
805 lines
27 KiB

// trainedPredictionModels contains trained prediction neural network models for predicting genetic traits
// These models are stored as .gob encoded files of []float32 weights
// This package also contains prediction accuracy information for each model
// Prediction accuracy models describe information about how accurate the predictions made by the models are
// All of the files in this package are created by the Create Genetic Models utility.
// This utility is located in /utilities/createGeneticModels/createGeneticModels.go
package trainedPredictionModels
import "seekia/internal/genetics/geneticPrediction"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/geneticPredictionModels"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/locusValue"
import _ "embed"
import "math"
import "bytes"
import "encoding/gob"
import "slices"
import "sync"
import "errors"
// These are the trained prediction model files:
//go:embed predictionModels/EyeColorModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_EyeColor []byte
//go:embed predictionModels/LactoseToleranceModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_LactoseTolerance []byte
//go:embed predictionModels/HeightModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_Height []byte
//go:embed predictionModels/AutismModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_Autism []byte
//go:embed predictionModels/HomosexualnessModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_Homosexualness []byte
//go:embed predictionModels/ObesityModel.gob
var predictionModelFile_Obesity []byte
// These are the trained prediction models
// Each model has a mutex so it will only be used to make 1 prediction at a time
var predictionModel_EyeColor *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_EyeColor sync.Mutex
var predictionModel_LactoseTolerance *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_LactoseTolerance sync.Mutex
var predictionModel_Height *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_Height sync.Mutex
var predictionModel_Autism *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_Autism sync.Mutex
var predictionModel_Homosexualness *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_Homosexualness sync.Mutex
var predictionModel_Obesity *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork
var predictionModelMutex_Obesity sync.Mutex
// These are the discrete trait prediction model accuracy files:
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/EyeColorModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_EyeColor []byte
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/LactoseToleranceModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_LactoseTolerance []byte
// These are the discrete trait prediction model accuracy maps
var predictionAccuracyMap_EyeColor DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
var predictionAccuracyMap_LactoseTolerance DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
// These are the numeric attribute prediction model accuracy files:
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/HeightModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_Height []byte
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/AutismModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_Autism []byte
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/HomosexualnessModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_Homosexualness []byte
//go:embed predictionModelAccuracies/ObesityModelAccuracy.gob
var predictionAccuracyFile_Obesity []byte
// These are the numeric attribute prediction model accuracy maps
var predictionAccuracyMap_Height NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap
var predictionAccuracyMap_Autism NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap
var predictionAccuracyMap_Homosexualness NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap
var predictionAccuracyMap_Obesity NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap
// This function has to be called once upon application startup
// We must also call it before certain tests
func InitializeTrainedPredictionModels()error{
// We first initialize the neural networks
attributeNamesList := []string{"Eye Color", "Lactose Tolerance", "Height", "Autism", "Obesity", "Homosexualness"}
for _, attributeName := range attributeNamesList{
getPredictionModelFileBytes := func()([]byte, error){
switch attributeName{
case "Eye Color":{
return predictionModelFile_EyeColor, nil
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
return predictionModelFile_LactoseTolerance, nil
case "Height":{
return predictionModelFile_Height, nil
case "Autism":{
return predictionModelFile_Autism, nil
case "Obesity":{
return predictionModelFile_Obesity, nil
case "Homosexualness":{
return predictionModelFile_Homosexualness, nil
return nil, errors.New("Trying to initialize genetic prediction model with unknown attributeName: " + attributeName)
predictionModelFileBytes, err := getPredictionModelFileBytes()
if (err != nil) { return err }
neuralNetworkObject, err := geneticPredictionModels.DecodeBytesToNeuralNetworkObject(predictionModelFileBytes)
if (err != nil) { return err }
