package readBiobankData // file openSNP.go provides a datastructure and function to read data from the biobank. import "seekia/internal/helpers" import "encoding/csv" import "os" import "io" import "strings" import "slices" type PhenotypeData_OpenSNP struct{ UserID int EyeColorIsKnown bool // Options: "Green", "Blue", "Hazel", "Brown" EyeColor string LactoseToleranceIsKnown bool // true == Is Lactose Tolerant LactoseTolerance bool HairColorIsKnown bool // Options: "Dark Brown", "Brown", "Light Brown", "Blonde", "Black", "Orange", "Dark Red" HairColor string HeightIsKnown bool // Height is expressed in centimeters Height float64 HappinessIsKnown bool // Happiness expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very sad // -1 == Very happy Happiness float64 MentalIllnessIsKnown bool // Mental Illness expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very mentally well adjusted // -1 == Very mentally ill MentalIllness float64 HomosexualnessIsKnown bool // Homosexualness expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very Heterosexual // -0.5 == Bisexual desires // -1 == Very homosexual Homosexualness float64 SupernaturalismIsKnown bool // Supernaturalism expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Atheist // -1 == Strong belief in the supernatural (religious/spiritual) Supernaturalism float64 ObesityIsKnown bool // Obesity expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very skinny // -1 == Very obese Obesity float64 AnxietyIsKnown bool // Anxiety expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very relaxed // -1 == Very anxious Anxiety float64 AutismIsKnown bool // Autism expressed as a value between 0 and 1 // -0 == Very non-autistic // -1 == Very autistic Autism float64 } // This function reads the phenotypes_202308230100.csv file in the openSNP biobank data. // //Outputs: // -bool: Able to read file (file is well formed and not corrupt) // -[]PhenotypeData_OpenSNP func ReadOpenSNPPhenotypesFile(fileObject *os.File)(bool, []PhenotypeData_OpenSNP){ csvFileReader := csv.NewReader(fileObject) csvFileReader.LazyQuotes = true csvFileReader.Comma = ';' // First we read the first line (header line) _, err := csvFileReader.Read() if (err != nil){ // File is corrupt return false, nil } // Now we iterate through each user's phenotype data //Map Structure: User ID -> Phenotype data object userPhenotypeDataMap := make(map[int]PhenotypeData_OpenSNP) for { userDataLineSlice, err := csvFileReader.Read() if (err != nil) { if (err == io.EOF){ // We have reached the end of the file break } // File is corrupt return false, nil } userIDString := userDataLineSlice[0] userID, err := helpers.ConvertStringToInt(userIDString) if (err != nil){ // File is corrupt return false, nil } _, exists := userPhenotypeDataMap[userID] if (exists == true){ // This user has multiple entries // Each entry is identical except for the raw genome filename // We will continue continue } //Outputs: // -bool: User eye color is known // -string: User eye color getUserEyeColor := func()(bool, string){ //Outputs: // -bool: Eye color is known // -string: Eye color convertRawEyeColorToEyeColor := func(inputRawEyeColor string)(bool, string){ switch inputRawEyeColor{ case "-":{ return false, "" } case "Brown", "brown", "Dark brown", "Brown/black", "Grey brown":{ return true, "Brown" } case "Hazel", "hazel", "Brown-green", "brown-green", "Hazel/Light Brown", "Hazel (light brown, dark green, dark blue)", "Brown-amber", "Indeterminate brown-green with a subtle grey caste", "Hazel (brown/green)", "Green-hazel", "Amber - (yellow/ocre brown)", "Hazel/light brown", "Green-brown", "green-brown", "Brown - brown and green in bright sunlight", "Hazel/yellow", "Brown-(green when external temperature rises)", "Ambar-green", "Olive-brown ringing burnt umber-brown", "Green with brown freckles", "Green-Hazel", "Ambar-Green", "Brown-Amber", "Hazel/Yellow", "Brown center starburst, amber and olive green, with dark gray outer ring", "Amber/brown", "Amber/Brown", "Brown green starburst", "brown green starburst", "Brown inner, dark green outer", "Brown with blue outer ring", "Green with amber burst and gray outer ring", "Hazel, olive green with amber starburst", "light brown", "Light brown", "one brown one green", "Red/blood", "Olive-Brown ringing Burnt Umber-Brown", "Losing eye pigment as i age, currently in the light brown almost green phase", "Brown - Brown and green in bright sunlight", "green-blue outer ring and brown flecks around iris", "Grey and Amber", "Grey and amber", "indeterminate brown-green with a subtle grey caste", "Hazel light green", "Hazel dark green", "Hazel green", " green brown", "hazel light green", "light brown with dark green tint", "Light brown with dark green tint":{ return true, "Hazel" } case "Blue", "Blue-grey", "Blue grey", "Gray-blue", "Blue-grey with central heterochromia", "Dark blue", "blue", "Light blue-green", "blue-grey", "Dark Grayish-Blue Eyes (like a stone)", "Blue with yellow parts", "Blue-grey; broken amber collarette", "Blue/gray", "gray-blue", "blue spot of brown", "Blue spot of brown", "Blue with yellow inner ring", "DARK BLUE", "Light Gray Blue", "Changes blue/green/grey", "Light Gray/Blue. Amber/Med Brown on Sphincter. Gray ring around outer edge. Flecks (Nevi).", "Light gray/blue. amber/med brown on sphincter. gray ring around outer edge. flecks (nevi).":{ return true, "Blue" } case "Green", "Green ", "green", "Green-gray", "Blue-green ", "Blue-green", "blue-green ", "Light-mixed green", "blue-green", "Blue with a yellow ring of flecks that make my eyes look green depending on the light or my mood", "Light-mixed Green", "Blue-green heterochromia", "Blue-green-grey", "Blue-green; amber collarette, and gray-blue ringing", "Blue, grey, green, changing", "blue, grey, green, changing", "Blue/Green", "Green with blue halo", "Ice blue mixed with slate blue, with an amber pupil burst in both eyes and a brown spot adjacent to lower left pupil. eyes were green into my 20's.", "Split - one side dark blue / other side light blue and green", "Blue with a yellow ring of flecks that make my eyes look green depending on the light or my mood ", "Blue/green/gold", "blue/green/gold", "green yellow", "Green yellow", "Blue/green", "Light Green", "Light green", "Blue/Green/Grey - changes with lighting and clothing", "Blue/green/grey - changes with lighting and clothing", "Changes with mood blue/grey/green", "changes with mood blue/grey/green", "Dark gray, blue, green (central heterochromia), yellow/brown ring around pupil, ", "changes blue/green/grey":{ return true, "Green" } } return false, "" } userResponsesList := make([]string, 0) getResponse1 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name: "Eye Color" userEyeColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[5] eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor := convertRawEyeColorToEyeColor(userEyeColorRaw) return eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response1) } getResponse2 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name: "eye colour" userEyeColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[159] eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor := convertRawEyeColorToEyeColor(userEyeColorRaw) return eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response2) } getResponse3 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name: "Eye pigmentation " userEyeColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[392] eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor := convertRawEyeColorToEyeColor(userEyeColorRaw) return eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response3) } getResponse4 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name: "Eye Color" userEyeColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[341] eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor := convertRawEyeColorToEyeColor(userEyeColorRaw) return eyeColorIsKnown, eyeColor } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response4) } if (len(userResponsesList) == 0){ return false, "" } // We check if all responses are the same allResponsesAreIdentical := helpers.CheckIfAllItemsInSliceAreIdentical(userResponsesList) if (allResponsesAreIdentical == false){ // User contradicted themselves return false, "" } userEyeColor := userResponsesList[0] return true, userEyeColor } userEyeColorIsKnown, userEyeColor := getUserEyeColor() //Outputs: // -bool: User lactose Tolerance is known // -bool: User lactose Tolerance getUserLactoseTolerance := func()(bool, bool){ // Column Name == "Lactose intolerance" userLactoseToleranceRaw := userDataLineSlice[6] switch userLactoseToleranceRaw{ case "-":{ return false, false } case "Yes", "Lactose-intolerant", "Lactose intolerant", "lactose-intolerant", " allergic to all forms of dairy ", " Allergic to all forms of dairy ", "Severe gi pain ", "severe GI pain ":{ return true, false } case "No", "Lactose-tolerant", "Lactose tolerant", "lactose-tolerant", "lactose tolerant", "False":{ return true, true } } return false, false } userLactoseToleranceIsKnown, userLactoseTolerance := getUserLactoseTolerance() //Outputs: // -bool: User hair color is known // -string: Hair Color // Either "Dark Brown", "Brown", "Light Brown", "Blonde", "Black", "Orange", "Dark Red" getUserHairColor := func()(bool, string){ // We create a list with each response userResponsesList := make([]string, 0) convertRawHairColorToHairColor := func(inputRawHairColor string)(bool, string){ switch inputRawHairColor{ case "-":{ return false, "" } case "Black", "Black ", "Black (very slight tint of red)", "Very dark brown", "Darkest brown to black":{ return true, "Black" } case "dark brown", "Brown-black", "Brown-Black", "Dark brown", "Dirt-brown", "Dirt-Brown", "Dark Brown", "Blackish brown", "Blond as child. started turning dark brown after puberty", "Blond born, today dark brown", "Dark brown; red highlights", "Dark blonde as a child, dark brown as an adult", "blond born, today dark brown", "Strawberry blond as a child, now dark auburn brown", "dark blonde as a child, dark brown as an adult", "Darkest brown to black ":{ return true, "Dark Brown" } case "Brown", "brown", "Medium brown", "Chestnut brown", "Chestnut", "Grey and Brown", "Grey and brown", "Blonde as a child, to brown as an adult", "Medium brown with highlights", "Medium brown, red highlights", "medium brown, red highlights", "Hair darkening with age, starting blonde, ending dark brown", "hair darkening with age, starting blonde, ending dark brown", "Dark blonde as a child, chestnut brown as an adult", "Blonde to light brown as child, medium brown as adult with blonde highlights from sun", "blonde to light brown as child, medium brown as adult with blonde highlights from sun", "Brown and silver", "Brown going to white in early 40s", "Dark brown; blonde highlights", "blonde as a child, to brown as an adult", "brown going to white in early 40s":{ return true, "Brown" } case "Light brown", "light brown", "Light to Medium brown", "Light to medium brown", "Dirt-blonde", "Dark blonde", "Between dark blonde and light brown", " light blonde as a child and medium blonde as an adult. ", " Light blonde as a child and medium blonde as an adult. ", "Blond as a child and Light Brown as an Adult", "Blond as a child and light brown as an adult", "Blond as a child. Dark blond as an adult.", "Blond as a child. dark blond as an adult.", "Blonde as a child, light brown as an adult", "Dirty blonde, light brown, something?", "Dirty Blond, Dark Red Beard", "Medium golden brown", "Dirt-Blonde", "Dark blonde, strawberry", "Dark blonde (light brown)", "Medium Golden Brown", "Light ashy brown", "Dark blonde, ", "Dark blonde ", "Strawberry brown", "strawberry brown", "Towhead to light ashy brown by 20s", "White as child. slowly darkened after age 3, golden by puberty, beige by 20s", "between dark blonde and light brown":{ return true, "Light Brown" } case "Reddish Brown", "Reddish brown", "Reddish-brown", "reddish brown", "Copper/Red", "Copper/red", "Auburn", "Auburn (reddish-brown)", "Auburn (Reddish-Brown)", "Red (gone blond-grey)", "Dark blonde with a little of every colour but black.", "Brown,red,blond", "brown,red,blond", "Blondish reddish brown", "Toe head to dark reddish brown", "blondish reddish brown", "dark blonde, strawberry":{ return true, "Dark Red" } case "Red", "red", "Bright Copper Ginger into my 40s. Light Auburn with grey temples as I age.":{ return true, "Orange" } case "Blonde", "Blond", "Strawberry blonde", "BLOND", "strawberry blonde", "Blonde as child, ash blonde as adult, early white":{ return true, "Blonde" } } return false, "" } getResponse1 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name == "Hair Color" userHairColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[11] hairColorIsKnown, hairColor := convertRawHairColorToHairColor(userHairColorRaw) return hairColorIsKnown, hairColor } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response1) } getResponse2 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name == "Hair color" userHairColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[268] hairColorIsKnown, hairColor := convertRawHairColorToHairColor(userHairColorRaw) return hairColorIsKnown, hairColor } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response2) } getResponse3 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name == "hair color" userHairColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[432] hairColorIsKnown, hairColor := convertRawHairColorToHairColor(userHairColorRaw) return hairColorIsKnown, hairColor } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response3) } getResponse4 := func()(bool, string){ // Column Name == "hair colour" userHairColorRaw := userDataLineSlice[288] hairColorIsKnown, hairColor := convertRawHairColorToHairColor(userHairColorRaw) return hairColorIsKnown, hairColor } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response4) } // Columns TODO: // -"brown hair colour" // -"Red Hair" // -"Hair and eye color Brown" // -"brown hair colour blue eyes" // -"Black hair and Green Eyes" if (len(userResponsesList) == 0){ return false, "" } // We check if all responses are the same allResponsesAreIdentical := helpers.CheckIfAllItemsInSliceAreIdentical(userResponsesList) if (allResponsesAreIdentical == false){ // User contradicted themselves return false, "" } userHairColor := userResponsesList[0] return true, userHairColor } userHairColorIsKnown, userHairColor := getUserHairColor() // Outputs: // -bool: User height is known // -int: User height (in centimeters) getUserHeight := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Height" userHeightRaw := userDataLineSlice[13] switch userHeightRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case `4'0"`:{ return true, 121.92 } case `4'1"`:{ return true, 124.46 } case `4'2"`:{ return true, 127 } case `4'3"`:{ return true, 129.54 } case `4'4"`:{ return true, 132.08 } case `4'5"`:{ return true, 134.62 } case `4'6"`:{ return true, 137.16 } case `4'7"`:{ return true, 139.7 } case `4'8"`:{ return true, 142.24 } case `4'9"`:{ return true, 144.78 } case `4'10"`, `4'10`:{ return true, 147.32 } case `4'11"`, `4' 11"`:{ return true, 149.86 } case `5'`, `5' 0"`, `5' 0'`, `5'0"`, `5'0`:{ return true, 152.4 } case `5'1"`, `5'1" or 155cm`:{ return true, 154.94 } case `5'1.5"`:{ return true, 156.21 } case `5'2"`:{ return true, 157.48 } case `5' 2 1/2"`:{ return true, 158.75 } case `5'2.75" at max`:{ return true, 159.385 } case `5'3"`, `5'3''`:{ return true, 160 } case `5' 3.5" `:{ return true, 161.29 } case `5'4"`, `5'4`, `5'4''`, "162.56", `64"`:{ return true, 162.56 } case `5'4 3/4, taller than all females in my family`:{ return true, 164.465 } case `5'5"`, `5' 5"`, `5'5" `, `5’5”`:{ return true, 165.1 } case "167":{ return true, 167 } case `5'6"`, `5’6`:{ return true, 167.64 } case `5' 6.5" `:{ return true, 168.91 } case `169.316`:{ return true, 169.316 } case `5'7"`:{ return true, 170.18 } case `Average ( 165cm < x < 180cm )`:{ return true, 172.5 } case `5'8"`:{ return true, 172.72 } case `Average 173cm`:{ return true, 173 } case `5'8.5"`:{ return true, 173.99 } case `5'9"`, `5'9"/176cm`:{ return true, 175.26 } case `5" 9 1/2"`:{ return true, 176.53 } case `5'10"`, `5'10''`:{ return true, 177.8 } case `5'11"`:{ return true, 180.34 } case `6'`, `6 ft 0 in`, `6'0" - 183cm`:{ return true, 182.88 } case `6'1"`, `6' 1" - 185 cm`:{ return true, 185.42 } case `6'2"`:{ return true, 187.96 } case `6'3"`:{ return true, 190.5 } case "192":{ return true, 192 } case `6'4"`:{ return true, 193.04 } case `6'5"`:{ return true, 195.58 } case `6'6"`:{ return true, 198.12 } case `>200cm`:{ return true, 200 } case `6'7"`:{ return true, 200.66 } case `6'8"`:{ return true, 203.2 } case `6'9"`:{ return true, 205.74 } case `6'10"`:{ return true, 208.28 } case `6'11"`:{ return true, 210.82 } case `7'`:{ return true, 213.36 } } trimmedHeight, suffixExists := strings.CutSuffix(userHeightRaw, "cm") if (suffixExists == true){ heightFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(trimmedHeight) if (err == nil){ return true, heightFloat64 } } trimmedHeight, suffixExists = strings.CutSuffix(userHeightRaw, " cm") if (suffixExists == true){ heightFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(trimmedHeight) if (err == nil){ return true, heightFloat64 } } // This is an outcome with backticks and quotes result := "6`" + `2"` if (userHeightRaw == result){ return true, 187.96 } return false, 0 } userHeightIsKnown, userHeight := getUserHeight() //Outputs: // -bool: User happiness is known // -float64: User happiness (0-1) // -0 == Extremely depressed // -1 == Extremely happy getUserHappiness := func()(bool, float64){ // We sum all known responses and average them out responsesSum := float64(0) responsesCount := 0 getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Depression" userDepressionRaw := userDataLineSlice[173] switch userDepressionRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Yes", "Diagnosed.":{ return true, 0 } case "Yes at times":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Situational Depression", "Situational depression":{ return true, 0.35 } case "No":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ responsesSum += response1 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Episodic Major Depression" userDepressionRaw := userDataLineSlice[586] switch userDepressionRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ responsesSum += response2 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse3 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Suicidality" userSuicidalityRaw := userDataLineSlice[541] switch userSuicidalityRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Regular ideation", "Several attempts, and/or depression", "Multiple attempts, first thought about it at age 9, diagnosed with major depressive disorder and PTSD. Have had passive suicidal ideation for most of my life.":{ return true, 0 } case "Anxitey, ptsd, major depression without suicidal ideation", "Anxitey, PTSD, Major Depression without suicidal ideation", "Sometimes think about it but never want to actually kill myself", "sometimes think about it but never want to actually kill myself":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Never even thought about suicide", "No", "never even thought about Suicide":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ responsesSum += response3 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse4 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mental Disease" userMentalDiseaseRaw := userDataLineSlice[165] switch userMentalDiseaseRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Binge Eating Disorder", "anxiety, ocd, agoraphobia, depression", "Anxiety and Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Depression", "major depressive disorder, PTSD, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, ADD, OCD", "Paranoid Schizophrenia", "Paranoid schizophrenia", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, ocd, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "Anorexia nervosa, anxiety, depression", "Adhd, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder", "ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Adjustment Disorder", "Major depressive disorder, dysthymia, asd, social anxiety disorder, ocd, adhd, unspecified dissociative disorder, developmental speech/language disorder", "Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, binge eating disorder", "Major depressive disorder, ptsd, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, add, ocd", "Multiple diagnosed", "multiple diagnosed":{ return true, 0 } case "Borderline Personality Disorder ", "Ptsd and results of it(dissociative disorder, depression, anxiety), maladaptive daydreaming, and autistic tendencies":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Bipolar", "Prob a few of them", "Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, schizoaffective bipolar, and Agoraphobia", "Bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD", "Bipolar 2, adhd, ptsd", "Hypomania/OCD/Anxiety", "Panic disorder agoraphobia", "panic disorder agoraphobia", "SAD depression", "Sad depression":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Anxiety", "Asperger's disorder", "PDD-NOS and ADHD", "Panic disorder", "panic disorder", "Schizoid":{ return true, 0.3 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ responsesSum += response4 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse5 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Personality Disorder test - top result" userPersonalityDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[193] switch userPersonalityDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Multiple anxiety disorders, depression, chronic insomnia", "Depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Prob 3 or more of them", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, OCD, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "depression", "depression add aspergers panic disorder":{ return true, 0 } case "Borderline", "Schizotypal", "Anxiety, ocd, bipolar 1 wo psychosis", "Paranoid +", "Passive aggressive, Paranoid ":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Anxiety", "Aspergers", "anxiety", "Ocd", "Obsessive-Compulsive+", "Obsessive-Compulsive", "Ocd add asd", "OCD ADD ASD", "-Paranoid (I'm not, but I am schizoid (2nd result)":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Antisocial and cold", "Antisocial", "Avoidant", "Avoidant+":{ return true, 0.3 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response5Exists, response5 := getResponse5() if (response5Exists == true){ responsesSum += response5 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse6 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Anxiety" userAnxietyRaw := userDataLineSlice[318] switch userAnxietyRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Ptsd-related", "PTSD-related":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Diagnosed with anxiety", "Diagnosed.", "Generalized Anxiety Disorder", "Generalized anxiety disorder", "Yes", "PDD-NOS related anxiety ":{ return true, 0.4 } case "Mild, not diagnosed", "mild, not diagnosed":{ return true, 0.85 } case "No anxiety problems ":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response6Exists, response6 := getResponse6() if (response6Exists == true){ responsesSum += response6 responsesCount += 1 } // Columns TODO: // -"Bipolar disorder" // -"Alcohol Consumption (per week)" // -"Alcoholism" // -"Cocaine addiction" // -"Heroin addiction" // -"Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD?" // -"generalized anxiety disorder" // -"Bipolar Disorder (Immediate Family or Personal Diagnosis)" // -"Autistic Spectrum Disorder" // -"Dissociative Identity Disorder" // -"Mood disorders" // -"Panic Disorder" // -"OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" // -"Schizophrenia" // -"Squizophrenia" // -"Ambition" // -"Purposefulness" // -"Nicotine dependence" // -"Autism" // -"autism" if (responsesCount == 0){ return false, 0 } // We average out all responses result := responsesSum/float64(responsesCount) return true, result } userHappinessIsKnown, userHappiness := getUserHappiness() //Outputs: // -bool: User mental illness is known // -float64: User mental illness (0-1) // -0 == Well adjusted, happy, healthy // -1 == Extremely mentally ill getUserMentalIllness := func()(bool, float64){ // We create a list for each mental illness // We take the highest value in the list // We do this to find out the worst mental illness the person has // For example, if someone has severe depression, but not autism/anxiety/bipolar, they are still extremely mentally ill responsesList := make([]float64, 0) // We use this to see if they ever said they have no general mental illness issues. // Without this bool, we would be assuming that people who answered No to one illness do not suffer from any mental illnesses // For example, someone could say they don't have autism but still be mentally ill generallyHealthyAnswerProvided := false getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Depression" userDepressionRaw := userDataLineSlice[173] switch userDepressionRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } case "Yes at times":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Situational Depression", "Situational depression":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Yes", "Diagnosed.":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ if (response1 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response1) } /* //TODO: Replace this with a different column // Currently, it provides no useful information in our calculation getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Episodic Major Depression" userDepressionRaw := userDataLineSlice[586] switch userDepressionRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response2) } */ getResponse3 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Suicidality" userSuicidalityRaw := userDataLineSlice[541] switch userSuicidalityRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Never even thought about suicide", "No", "never even thought about Suicide":{ return true, 0 } case "Anxitey, ptsd, major depression without suicidal ideation", "Anxitey, PTSD, Major Depression without suicidal ideation", "Sometimes think about it but never want to actually kill myself", "sometimes think about it but never want to actually kill myself":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Regular ideation", "Several attempts, and/or depression", "Multiple attempts, first thought about it at age 9, diagnosed with major depressive disorder and PTSD. Have had passive suicidal ideation for most of my life.":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ if (response3 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response3) } getResponse4 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mental Disease" userMentalDiseaseRaw := userDataLineSlice[165] switch userMentalDiseaseRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Binge Eating Disorder", "anxiety, ocd, agoraphobia, depression", "Anxiety and Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Depression", "major depressive disorder, PTSD, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, ADD, OCD", "Paranoid Schizophrenia", "Paranoid schizophrenia", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, ocd, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "Anorexia nervosa, anxiety, depression", "Adhd, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder", "ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Adjustment Disorder", "Major depressive disorder, dysthymia, asd, social anxiety disorder, ocd, adhd, unspecified dissociative disorder, developmental speech/language disorder", "Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, binge eating disorder", "Major depressive disorder, ptsd, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, add, ocd", "Multiple diagnosed", "multiple diagnosed", "Borderline Personality Disorder ", "Ptsd and results of it(dissociative disorder, depression, anxiety), maladaptive daydreaming, and autistic tendencies", "Bipolar", "Prob a few of them", "Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, schizoaffective bipolar, and Agoraphobia", "Bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD", "Bipolar 2, adhd, ptsd", "Hypomania/OCD/Anxiety", "Panic disorder agoraphobia", "panic disorder agoraphobia", "SAD depression", "Sad depression", "Asperger's disorder", "PDD-NOS and ADHD", "Panic disorder", "panic disorder", "Schizoid":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ if (response4 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response4) if (response4 == 0){ generallyHealthyAnswerProvided = true } } getResponse5 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Personality Disorder test - top result" userPersonalityDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[193] switch userPersonalityDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Antisocial and cold", "Antisocial", "Avoidant", "Avoidant+":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Anxiety", "anxiety", "Aspergers", "Ocd", "Obsessive-Compulsive+", "Obsessive-Compulsive", "Ocd add asd", "OCD ADD ASD":{ return true, 0.7 } case "Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Multiple anxiety disorders, depression, chronic insomnia", "Depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Prob 3 or more of them", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, OCD, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "depression", "depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Borderline", "Schizotypal", "Anxiety, ocd, bipolar 1 wo psychosis", "Paranoid +", "Passive aggressive, Paranoid ", "-Paranoid (I'm not, but I am schizoid (2nd result)":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response5Exists, response5 := getResponse5() if (response5Exists == true){ if (response5 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response5) if (response5 == 0){ generallyHealthyAnswerProvided = true } } getResponse6 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Anxiety" userAnxietyRaw := userDataLineSlice[318] switch userAnxietyRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No anxiety problems ":{ return true, 0 } case "Mild, not diagnosed", "mild, not diagnosed":{ return true, 0.35 } case "Ptsd-related", "PTSD-related":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Diagnosed with anxiety", "Diagnosed.", "Generalized Anxiety Disorder", "Generalized anxiety disorder", "Yes", "PDD-NOS related anxiety ":{ return true, 0.65 } } return false, 0 } response6Exists, response6 := getResponse6() if (response6Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response6) if (response6 == 0){ generallyHealthyAnswerProvided = true } } getResponse7 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "generalized anxiety disorder" userAnxietyDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[573] switch userAnxietyDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Nope", "No":{ return true, 0 } case "Generalized anxiety disorder", "generalized anxiety disorder":{ return true, 0.65 } } return false, 0 } response7Exists, response7 := getResponse7() if (response7Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response7) } getResponse8 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Panic Disorder" userPanicDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[115] switch userPanicDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } case "I have minor Panic Disorder, its in remission and almost gone I was in my 20s", "I have minor panic disorder, its in remission and almost gone i was in my 20s":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Slight", "Yes, when extremely stressed":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Undiagnosed but sometimes severe, other times in remission":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Yes, since early childhood.", "Yes", "Yes, age 15", "Yes, age 17", "Yes, age 20", "Yes, age 22", "Yes, age 30", "Yes, age 37 controlled with medication":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Severe panic and anxiety ":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response8Exists, response8 := getResponse8() if (response8Exists == true){ if (response8 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response8) } getResponse9 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Schizophrenia" userSchizophreniaRaw := userDataLineSlice[668] switch userSchizophreniaRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } case "Diagnosed Schizoaffective bipolar subtype":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response9Exists, response9 := getResponse9() if (response9Exists == true){ if (response9 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response9) } getResponse10 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Squizophrenia" userSchizophreniaRaw := userDataLineSlice[225] switch userSchizophreniaRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "no":{ return true, 0 } case "Yes":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response10Exists, response10 := getResponse10() if (response10Exists == true){ if (response10 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response10) } getResponse11 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mood disorders" userMoodDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[719] switch userMoodDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Bipolar II disorder, Substance/medication-induced bipolar disorder":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response11Exists, response11 := getResponse11() if (response11Exists == true){ if (response11 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response11) } getResponse12 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Autism" userAutismRaw := userDataLineSlice[151] switch userAutismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "No, but have autistic daughter", "No, though there are tendencies":{ return true, 0 } case "Very High Functioning Asperger's", "Very high functioning asperger's", "Unofficial high functioning autism", "Unofficial High Functioning Autism", "High-functioning autism", "High-Functioning Autism", "Asperger traits":{ return true, 0.7 } case "Yes", "Autism spectrum disorder", "Aspie", "Yes. Autistic. ", "Yes. autistic. ", "classical autism", "my snps say carry the genes and i think so myself", "My snps say carry the genes and i think so myself", "Aspergers", "Asperger", "Asperger unofficial diagnosis", "Regressive autism":{ return true, 0.8 } } return false, 0 } response12Exists, response12 := getResponse12() if (response12Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response12) } getResponse13 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Bipolar disorder" userBipolarDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[476] switch userBipolarDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "Don't have it", "don't have it":{ return true, 0 } case "Schizoaffective Bipolar Sybtype", "Type i", "Bipolar II", "Bipolar affective disorder", "Bipolar i", "Bipolar ii":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response13Exists, response13 := getResponse13() if (response13Exists == true){ if (response13 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response13) } getResponse14 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "autism" userAutismRaw := userDataLineSlice[327] switch userAutismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "no", "No but have genetic markers and an autistic son.":{ return true, 0 } case "Borderline":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Spectrum", "spectrum":{ return true, 0.8 } case "asperger's syndrome", "Asperger's syndrome":{ return true, 0.9 } case "Diagnosed as PDD-NOS & then ASD", "Diagnosed as pdd-nos & then asd":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response14Exists, response14 := getResponse14() if (response14Exists == true){ if (response14 == 1){ return true, 1 } responsesList = append(responsesList, response14) } getResponse15 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" userOCDRaw := userDataLineSlice[488] switch userOCDRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "no":{ return true, 0 } case "OCD tendencies", "Ocd tendencies":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Yes", "Yes- medically diagnosed", "Yes- Medically diagnosed":{ return true, 0.8 } } return false, 0 } response15Exists, response15 := getResponse15() if (response15Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response15) } getResponse16 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Alcoholism" userAlcoholismRaw := userDataLineSlice[419] switch userAlcoholismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Father was full-blown alcoholic, struggle with overindulgence. Able to avoid for long periods of time but takes larger amounts of will power than is probably normal or ideal.":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Yes":{ return true, 0.8 } } return false, 0 } response16Exists, response16 := getResponse16() if (response16Exists == true){ responsesList = append(responsesList, response16) } // Columns TODO: // -"Alcohol Consumption (per week)" // -"Alcoholism " // -"Cocaine addiction" // -"Heroin addiction" // -"Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD?" // -"Bipolar Disorder (Immediate Family or Personal Diagnosis)" // -"Ambition" // -"Purposefulness" // -"Nicotine dependence" if (len(responsesList) == 0){ return false, 0 } // We find the largest item in the slice result := slices.Max(responsesList) if (result == 0){ // We must make sure they answered 0 to at least 1 of the general mental illness questions. // Without this bool, we would be assuming that people who answered No to one illness do not suffer from any mental illnesses // For example, they answered No to Autism, but they never said they don't have a mental illness. if (generallyHealthyAnswerProvided == true){ return true, 0 } return false, 0 } return true, result } userMentalIllnessIsKnown, userMentalIllness := getUserMentalIllness() getUserHomosexualness := func()(bool, float64){ // Outputs: // -bool: Raw sexuality is known // -float64: Raw homosexualness // - 0 == Heterosexual (No homosexual desires) // - 0.5 == Bisexual desires // - 1 == Homosexual (No heterosexual desires) convertRawSexualityToHomosexualness := func(inputRawSexuality string)(bool, float64){ switch inputRawSexuality{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Hetero", "Heterosexual", "Opposite sex attraction", "opposite sex attraction":{ return true, 0 } case "Mostly opposite", "Hetero with some extra variations":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Opposite sex is somewhat more attractive":{ return true, 0.4 } case "Bisexual", "both", "Both", "Pansexual", "Attracted to androgynes/hermaphrodites":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Bisexual/lesbian in 11 year same sexunion":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Homo-flexable":{ return true, 0.7 } case "Mostly same-sex":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Exclusively Homosexual", "Exclusively homosexual", "Same Sex Attraction", "Same sex attraction", "Gay", "gay":{ return true, 1 } case "Females only", "Just my girl ❤️":{ // We have to figure out what sex these people are // Column Name: "Sex" userSexRaw := userDataLineSlice[52] switch userSexRaw{ case "Male":{ return true, 0 } case "Female":{ return true, 1 } } } } return false, 0 } getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Sexuality" userSexualityRaw := userDataLineSlice[251] userHomosexualnessIsKnown, userHomosexualness := convertRawSexualityToHomosexualness(userSexualityRaw) return userHomosexualnessIsKnown, userHomosexualness } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Sexual Preferences" userSexualPreferencesRaw := userDataLineSlice[116] userHomosexualnessIsKnown, userHomosexualness := convertRawSexualityToHomosexualness(userSexualPreferencesRaw) return userHomosexualnessIsKnown, userHomosexualness } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response1Exists == true && response2Exists == true){ // We average both responses result := (response1 + response2)/2 return true, result } if (response1Exists == true){ return true, response1 } if (response2Exists == true){ return true, response2 } return false, 0 } userHomosexualnessIsKnown, userHomosexualness := getUserHomosexualness() //Outputs: // -bool: User Supernaturalism is known // -float64: User Supernaturalism (0-1) // -0 == No belief in the supernatural // -1 == Extremely supernaturalistic getUserSupernaturalism := func()(bool, float64){ // We sum all known responses and average them out responsesSum := float64(0) responsesCount := 0 getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Atheism" userAtheismRaw := userDataLineSlice[65] switch userAtheismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Atheist", "Science oriented ", "science oriented ", "Humanist", "humanist":{ return true, 0 } case "Atheist but pantheist/gnostic positive", "atheist but pantheist/gnostic positive":{ return true, 0.1 } case "Agnostic", "Agnostic atheist":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Atheist...but pagan curious", "atheist...but pagan curious":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Weakly believer", "weakly believer", "Agnostic Polytheist", "Agnostic polytheist":{ return true, 0.4 } case "I am a christian and I am science oriented. ", "I am a christian and i am science oriented. ":{ return true, 0.75 } case "Christian!", "i believe in our inherent electrochemical energy ", "I believe in our inherent electrochemical energy ", "Consciousness is self referential, belief in perfected consciousness , group consciousness, self similarity, and reflected wish fulfillment ", "No ", "no ", "No", "I belive there is a god but i dont know what it looks like or where it is mother earth is a god in its self", "Panentheist Theosophist Daoist WIccan w/Asatru & Native Am. Contributions", "Panentheist theosophist daoist wiccan w/asatru & native am. contributions", "Polytheist", "Pantheist", "pantheist", "polytheist", "Modern Paganism", "Spiritual Humanist", "Spiritual humanist", "ancestor veneration/ indigenous beliefs":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ responsesSum += response1 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Interest in Spirituality and Mysticism" userSpiritualityRaw := userDataLineSlice[32] switch userSpiritualityRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none", "No", "Strong interest in childhood, then interested in philosophy, science & psychology as an adult":{ return true, 0 } case "Slight":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Medium", "medium", "agnostic but highly interested at times", "Agnostic but highly interested at times":{ return true, 0.5 } case "STRONG", "Strong", "Yes", "I belive in the spirits and the other side":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ responsesSum += response2 responsesCount += 1 } if (responsesCount == 0){ return false, 0 } // We average out all responses result := responsesSum/float64(responsesCount) return true, result } userSupernaturalismIsKnown, userSupernaturalism := getUserSupernaturalism() //Outputs: // -bool: User obesity is known // -float64: User Obesity (0-1) // -0 == Skinny // -1 == Extremely obese getUserObesity := func()(bool, float64){ // We sum all known responses and average them out responsesSum := float64(0) responsesCount := 0 getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ //Outputs: // -bool: Weight is known // -float64: Weight (in kilograms) getUserWeight := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Weight" userWeightRaw := userDataLineSlice[130] switch userWeightRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "102lbs 46kg":{ return true, 46 } case "74kg / 164lbs":{ return true, 74 } case "108 - 114 lbs most of adult life":{ return true, 111 } case "15 Stone":{ return true, 95.2544 } case "108 lbs entire adult life (excluding predgnancy and 1 month post baby)":{ return true, 48.98798 } // The rest of these responses have no units // We are just assuming they are in pounds, but they actually could be kg. case "120":{ return true, 54.43108 } case "142":{ return true, 64.41012 } case "162":{ return true, 73.48196 } case "290":{ return true, 131.5418 } case "50":{ // We assume this is Kilograms return true, 50 } } // We try a few suffixes kilogramSuffixesList := []string{"kg", " kg", " Kg", " kgs"} for _, kilogramSuffix := range kilogramSuffixesList{ trimmedWeight, suffixExists := strings.CutSuffix(userWeightRaw, kilogramSuffix) if (suffixExists == true){ trimmedWeightFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(trimmedWeight) if (err == nil){ return true, trimmedWeightFloat64 } } } poundSuffixesList := []string{" lbs.", " lbs", " Lbs", "lbs", " lb", "lbs", " pounds"} for _, poundSuffix := range poundSuffixesList{ trimmedWeight, suffixExists := strings.CutSuffix(userWeightRaw, poundSuffix) if (suffixExists == true){ trimmedWeightFloat64, err := helpers.ConvertStringToFloat64(trimmedWeight) if (err == nil){ // We convert pounds to kilograms weightInKilograms := trimmedWeightFloat64 * 0.4535924 return true, weightInKilograms } } } return false, 0 } userWeightIsKnown, userWeight := getUserWeight() if (userWeightIsKnown == false){ return false, 0 } // We calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) // This is the BMI Guide: //-Very severely underweight // -Less than 15 //-Severely underweight // -15 - 15.9 //-Underweight // -16 - 18.4 //-Normal (healthy) // -18.5 - 24.9 //-Overweight // -25 - 29.9 //-Moderately obese // -30 - 34.9 //-Severely obese // -35 - 39.9 //-Very severely obese // -40+ // BMI (kg/m2) = Weight (kilograms) / height (in meters)^2 if (userHeightIsKnown == false){ return false, 0 } userHeightInMeters := userHeight/100 bmi := userWeight / (userHeightInMeters * userHeightInMeters) if (bmi < 20){ return true, 0 } if (bmi < 25){ return true, 0.1 } if (bmi < 30){ return true, 0.6 } return true, 1 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ responsesSum += response1 responsesCount += 1 } getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "natural skinny" userNaturalSkinnyRaw := userDataLineSlice[66] switch userNaturalSkinnyRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Yes", "yes", "Not sickly-skinny but naturally slim", "Unable to gain weight":{ return true, 0 } case "Yes when young", "Yes - especially as a kid (went into low-normal range as adult)", "yes - especially as a kid (went into low-normal range as adult)", "Yes-trouble maintaining weight until menopause, now overweight. ":{ return true, 0.1 } case "Average", "Very slim as child, now average. 