package traits func getEyeColorTraitObject()Trait{ eyeColorLociList := []int64{ //TODO: Add more SNPs. // These SNPs are taken from 2733832, 1800401, 1800407, 1800414, 12913823, 4911442, 6058017, 4911414, 4778241, 12593929, 7183877, 3935591, 7170852, 2238289, 3940272, 8028689, 2240203, 11631797, 916977, 3768056, 728405, 2835621, 892839, 9782955, 12452184, 10209564, 1325127, 7277820, 1105879, 7219915, 12913832, 2070959, 2835630, 9894429, 1393350, 2252893, 1003719, 3794604, 7174027, 989869, 4778138, 12906280, // These SNPs are taken from 12203592, 1408799, 1126809, 12896399, 7495174, 1667394, // These SNPs are taken from 6693258, 351385, 2385028, 13016869, 112747614, 121908120, 12614022, 74409360, 3912104, 116359091, 4521336, 141318671, 6828137, 62330021, 16891982, 348613, 72777200, 11957757, //12203592, (is a duplicate, was also found in the other study) 6910861, 341147, 2854746, 6944702, 6997494, 12543326, 147068120, 13297008, 12552712, 12335410, 72928978, //1126809, (is a duplicate, was also found in the other study) 9971729, 790464, 2095645, 9301973, 138777265, 17184180, 4778218, 1129038, 1426654, 4790309, 3809761, 6420484, 73488486, 2748901, 2835660, 622330, 35051352, // TODO: Add these loci once we can handle X Chromosome loci. // 78542430, // 5957354, } referencesMap := make(map[string]string) referencesMap[" - Eye Color"] = "" referencesMap["Genome-wide association studies of pigmentation and skin cancer: a review and meta-analysis"] = "" referencesMap["Genome-wide association study in almost 195,000 individuals identifies 50 previously unidentified genetic loci for eye color."] = "" eyeColorObject := Trait{ TraitName: "Eye Color", TraitDescription: "The color of a person's eyes.", LociList: eyeColorLociList, RulesList: []TraitRule{}, OutcomesList: []string{}, References: referencesMap, } return eyeColorObject }