
1634 lines
66 KiB

// createCoupleGeneticAnalysis provides functions to create a Couple genetic analysis
// Couple analyses provide an analysis of the prospective offspring of a pair of people
// These analyses are performed on one or more genome files.
// Analyses contain 3 categories of results: Monogenic Diseases, Polygenic Diseases and Traits
// Use createPersonGeneticAnalysis.go to create Person analyses
package createCoupleGeneticAnalysis
// Disclaimer: I am a novice in the ways of genetics. This package could be flawed in numerous ways.
// TODO: We want to eventually use neural nets for polygenic disease analysis (see geneticPrediction.go)
// This is only possible once we get access to the necessary training data
import "seekia/resources/trainedPredictionModels"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/locusMetadata"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/monogenicDiseases"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/polygenicDiseases"
import "seekia/resources/geneticReferences/traits"
import "seekia/internal/encoding"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/createPersonGeneticAnalysis"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/geneticAnalysis"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/locusValue"
import "seekia/internal/genetics/prepareRawGenomes"
import "seekia/internal/helpers"
import "errors"
import mathRand "math/rand/v2"
import "maps"
import "reflect"
// -bool: Process completed (was not manually stopped mid-way)
// -string: Couple genetic analysis string (encoded in MessagePack)
// -error
func CreateCoupleGeneticAnalysis(person1GenomesList []prepareRawGenomes.RawGenomeWithMetadata, person2GenomesList []prepareRawGenomes.RawGenomeWithMetadata, updatePercentageCompleteFunction func(int)error, checkIfProcessIsStopped func()bool)(bool, string, error){
person1PrepareRawGenomesUpdatePercentageCompleteFunction := func(newPercentage int)error{
newPercentageCompletion, err := helpers.ScaleIntProportionally(true, newPercentage, 0, 100, 0, 25)
if (err != nil) { return err }
err = updatePercentageCompleteFunction(newPercentageCompletion)
if (err != nil) { return err }
return nil
anyUsefulLocationsExist, person1GenomesWithMetadataList, allPerson1RawGenomeIdentifiersList, person1HasMultipleGenomes, person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, err := prepareRawGenomes.GetGenomesWithMetadataListFromRawGenomesList(person1GenomesList, person1PrepareRawGenomesUpdatePercentageCompleteFunction)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (anyUsefulLocationsExist == false){
// We should have checked for this when genomes were first imported.
return false, "", errors.New("CreateCoupleGeneticAnalysis called with person1GenomesList that does not contain any useful genomes")
if (len(person1GenomesList) > 1 && (len(person1GenomesList) != (len(person1GenomesWithMetadataList)-2)) ){
// If there is more than 1 genome, 2 combined genomes are created
// We are checking to make sure that none of the input genomes were dropped due to not having any locations
// We should have checked to make sure each input genome has useful locations when each genome was first imported.
return false, "", errors.New("CreateCoupleGeneticAnalysis called with person1GenomesList containing at least 1 genome without useful locations.")
processIsStopped := checkIfProcessIsStopped()
if (processIsStopped == true){
return false, "", nil
person2PrepareRawGenomesUpdatePercentageCompleteFunction := func(newPercentage int)error{
newPercentageCompletion, err := helpers.ScaleIntProportionally(true, newPercentage, 0, 100, 25, 50)
if (err != nil){ return err }
err = updatePercentageCompleteFunction(newPercentageCompletion)
if (err != nil) { return err }
return nil
anyUsefulLocationsExist, person2GenomesWithMetadataList, allPerson2RawGenomeIdentifiersList, person2HasMultipleGenomes, person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, err := prepareRawGenomes.GetGenomesWithMetadataListFromRawGenomesList(person2GenomesList, person2PrepareRawGenomesUpdatePercentageCompleteFunction)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (anyUsefulLocationsExist == false){
// We should have checked for this when genomes were first imported.
return false, "", errors.New("CreateCoupleGeneticAnalysis called with person2GenomesList that does not contain any useful genomes")
if (len(person2GenomesList) > 1 && (len(person2GenomesList) != (len(person2GenomesWithMetadataList)-2)) ){
// If there is more than 1 genome, 2 combined genomes are created
// We are checking to make sure that none of the input genomes were dropped due to not having any locations
// We should have checked to make sure each input genome has useful locations when each genome was first imported.
return false, "", errors.New("CreateCoupleGeneticAnalysis called with person2GenomesList containing at least 1 genome without useful locations.")