6'0 180lbs":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Was always very thin as kid and in twenties, couldn't gain weight, changed around age 30 and now am slightly overweight and can't lose it":{ return true, 0.4 } case "Yes - as a kid":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Heavy as a child, now thin":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Overweight but can lose":{ return true, 0.8 } case "No", "no", "Obese", "obese", "Very skinny as child, didnt gain weight but now, overweight, trouble losing it", "very skinny as child, didnt gain weight but now, overweight, trouble losing it", "overweight as a child, lost many times, now back to obese as an adult":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ responsesSum += response2 responsesCount += 1 } if (responsesCount == 0){ return false, 0 } // We average out all responses result := responsesSum/float64(responsesCount) return true, result } userObesityIsKnown, userObesity := getUserObesity() //Outputs: // -bool: User anxiety is known // -float64: User Anxiety (0-1) // -0 == Calm // -1 == Extremely anxious getUserAnxiety := func()(bool, float64){ // We create a list with all responses // We will return the highest value in the list in the end userResponsesList := make([]float64, 0) getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Anxiety" userAnxietyRaw := userDataLineSlice[318] switch userAnxietyRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No anxiety problems ":{ return true, 0 } case "Mild, not diagnosed", "mild, not diagnosed":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Ptsd-related", "PTSD-related":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Diagnosed with anxiety", "Diagnosed.", "Generalized Anxiety Disorder", "Generalized anxiety disorder", "Yes", "PDD-NOS related anxiety ":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ if (response1 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response1) } getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "generalized anxiety disorder" userAnxietyDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[573] switch userAnxietyDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Nope", "No":{ return true, 0 } case "Generalized anxiety disorder", "generalized anxiety disorder":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ if (response2 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response2) } getResponse3 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mood disorders" userMoodDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[719] switch userMoodDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "Bipolar II disorder, Substance/medication-induced bipolar disorder":{ return true, 0.8 } } return false, 0 } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ if (response3 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response3) } getResponse4 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Personality Disorder test - top result" userPersonalityDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[193] switch userPersonalityDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Aspergers":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Depression", "depression":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Antisocial and cold", "Antisocial", "Avoidant", "Avoidant+":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Borderline":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Anxiety", "Schizotypal", "anxiety", "Ocd", "Obsessive-Compulsive+", "Obsessive-Compulsive", "Ocd add asd", "OCD ADD ASD", "-Paranoid (I'm not, but I am schizoid (2nd result)", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, OCD, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "Anxiety and depression", "Multiple anxiety disorders, depression, chronic insomnia", "Anxiety, ocd, bipolar 1 wo psychosis", "depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Paranoid +", "Passive aggressive, Paranoid ", "Depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Prob 3 or more of them":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ if (response4 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response4) } getResponse5 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Panic Disorder" userPanicDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[115] switch userPanicDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } case "I have minor Panic Disorder, its in remission and almost gone I was in my 20s", "I have minor panic disorder, its in remission and almost gone i was in my 20s":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Slight", "Yes, when extremely stressed":{ return true, 0.4 } case "Undiagnosed but sometimes severe, other times in remission":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Severe panic and anxiety ", "Yes, since early childhood.", "Yes", "Yes, age 15", "Yes, age 17", "Yes, age 20", "Yes, age 22", "Yes, age 30", "Yes, age 37 controlled with medication":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response5Exists, response5 := getResponse5() if (response5Exists == true){ if (response5 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response5) } getResponse6 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mental Disease" userMentalDiseaseRaw := userDataLineSlice[165] switch userMentalDiseaseRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Asperger's disorder":{ return true, 0.2 } case "SAD depression", "Sad depression":{ return true, 0.25 } case "Depression":{ return true, 0.3 } case "PDD-NOS and ADHD", "Schizoid", "Bipolar":{ return true, 0.7 } case "Anxiety", "Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, binge eating disorder", "major depressive disorder, PTSD, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, ADD, OCD", "Paranoid Schizophrenia", "Paranoid schizophrenia", "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, ocd, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "Anorexia nervosa, anxiety, depression", "Adhd, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder", "ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Adjustment Disorder", "Major depressive disorder, dysthymia, asd, social anxiety disorder, ocd, adhd, unspecified dissociative disorder, developmental speech/language disorder", "Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Binge Eating Disorder", "anxiety, ocd, agoraphobia, depression", "Anxiety and Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Panic disorder", "panic disorder", "Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, schizoaffective bipolar, and Agoraphobia", "Panic disorder agoraphobia", "panic disorder agoraphobia", "Prob a few of them", "Bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD", "Bipolar 2, adhd, ptsd", "Hypomania/OCD/Anxiety", "Borderline Personality Disorder ", "Ptsd and results of it(dissociative disorder, depression, anxiety), maladaptive daydreaming, and autistic tendencies", "Major depressive disorder, ptsd, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, add, ocd", "Multiple diagnosed", "multiple diagnosed":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response6Exists, response6 := getResponse6() if (response6Exists == true){ if (response6 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response6) } //Columns TODO: // -"Bipolar disorder" // -"Alcohol Consumption (per week)" // -"Alcoholism" // -"Cocaine addiction" // -"Heroin addiction" // -"Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD?" // -"Bipolar Disorder (Immediate Family or Personal