// temporaryDownloads provides functions to keep track of a user's temporary downloads // These are reviews, reports, profiles and messages that a user is downloading temporarily to look at package temporaryDownloads // These downloads will be initiated through the GUI as the user browses content // Thus, the content will be outside of a user's downloads range (host/moderator range) // Temporary downloads will primarily be used by moderators, but can be used by anyone who wants to view content outside of their downloads range // The Seekia client needs a way to keep track of temporarily downloaded content // It will then avoid deleting this content until the download KeepDuration expires // This KeepDuration can be changed by the user. It will default to 10 minutes. // An example of a temporary download would be: // -A moderator who wants to download all profiles created by a user who is outside of their range // -A moderator who wants to download all reviews for a particular identity outside of their range //TODO: Build this package // We have to keep track of what kind of data is being downloaded // Examples: // -Reviews authored by a moderator // -Profiles authored by user // -Reviews/Reports of an identity // -Reviews/Reports of a message //TODO: Clear temporary downloads when network type is changed func CheckIfIdentityReviewsAreWithinMyTemporaryDownloads(identityHash [16]byte)(bool, error){ //TODO return false, nil } func CheckIfMessageReviewsAreWithinMyTemporaryDownloads(messageHash [26]byte)(bool, error){ //TODO return false, nil }