switch attributeName{
case "Eye Color":{
predictionModel_EyeColor = &neuralNetworkObject
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
predictionModel_LactoseTolerance = &neuralNetworkObject
case "Height":{
predictionModel_Height = &neuralNetworkObject
case "Autism":{
predictionModel_Autism = &neuralNetworkObject
case "Obesity":{
predictionModel_Obesity = &neuralNetworkObject
case "Homosexualness":{
predictionModel_Homosexualness = &neuralNetworkObject
return errors.New("Trying to initialize genetic prediction model with unknown attributeName: " + attributeName)
// Now we initialize the prediction accuracy information
// We start with discrete traits
discreteTraitNamesList := []string{"Eye Color", "Lactose Tolerance"}
for _, traitName := range discreteTraitNamesList{
getPredictionAccuracyFileBytes := func()([]byte, error){
switch traitName{
case "Eye Color":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_EyeColor, nil
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_LactoseTolerance, nil
return nil, errors.New("Prediction accuracy file not found for discrete trait: " + traitName)
predictionAccuracyFileBytes, err := getPredictionAccuracyFileBytes()
if (err != nil) { return err }
// We convert the gob encoded file to a map
discreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, err := decodeBytesToDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap(predictionAccuracyFileBytes)
if (err != nil) { return err }
// We initialize the global variables
switch traitName{
case "Eye Color":{
predictionAccuracyMap_EyeColor = discreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
predictionAccuracyMap_LactoseTolerance = discreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
return errors.New("Unknown discrete trait name: " + traitName)
// Now we process numeric attributes
numericAttributeNamesList := []string{"Height", "Autism", "Homosexualness", "Obesity"}
for _, traitName := range numericAttributeNamesList{
getPredictionAccuracyFileBytes := func()([]byte, error){
switch traitName{
case "Height":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_Height, nil
case "Autism":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_Autism, nil
case "Homosexualness":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_Homosexualness, nil
case "Obesity":{
return predictionAccuracyFile_Obesity, nil
return nil, errors.New("Prediction accuracy file not found for numeric trait: " + traitName)
predictionAccuracyFileBytes, err := getPredictionAccuracyFileBytes()
if (err != nil) { return err }
// We convert the gob encoded file to a map
numericTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, err := decodeBytesToNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap(predictionAccuracyFileBytes)
if (err != nil) { return err }
// We initialize the global variables
switch traitName{
case "Height":{
predictionAccuracyMap_Height = numericTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
case "Autism":{
predictionAccuracyMap_Autism = numericTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
case "Homosexualness":{
predictionAccuracyMap_Homosexualness = numericTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
case "Obesity":{
predictionAccuracyMap_Obesity = numericTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
return errors.New("Unknown numeric trait name: " + traitName)
return nil
// We use this to check if a neural network exists for an attribute
func CheckIfAttributeNeuralNetworkExists(attributeName string)bool{
switch attributeName{
case "Eye Color",
"Lactose Tolerance",
return true
return false
// -bool: Neural network model exists for this trait (trait prediction is possible for this trait)
// -bool: Trait prediction is possible for this user (User has at least 1 known trait locus value)
// -string: Predicted trait outcome (Example: "Blue")
// -int: Confidence: Probability (0-100) that the prediction is accurate
// -int: Quantity of loci known
// -int: Quantity of phased loci
// -error
func GetNeuralNetworkDiscreteTraitPredictionFromGenomeMap(traitName string, traitRSIDsList []int64, genomeMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, string, int, int, int, error){
getPredictionModelObject := func()(bool, *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork){
switch traitName{
case "Eye Color":{
return true, predictionModel_EyeColor
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
return true, predictionModel_LactoseTolerance
return false, nil
predictionModelExists, predictionModelObject := getPredictionModelObject()
if (predictionModelExists == false){
// Neural network trait prediction is not possible for this trait
return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, nil
if (predictionModelObject == nil){
return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, errors.New("GetNeuralNetworkDiscreteTraitPredictionFromGenomeMap called when trained prediction models are not initialized.")
if (len(traitRSIDsList) == 0){
return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, errors.New("GetNeuralNetworkDiscreteTraitPredictionFromGenomeMap called with empty traitRSIDsList for trait with a neural network.")
