// editEmojiFiles.go provides a utility to edit the emoji files in bulk // I've already changed some colors, and we might want to change more package main import "seekia/internal/localFilesystem" import goFilepath "path/filepath" import "os" import "log" import "strings" func main(){ emojisFolderPath := "../../resources/imageFiles/emojis/" fileList, err := os.ReadDir(emojisFolderPath) if (err != nil) { log.Println(err) return } for _, fileObject := range fileList{ fileName := fileObject.Name() filePath := goFilepath.Join(emojisFolderPath, fileName) fileBytes, err := os.ReadFile(filePath) if (err != nil){ log.Println(err) return } fileString := string(fileBytes) containsAny := strings.Contains(fileString, "#7C0000") if (containsAny == false){ continue } // Change color here: newFileString := strings.ReplaceAll(fileString, "#7C0000", "#7C0000") err = localFilesystem.CreateOrOverwriteFile([]byte(newFileString), emojisFolderPath, fileName) if (err != nil){ log.Println(err) return } } }