Diagnosis)" // -"Autistic Spectrum Disorder" // -"Dissociative Identity Disorder" // -"OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" // -"Schizophrenia" // -"Squizophrenia" // -"Ambition" // -"Purposefulness" // -"Nicotine dependence" // -"Autism" // -"autism" // -"Suicidality" if (len(userResponsesList) == 0){ return false, 0 } // We return the largest value in the list result := slices.Max(userResponsesList) return true, result } userAnxietyIsKnown, userAnxiety := getUserAnxiety() //Outputs: // -bool: User autism is known // -float64: User Anxiety (0-1) // -0 == No autism // -1 == Extremely autistic getUserAutism := func()(bool, float64){ // We create a list with all responses // We return the highest value in the list in the end userResponsesList := make([]float64, 0) getResponse1 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name: "Autism" userAutismRaw := userDataLineSlice[151] switch userAutismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "No, but have autistic daughter":{ return true, 0 } case "No, though there are tendencies":{ return true, 0.1 } case "Very High Functioning Asperger's", "Very high functioning asperger's", "Unofficial high functioning autism", "Unofficial High Functioning Autism", "High-functioning autism", "High-Functioning Autism":{ return true, 0.7 } case "Asperger traits":{ return true, 0.8 } case "Yes", "Autism spectrum disorder", "Aspie", "Yes. Autistic. ", "Yes. autistic. ", "classical autism", "my snps say carry the genes and i think so myself", "My snps say carry the genes and i think so myself", "Aspergers", "Asperger", "Asperger unofficial diagnosis", "Regressive autism":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response1Exists, response1 := getResponse1() if (response1Exists == true){ if (response1 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response1) } getResponse2 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "autism" userAutismRaw := userDataLineSlice[327] switch userAutismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No", "no", "No but have genetic markers and an autistic son.":{ return true, 0 } case "Borderline":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Spectrum", "spectrum":{ return true, 0.8 } case "asperger's syndrome", "Asperger's syndrome":{ return true, 0.9 } case "Diagnosed as PDD-NOS & then ASD", "Diagnosed as pdd-nos & then asd":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response2Exists, response2 := getResponse2() if (response2Exists == true){ if (response2 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response2) } getResponse3 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Mental Disease" userMentalDiseaseRaw := userDataLineSlice[165] switch userMentalDiseaseRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD", "Bipolar 2, adhd, ptsd", "Hypomania/OCD/Anxiety", "Panic disorder agoraphobia", "panic disorder agoraphobia", "SAD depression", "Sad depression", "Bipolar", "Anxiety", "Panic disorder", "Depression", "Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Binge Eating Disorder", "anxiety, ocd, agoraphobia, depression", "Anxiety and Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Anorexia nervosa, anxiety, depression", "Adhd, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder", "ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Adjustment Disorder", "Major depressive disorder, dysthymia, asd, social anxiety disorder, ocd, adhd, unspecified dissociative disorder, developmental speech/language disorder", "Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, binge eating disorder", "Major depressive disorder, ptsd, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, add, ocd", "major depressive disorder, PTSD, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, ADD, OCD", "Borderline Personality Disorder ", "panic disorder":{ return true, 0.2 } case "PDD-NOS and ADHD":{ return true, 0.3 } case "Paranoid Schizophrenia", "Schizoid", "Paranoid schizophrenia":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, ocd, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming", "Ptsd and results of it(dissociative disorder, depression, anxiety), maladaptive daydreaming, and autistic tendencies":{ return true, 0.6 } case "Asperger's disorder", "Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, schizoaffective bipolar, and Agoraphobia":{ return true, 0.9 } } return false, 0 } response3Exists, response3 := getResponse3() if (response3Exists == true){ if (response3 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response3) } getResponse4 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Autistic Spectrum Disorder" userAutismRaw := userDataLineSlice[666] switch userAutismRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "No":{ return true, 0 } } return false, 0 } response4Exists, response4 := getResponse4() if (response4Exists == true){ if (response4 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response4) } getResponse5 := func()(bool, float64){ // Column Name == "Personality Disorder test - top result" userPersonalityDisorderRaw := userDataLineSlice[193] switch userPersonalityDisorderRaw{ case "-":{ return false, 0 } case "None", "none":{ return true, 0 } case "Depression", "Anxiety and depression", "Multiple anxiety disorders, depression, chronic insomnia", "depression", "Avoidant", "Avoidant+", "Anxiety", "anxiety", "Ocd", "Obsessive-Compulsive+", "Obsessive-Compulsive":{ return true, 0.1 } case "Antisocial and cold", "Antisocial", "Borderline", "Anxiety, ocd, bipolar 1 wo psychosis", "Paranoid +", "Passive aggressive, Paranoid ":{ return true, 0.2 } case "Anxiety (esp. social), depression, OCD, autistic tendencies, maladaptive daydreaming":{ return true, 0.35 } case "-Paranoid (I'm not, but I am schizoid (2nd result)", "Schizotypal":{ return true, 0.5 } case "Depression add aspergers panic disorder", "depression add aspergers panic disorder", "Aspergers":{ return true, 0.9 } case "OCD ADD ASD", "Ocd add asd":{ return true, 1 } } return false, 0 } response5Exists, response5 := getResponse5() if (response5Exists == true){ if (response5 == 1){ return true, 1 } userResponsesList = append(userResponsesList, response5) } //Columns TODO: // -"Bipolar disorder" // -"Post traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD?" // -"Bipolar Disorder (Immediate Family or Personal Diagnosis)" // -"Dissociative Identity Disorder" // -"Mood disorders" // -"Panic Disorder" // -"OCD - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" // -"Schizophrenia" // -"Squizophrenia" // -"Ambition" // -"Purposefulness" // -"Nicotine dependence" // -"Suicidality" if (len(userResponsesList) == 0){ return false, 0 } result := slices.Max(userResponsesList) return true, result } userAutismIsKnown, userAutism := getUserAutism() userPhenotypeDataObject := PhenotypeData_OpenSNP{ UserID: userID, EyeColorIsKnown: userEyeColorIsKnown, EyeColor: userEyeColor, LactoseToleranceIsKnown: userLactoseToleranceIsKnown, LactoseTolerance: userLactoseTolerance, HairColorIsKnown: userHairColorIsKnown, HairColor: userHairColor, HeightIsKnown: userHeightIsKnown, Height: userHeight, HappinessIsKnown: userHappinessIsKnown, Happiness: userHappiness, MentalIllnessIsKnown: userMentalIllnessIsKnown, MentalIllness: userMentalIllness, HomosexualnessIsKnown: userHomosexualnessIsKnown, Homosexualness: userHomosexualness, SupernaturalismIsKnown: userSupernaturalismIsKnown, Supernaturalism: userSupernaturalism, ObesityIsKnown: userObesityIsKnown, Obesity: userObesity, AnxietyIsKnown: userAnxietyIsKnown, Anxiety: userAnxiety, AutismIsKnown: userAutismIsKnown, Autism: userAutism, } userPhenotypeDataMap[userID] = userPhenotypeDataObject } userPhenotypeDataList := helpers.GetListOfMapValues(userPhenotypeDataMap) return true, userPhenotypeDataList }