processIsStopped = checkIfProcessIsStopped()
if (processIsStopped == true){
return false, "", nil
// This map stores each genome's locus values
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> Genome locus values map (rsID -> Locus Value)
person1GenomesMap := make(map[[16]byte]map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)
for _, genomeWithMetadata := range person1GenomesWithMetadataList{
genomeIdentifier := genomeWithMetadata.GenomeIdentifier
genomeMap := genomeWithMetadata.GenomeMap
person1GenomesMap[genomeIdentifier] = genomeMap
// This map stores each genome's locus values
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> Genome locus values map (rsID -> Locus Value)
person2GenomesMap := make(map[[16]byte]map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)
for _, genomeWithMetadata := range person2GenomesWithMetadataList{
genomeIdentifier := genomeWithMetadata.GenomeIdentifier
genomeMap := genomeWithMetadata.GenomeMap
person2GenomesMap[genomeIdentifier] = genomeMap
// The analysis will analyze either 1 or 2 genome pairs
// The gui will display the results from each pair
// -[16]byte: Pair 1 Person 1 Genome Identifier
// -[16]byte: Pair 1 Person 2 Genome Identifier
// -bool: Second pair exists
// -[16]byte: Pair 2 Person 1 Genome Identifier
// -[16]byte: Pair 2 Person 2 Genome Identifier
// -error
getGenomePairsToAnalyze := func()([16]byte, [16]byte, bool, [16]byte, [16]byte, error){
if (person1HasMultipleGenomes == true && person2HasMultipleGenomes == true){
return person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, true, person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, nil
if (person1HasMultipleGenomes == true && person2HasMultipleGenomes == false){
person2GenomeIdentifier := allPerson2RawGenomeIdentifiersList[0]
return person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier, true, person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier, nil
if (person1HasMultipleGenomes == false && person2HasMultipleGenomes == true){
person1GenomeIdentifier := allPerson1RawGenomeIdentifiersList[0]
return person1GenomeIdentifier, person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier, true, person1GenomeIdentifier, person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier, nil
//person1HasMultipleGenomes == false && person2HasMultipleGenomes == false
person1GenomeIdentifier := allPerson1RawGenomeIdentifiersList[0]
person2GenomeIdentifier := allPerson2RawGenomeIdentifiersList[0]
return person1GenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier, false, [16]byte{}, [16]byte{}, nil
pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier, genomePair2Exists, pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier, err := getGenomePairsToAnalyze()
if (err != nil){ return false, "", err }
newCoupleAnalysis := geneticAnalysis.CoupleAnalysis{
AnalysisVersion: 1,
Pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier: pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier,
Pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier: pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier,
SecondPairExists: genomePair2Exists,
Person1HasMultipleGenomes: person1HasMultipleGenomes,
Person2HasMultipleGenomes: person2HasMultipleGenomes,
if (genomePair2Exists == true){
// At least 1 of the people have multiple genomes
newCoupleAnalysis.Pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier = pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier
newCoupleAnalysis.Pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier = pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier
if (person1HasMultipleGenomes == true){
newCoupleAnalysis.Person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier = person1OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier
newCoupleAnalysis.Person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier = person1OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier
if (person2HasMultipleGenomes == true){
newCoupleAnalysis.Person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier = person2OnlyExcludeConflictsGenomeIdentifier
newCoupleAnalysis.Person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier = person2OnlyIncludeSharedGenomeIdentifier
// We compute and add monogenic disease probabilities
monogenicDiseasesList, err := monogenicDiseases.GetMonogenicDiseaseObjectsList()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo
offspringMonogenicDiseasesMap := make(map[string]geneticAnalysis.OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo)
for _, diseaseObject := range monogenicDiseasesList{
diseaseName := diseaseObject.DiseaseName
variantsList := diseaseObject.VariantsList
diseaseIsDominantOrRecessive := diseaseObject.DominantOrRecessive
person1DiseaseAnalysisObject, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetPersonMonogenicDiseaseAnalysis(person1GenomesWithMetadataList, diseaseObject)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
person2DiseaseAnalysisObject, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetPersonMonogenicDiseaseAnalysis(person2GenomesWithMetadataList, diseaseObject)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
// This map stores the quantity of variants tested in each person's genome
// Map Structure: Genome Identifier -> Number of variants tested
quantityOfVariantsTestedMap := make(map[[16]byte]int)
// This map stores the offspring disease probabilities for each genome pair.
