
181 lines
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// myProfileStatus provides functions to check if a user's profile is active on the network
package myProfileStatus
// For a profile to be active, multiple conditions must be met:
// 1. User's identity is funded
// 2. User's broadcast profile exists (the user has uploaded their profile to the network)
// 3. User's broadcast profile is funded (if profileType == "Mate")
// 4. User's broadcast profile is not disabled
// A disabled profile will exist on the network until the identity's balance expires, or the maximum profile existence time has passed
// 5. User's broadcast profile Disabled status matches their local profile.
import "seekia/internal/helpers"
import "seekia/internal/moderation/myIdentityScore"
import "seekia/internal/myIdentity"
import "seekia/internal/network/myBroadcasts"
import "seekia/internal/network/myFundedStatus"
import "seekia/internal/network/myIdentityBalance"
import "seekia/internal/parameters/getParameters"
import "seekia/internal/profiles/myLocalProfiles"
import "time"
import "errors"
// -bool: My identity exists
// -bool: My profile is active
// -error
func GetMyProfileIsActiveStatus(myIdentityHash [16]byte, networkType byte)(bool, bool, error){
isValid := helpers.VerifyNetworkType(networkType)
if (isValid == false){
networkTypeString := helpers.ConvertByteToString(networkType)
return false, false, errors.New("GetMyProfileIsActiveStatus called with invalid networkType: " + networkTypeString)
isMine, myIdentityType, err := myIdentity.CheckIfIdentityHashIsMine(myIdentityHash)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (isMine == false){
return false, false, nil
identityExists, profileExists, broadcastProfileHash, getAnyAttributeFromMyBroadcastProfile, err := myBroadcasts.GetRetrieveAnyAttributeFromMyBroadcastProfileFunction(myIdentityHash, networkType)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (identityExists == false) {
return false, false, errors.New("My identity not found after being found already.")
if (profileExists == false){
// There is no broadcast profile.
// Profile has never been broadcasted from this device.
// Profile is not active.
return true, false, nil
attributeExists, _, broadcastProfileIsDisabled, err := getAnyAttributeFromMyBroadcastProfile("Disabled")
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (attributeExists == true && broadcastProfileIsDisabled == "Yes"){
// Current broadcast profile is disabled.
// Profile is not active.
return true, false, nil
// We check if the local profile is disabled.
exists, iAmDisabled, err := myLocalProfiles.GetProfileData(myIdentityType, "Disabled")
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (exists == true && iAmDisabled == "Yes"){
// The current broadcast profile is not disabled, but the local profile is.
// This should only occur if the profile was disabled on a different network,
// funding the new profile failed, or is currently being attempted.
// We check for this because we don't want to allow the sending of messages when this occurs
// TODO: Perform the automatic updating and broadcasting of disabled profiles when the user
// disables their profile and switches to a different networkType
return true, false, nil
// Now we check if profile is inactive due to lack of identity balance funds, or expiration
// Moderator profiles never expire
if (myIdentityType == "Mate" || myIdentityType == "Host"){
attributeExists, _, broadcastTimeString, err := getAnyAttributeFromMyBroadcastProfile("BroadcastTime")
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (attributeExists == false) {
return false, false, errors.New("Malformed broadcast profile: Missing BroadcastTime.")
broadcastTimeInt64, err := helpers.ConvertBroadcastTimeStringToInt64(broadcastTimeString)
if (err != nil) {
return false, false, errors.New("Malformed broadcast profile: Contains invalid BroadcastTime: " + broadcastTimeString)
identityExists, myIdentityIsActivated, myBalanceIsSufficient, balanceIsSufficientStartTime, _, err := myIdentityBalance.GetMyIdentityBalanceStatus(myIdentityHash, networkType)
if (err != nil){ return false, false, err }
if (identityExists == false) {
return false, false, errors.New("My identity not found after being found already.")
if (myIdentityIsActivated == false || myBalanceIsSufficient == false){
return true, false, nil
if (balanceIsSufficientStartTime > broadcastTimeInt64){
// Our balance is sufficient now, but wasn't at the time of the broadcast of our current broadcast profile
// This should not happen... unless we got invalid identity deposit data from hosts either now or earlier.
// We say profile is not active
return true, false, nil
if (myIdentityType == "Mate" || myIdentityType == "Host"){
// We check to see if profile has expired from the network
// Moderator profiles never expire
getMaximumExistenceDuration := func()(int64, error){
if (myIdentityType == "Mate"){
_, maximumExistenceTime, err := getParameters.GetMateProfileMaximumExistenceDuration(networkType)
if (err != nil){ return 0, err }
return maximumExistenceTime, nil
_, maximumExistenceTime, err := getParameters.GetHostProfileMaximumExistenceDuration(networkType)
if (err != nil) { return 0, err }
return maximumExistenceTime, nil
maximumExistenceDuration, err := getMaximumExistenceDuration()
if (err != nil){ return false, false, err }
currentTime := time.Now().Unix()
timeElapsed := currentTime - broadcastTimeInt64
if (maximumExistenceDuration <= timeElapsed){
// Profile has expired from network
return true, false, nil
if (myIdentityType == "Moderator"){
// We check if identity score is sufficient
identityExists, _, scoreIsSufficient, _, _, err := myIdentityScore.GetMyIdentityScore()
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (identityExists == false) {
return false, false, errors.New("My identity not found after being found.")
if (scoreIsSufficient == false){
return true, false, nil
if (myIdentityType == "Mate"){
// We make sure profile is funded
statusIsKnown, profileIsFunded, _, err := myFundedStatus.CheckIfMyMateProfileIsFunded(broadcastProfileHash)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, err }
if (statusIsKnown == false || profileIsFunded == false){
return true, false, nil
// Profile should be active on the network!
return true, true, nil