// spendCredit provides functions to communicate with the account credit servers to fund messages, profiles, and reports package spendCredit //TODO: Build this package import "seekia/internal/network/myFundedStatus" import "time" //Outputs: // -bool: Funds are sufficient // -bool: Message fund is successful // -error func FundMyMessageWithServer(messageIdentifier [20]byte, messageHash [26]byte, messageNetworkType byte, messageSizeInBytes int, messageDuration int)(bool, bool, error){ //TODO // The function should contact account credits server and fund message // This function should unfreeze the funds associated with the message // If the funds are not sufficient, it should refreeze them time.Sleep(time.Second) currentTime := time.Now().Unix() messageExpiration := currentTime + int64(messageDuration) err := myFundedStatus.SetMyMessageIsFundedStatus(messageHash, true, messageExpiration) if (err != nil) { return false, false, err } return true, true, nil }