traitRSIDsListCopy := slices.Clone(traitRSIDsList)
neuralNetworkInput, quantityOfLociKnown, quantityOfPhasedLoci, err := geneticPrediction.CreateInputNeuralNetworkLayerFromGenomeMap(traitRSIDsListCopy, genomeMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, err }
if (quantityOfLociKnown == 0){
// We can't predict anything about this trait for this genome
return true, false, "", 0, 0, 0, nil
getPredictionOutcome := func()(string, error){
// We lock the mutex for the prediction model
switch traitName{
case "Eye Color":{
defer predictionModelMutex_EyeColor.Unlock()
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
defer predictionModelMutex_LactoseTolerance.Unlock()
return "", errors.New("traitName not found: " + traitName)
outputLayer, err := geneticPrediction.GetNeuralNetworkRawPrediction(predictionModelObject, false, neuralNetworkInput)
if (err != nil) { return "", err }
predictedOutcomeName, err := geneticPrediction.GetDiscreteOutcomeNameFromOutputLayer(traitName, false, outputLayer)
if (err != nil) { return "", err }
return predictedOutcomeName, nil
predictedOutcome, err := getPredictionOutcome()
if (err != nil) { return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, err }
modelTraitAccuracyInfoMap, err := GetPredictionModelDiscreteTraitAccuracyInfoMap(traitName)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, "", 0, 0, 0, err }
// We find the model trait accuracy info object that is the most similar to our predicted outcome
getPredictionAccuracy := func()int{
totalNumberOfTraitLoci := len(traitRSIDsList)
proportionOfLociTested := float64(quantityOfLociKnown)/float64(totalNumberOfTraitLoci)
percentageOfLociTested := int(proportionOfLociTested * 100)
proportionOfPhasedLoci := float64(quantityOfPhasedLoci)/float64(totalNumberOfTraitLoci)
percentageOfPhasedLoci := int(proportionOfPhasedLoci * 100)
// This is a value between 0 and 100 that represents the most likely accuracy probability for this prediction
closestPredictionAccuracy := 0
// This is a value that represents the distance our closest prediction accuracy has from the current prediction
// Consider each prediction accuracy value on an (X,Y) coordinate plane
// X = Number of loci tested
// Y = Number of phased loci
closestPredictionAccuracyDistance := float64(0)
anyOutcomeAccuracyFound := false
for traitOutcomeInfo, traitPredictionAccuracyInfo := range modelTraitAccuracyInfoMap{
outcomeName := traitOutcomeInfo.OutcomeName
if (outcomeName != predictedOutcome){
probabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction := traitPredictionAccuracyInfo.ProbabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction
currentPercentageOfLociTested := traitOutcomeInfo.PercentageOfLociTested
currentPercentageOfPhasedLoci := traitOutcomeInfo.PercentageOfPhasedLoci
// Distance Formula for 2 coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2):
// distance = √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
differenceInX := float64(currentPercentageOfLociTested - percentageOfLociTested)
differenceInY := float64(currentPercentageOfPhasedLoci - percentageOfPhasedLoci)
distance := math.Sqrt(math.Pow(differenceInX, 2) + math.Pow(differenceInY, 2))
if (distance == 0){
// We found the exact prediction accuracy
return probabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction
if (anyOutcomeAccuracyFound == false){
closestPredictionAccuracyDistance = distance
closestPredictionAccuracy = probabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction
anyOutcomeAccuracyFound = true
} else {
if (distance < closestPredictionAccuracyDistance){
closestPredictionAccuracyDistance = distance
closestPredictionAccuracy = probabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction
if (anyOutcomeAccuracyFound == false){
// This means that our model has never actually predicted this outcome
// This shouldn't happen unless our model is really bad, or our training set has very few people with this outcome.
// We return a 0% accuracy rating
return 0
return closestPredictionAccuracy
predictionAccuracy := getPredictionAccuracy()
return true, true, predictedOutcome, predictionAccuracy, quantityOfLociKnown, quantityOfPhasedLoci, nil
// This function is used to predict numeric traits and polygenic disease risk scores
// -bool: Neural network model exists for this attribute (neural network prediction is possible for this attribute)
// -bool: Attribute prediction is possible for this user (User has at least 1 known attribute locus value)
// -float64: Predicted attribute outcome (Example: Height in centimeters)
// -map[int]float64: Accuracy ranges map
// -Map Structure: Probability prediction is accurate (X) -> Distance from prediction that must be travelled in both directions to
// create a range in which the true value will fall into, X% of the time
// -int: Quantity of loci known
// -int: Quantity of phased loci
// -error
func GetNeuralNetworkNumericAttributePredictionFromGenomeMap(attributeName string, attributeLociList []int64, genomeMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, float64, map[int]float64, int, int, error){
getPredictionModelObject := func()(bool, *geneticPredictionModels.NeuralNetwork){
switch attributeName{
case "Height":{
return true, predictionModel_Height
case "Autism":{
return true, predictionModel_Autism
case "Obesity":{
return true, predictionModel_Obesity
case "Homosexualness":{
return true, predictionModel_Homosexualness
return false, nil
predictionModelExists, predictionModelObject := getPredictionModelObject()
if (predictionModelExists == false){
// Neural network trait prediction is not possible for this trait
return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, nil
if (predictionModelObject == nil){
return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetNeuralNetworkNumericAttributePredictionFromGenomeMap called when trained prediction models are not initialized.")
