// myFundedStatus provides functions to store and retrieve a user's message/profile/report funded statuses. package myFundedStatus // Each message, mate profile and report must be funded with the user's account credit // This package will keep track of which messages are funded // This package will save the information in myDatastores, whereas verifiedFundedStatus stores statuses in badgerDatabase // We use myIdentityBalance to keep track of our identity funded status //TODO: Build this package func SetMyMessageIsFundedStatus(messageHash [26]byte, messageIsFunded bool, expirationTime int64)error{ //TODO return nil } func SetMyMateProfileIsFundedStatus(profileHash [28]byte, profileIsFunded bool, expirationTime int64)error{ //TODO return nil } func SetMyReportIsFundedStatus(reportHash [30]byte, reportIsFunded bool, expirationTime int64)error{ //TODO return nil } // Outputs: // -bool: Status is known // -bool: Message is funded // -int64: Expiration time // -error func CheckIfMyMessageIsFunded(messageHash [26]byte)(bool, bool, int64, error){ //TODO return true, true, 1000000000000, nil } //Outputs: // -bool: Status is known // -bool: Profile is funded // -int64: Profile expiration time // -error func CheckIfMyMateProfileIsFunded(profileHash [28]byte)(bool, bool, int64, error){ //TODO return true, true, 1000000000000, nil } //Outputs: // -bool: Status is known // -bool: Report is funded // -int64: Report expiration time // -error func CheckIfMyReportIsFunded(reportHash [30]byte)(bool, bool, int64, error){ //TODO return true, true, 1000000000000, nil }