocusInfo struct{
// This is the offspring's risk weight for this locus value
// A higher weight means a higher risk of the disease
OffspringRiskWeight int
OffspringOddsRatioIsKnown bool
// This value represent's the offspring's average odds ratio for the disease locus
// A value <1 denotes a lesser risk, a value >1 denotes an increased risk
OffspringOddsRatio float64
// This is the sum of weights for the loci which have no odds ratios
// We do this to understand what effect those loci are having on the odds ratio
// If the sum is <0, we say the ratio is probably lower
// If the sum is >0, we say the ratio is probably higher
OffspringUnknownOddsRatiosWeightSum int
type OffspringTraitInfo struct{
// This map stores the trait info for each genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairTraitInfo
TraitInfoMap map[[32]byte]OffspringGenomePairTraitInfo
ConflictExists bool
type OffspringGenomePairTraitInfo struct{
// This should be len(TraitRulesList)
NumberOfRulesTested int
// Map Structure: Outcome Name -> Outcome Score
// Example: "Intolerant" -> 2.5
OffspringAverageOutcomeScoresMap map[string]float64
// Map Structure: Rule Identifier -> Offspring Probability Of Passing Rule
// The value stores the probability that the offspring will pass the rule
// This is a number between 0-100%
ProbabilityOfPassingRulesMap map[[3]byte]int