if (len(attributeLociList) == 0){
return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetNeuralNetworkNumericAttributePredictionFromGenomeMap called with empty attributeLociList for an attribute with a neural network.")
attributeLociListCopy := slices.Clone(attributeLociList)
neuralNetworkInput, quantityOfLociKnown, quantityOfPhasedLoci, err := geneticPrediction.CreateInputNeuralNetworkLayerFromGenomeMap(attributeLociListCopy, genomeMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, err }
if (quantityOfLociKnown == 0){
// We can't predict anything about this attribute for this genome
return true, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, nil
getPredictionOutcome := func()(float64, error){
// We lock the mutex for the prediction model
switch attributeName{
case "Height":{
defer predictionModelMutex_Height.Unlock()
case "Autism":{
defer predictionModelMutex_Autism.Unlock()
case "Obesity":{
defer predictionModelMutex_Obesity.Unlock()
case "Homosexualness":{
defer predictionModelMutex_Homosexualness.Unlock()
return 0, errors.New("attributeName not found: " + attributeName)
outputLayer, err := geneticPrediction.GetNeuralNetworkRawPrediction(predictionModelObject, true, neuralNetworkInput)
if (err != nil) { return 0, err }
predictedOutcomeValue, err := geneticPrediction.GetNumericOutcomeValueFromOutputLayer(attributeName, outputLayer)
if (err != nil) { return 0, err }
return predictedOutcomeValue, nil
predictedOutcome, err := getPredictionOutcome()
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, err }
modelAccuracyInfoMap, err := GetPredictionModelNumericAttributeAccuracyInfoMap(attributeName)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, nil, 0, 0, err }
// We create a prediction confidence ranges map for our prediction
getPredictionConfidenceRangesMap := func()map[int]float64{
totalNumberOfAttributeLoci := len(attributeLociListCopy)
proportionOfLociTested := float64(quantityOfLociKnown)/float64(totalNumberOfAttributeLoci)
percentageOfLociTested := int(proportionOfLociTested * 100)
proportionOfPhasedLoci := float64(quantityOfPhasedLoci)/float64(totalNumberOfAttributeLoci)
percentageOfPhasedLoci := int(proportionOfPhasedLoci * 100)
// This is a value between 0 and 100 that represents the most similar confidence ranges map for this prediction
var closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMap map[int]float64
// This is a value that represents the distance our closest prediction confidence ranges map has from the current prediction
// Consider each prediction accuracy value on an (X,Y) coordinate plane
// X = Number of loci tested
// Y = Number of phased loci
closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMapDistance := float64(0)
for attributeOutcomeInfo, attributePredictionConfidenceRangesMap := range modelAccuracyInfoMap{
currentPercentageOfLociTested := attributeOutcomeInfo.PercentageOfLociTested
currentPercentageOfPhasedLoci := attributeOutcomeInfo.PercentageOfPhasedLoci
// Distance Formula for 2 coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2):
// distance = √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
differenceInX := float64(currentPercentageOfLociTested - percentageOfLociTested)
differenceInY := float64(currentPercentageOfPhasedLoci - percentageOfPhasedLoci)
distance := math.Sqrt(math.Pow(differenceInX, 2) + math.Pow(differenceInY, 2))
if (distance == 0){
// We found the exact prediction confidence ranges map
return attributePredictionConfidenceRangesMap
if (closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMap == nil || distance < closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMapDistance){
closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMapDistance = distance
closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMap = attributePredictionConfidenceRangesMap
return closestPredictionConfidenceRangesMap
predictionConfidenceRangesMap := getPredictionConfidenceRangesMap()
return true, true, predictedOutcome, predictionConfidenceRangesMap, quantityOfLociKnown, quantityOfPhasedLoci, nil
// This map is used to store information about how accurate genetic prediction models are for discrete traits
// Map Structure: Discrete Trait Outcome Info -> Discrete Trait Prediction Accuracy Info
type DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap map[DiscreteTraitOutcomeInfo]DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfo
type DiscreteTraitOutcomeInfo struct{
// This is the outcome which was predicted
// Example: "Blue"
OutcomeName string
// This is a value between 0-100 which describes the percentage of the loci which were tested for the input for the prediction
PercentageOfLociTested int
// This is a value between 0-100 which describes the percentage of the tested loci which were phased for the input for the prediction
PercentageOfPhasedLoci int
type DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfo struct{
// This contains the quantity of examples for the outcome with the specified percentageOfLociTested and percentageOfPhasedLoci
QuantityOfExamples int
// This contains the quantity of predictions for the outcome with the specified percentageOfLociTested and percentageOfPhasedLoci
// Prediction = our model predicted this outcome
QuantityOfPredictions int
// This stores the probability (0-100) that our model will accurately predict this outcome for a genome which has
// the specified percentageOfLociTested and percentageOfPhasedLoci
// In other words: What is the probability that if you give Seekia a blue-eyed genome, it will give you a correct Blue prediction?
// This value is only accurate is QuantityOfExamples > 0
ProbabilityOfCorrectGenomePrediction int
// This stores the probability (0-100) that our model is correct if our model predicts that a genome
// with the specified percentageOfLociTested and percentageOfPhasedLoci has this outcome
// In other words: What is the probability that if Seekia says a genome will have blue eyes, it is correct?
// This value is only accurate is QuantityOfPredictions > 0
ProbabilityOfCorrectOutcomePrediction int
func EncodeDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMapToBytes(inputMap DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap)([]byte, error){
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(inputMap)
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
inputMapBytes := buffer.Bytes()
return inputMapBytes, nil
func decodeBytesToDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap(inputBytes []byte)(DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
if (inputBytes == nil){
return nil, errors.New("DecodeBytesToDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap called with nil inputBytes.")
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(inputBytes)
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(buffer)
var newDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap
err := decoder.Decode(&newDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap)
if (err != nil){ return nil, err }
return newDiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, nil
type NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap map[NumericAttributePredictionInfo]NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyRangesMap
type NumericAttributePredictionInfo struct{
// This is a value between 0-100 which describes the percentage of the loci which were tested for the input for the prediction
PercentageOfLociTested int
// This is a value between 0-100 which describes the percentage of the tested loci which were phased for the input for the prediction
PercentageOfPhasedLoci int
// Map Structure: Accuracy Percentage (AP) -> Amount needed to deviate from prediction for the value to be accurate (AP)% of the time
// For example, if the model predicted that someone was 150 centimeters tall, how many centimeters would we have to deviate in both directions
// in order for the true outcome to fall into the range 10% of the time, 20% of the time, 30% of the time, etc...
// Example:
// -90%+: 50 centimeters
// If you travel 50 centimeters in both directions from the prediction,
// the true height value will fall into this range 90% of the time.
// -50%+: 20 centimeters
// -10%+: 10 centimeters
type NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyRangesMap map[int]float64
func EncodeNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMapToBytes(inputMap NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap)([]byte, error){
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(buffer)
err := encoder.Encode(inputMap)
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
inputMapBytes := buffer.Bytes()
return inputMapBytes, nil
func decodeBytesToNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap(inputBytes []byte)(NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
if (inputBytes == nil){
return nil, errors.New("DecodeBytesToNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap called with nil inputBytes.")
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(inputBytes)
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(buffer)
var newNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap
err := decoder.Decode(&newNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap)
if (err != nil){ return nil, err }
return newNumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap, nil
func GetPredictionModelDiscreteTraitAccuracyInfoMap(traitName string)(DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
getAccuracyInfoMap := func()(DiscreteTraitPredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
switch traitName{
case "Eye Color":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_EyeColor, nil
case "Lactose Tolerance":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_LactoseTolerance, nil
return nil, errors.New("GetPredictionModelDiscreteTraitAccuracyInfoMap called with unknown traitName: " + traitName)
accuracyInfoMap, err := getAccuracyInfoMap()
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
if (accuracyInfoMap == nil){
return nil, errors.New("GetPredictionModelDiscreteTraitAccuracyInfoMap called when map is not initialized.")
return accuracyInfoMap, nil
// The files returned by this function are .gob encoded geneticPrediction.NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap objects
func GetPredictionModelNumericAttributeAccuracyInfoMap(attributeName string)(NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
getAccuracyInfoMap := func()(NumericAttributePredictionAccuracyInfoMap, error){
switch attributeName{
case "Height":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_Height, nil
case "Autism":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_Autism, nil
case "Homosexualness":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_Homosexualness, nil
case "Obesity":{
return predictionAccuracyMap_Obesity, nil
return nil, errors.New("GetPredictionModelNumericAttributeAccuracyInfoMap called with unknown attributeName: " + attributeName)
accuracyInfoMap, err := getAccuracyInfoMap()
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
if (accuracyInfoMap == nil){
return nil, errors.New("GetPredictionModelNumericAttributeAccuracyInfoMap called when map is not initialized.")
return accuracyInfoMap, nil