// A genome pair is a concatenation of two genome identifiers
// If a map entry doesn't exist, the probabilities are unknown for that genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities
offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap := make(map[[32]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfo)
// This will calculate the probability of monogenic disease for the offspring from the two specified genomes
// It also calculates the probabilities for each monogenic disease variant for the offspring
// It then adds the genome pair disease information to the offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap and quantityOfVariantsTestedMap
addGenomePairInfoToDiseaseMaps := func(person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte, person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte)error{
// -bool: Probability is known
// -int: Probability of passing a disease variant (value between 0 and 100)
// -int: Number of variants tested
getPersonWillPassDiseaseVariantProbability := func(personDiseaseAnalysisObject geneticAnalysis.PersonMonogenicDiseaseInfo, genomeIdentifier [16]byte)(bool, int, int){
personDiseaseInfoMap := personDiseaseAnalysisObject.MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap
personGenomeDiseaseInfoObject, exists := personDiseaseInfoMap[genomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return false, 0, 0
personGenomeProbabilityOfPassingADiseaseVariant := personGenomeDiseaseInfoObject.ProbabilityOfPassingADiseaseVariant
personGenomeQuantityOfVariantsTested := personGenomeDiseaseInfoObject.QuantityOfVariantsTested
return true, personGenomeProbabilityOfPassingADiseaseVariant, personGenomeQuantityOfVariantsTested
person1ProbabilityIsKnown, person1WillPassVariantProbability, person1NumberOfVariantsTested := getPersonWillPassDiseaseVariantProbability(person1DiseaseAnalysisObject, person1GenomeIdentifier)
person2ProbabilityIsKnown, person2WillPassVariantProbability, person2NumberOfVariantsTested := getPersonWillPassDiseaseVariantProbability(person2DiseaseAnalysisObject, person2GenomeIdentifier)
offspringHasDiseaseProbabilityIsKnown, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDisease, offspringHasAVariantProbabilityIsKnown, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant, err := GetOffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities(diseaseIsDominantOrRecessive, person1ProbabilityIsKnown, person1WillPassVariantProbability, person2ProbabilityIsKnown, person2WillPassVariantProbability)
if (err != nil) { return err }
// Now we calculate the probabilities for individual variants
offspringVariantsInfoMap := make(map[[3]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo)
for _, variantObject := range variantsList{
variantIdentifierHex := variantObject.VariantIdentifier
variantIdentifier, err := encoding.DecodeHexStringTo3ByteArray(variantIdentifierHex)
if (err != nil) { return err }
// -bool: Probability is known
// -float64: Probability that person will pass variant to offspring (between 0 and 1)
// -error
getPersonWillPassVariantProbability := func(personDiseaseAnalysisObject geneticAnalysis.PersonMonogenicDiseaseInfo, personGenomeIdentifier [16]byte)(bool, float64, error){
personDiseaseInfoMap := personDiseaseAnalysisObject.MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap
personGenomeDiseaseInfoObject, exists := personDiseaseInfoMap[personGenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return false, 0, nil
personGenomeDiseaseVariantsMap := personGenomeDiseaseInfoObject.VariantsInfoMap
personVariantInfoObject, exists := personGenomeDiseaseVariantsMap[variantIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
// The genome does not have information about this variant
return false, 0, nil
base1HasVariant := personVariantInfoObject.Base1HasVariant
base2HasVariant := personVariantInfoObject.Base2HasVariant
if (base1HasVariant == true && base2HasVariant == true){
return true, 1, nil
if (base1HasVariant == true && base2HasVariant == false){
return true, 0.5, nil
if (base1HasVariant == false && base2HasVariant == true){
return true, 0.5, nil
// Neither base has a variant
return true, 0, nil
person1VariantProbabilityIsKnown, person1WillPassVariantProbability, err := getPersonWillPassVariantProbability(person1DiseaseAnalysisObject, person1GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return err }
person2VariantProbabilityIsKnown, person2WillPassVariantProbability, err := getPersonWillPassVariantProbability(person2DiseaseAnalysisObject, person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return err }
if (person1VariantProbabilityIsKnown == false && person2VariantProbabilityIsKnown == false){
// Outputs:
// -float64: Best Case Person 1 will pass variant probability (0-1)
// -float64: Worst Case Person 1 will pass variant probability (0-1)
// -float64: Best Case Person 2 will pass variant probability (0-1)
// -float64: Worst Case Person 2 will pass variant probability (0-1)
getBestAndWorstCaseProbabilities := func()(float64, float64, float64, float64){
if (person1VariantProbabilityIsKnown == true && person2VariantProbabilityIsKnown == false){
return person1WillPassVariantProbability, person1WillPassVariantProbability, float64(0), float64(1)
if (person1VariantProbabilityIsKnown == false && person2VariantProbabilityIsKnown == true){
return float64(0), float64(1), person2WillPassVariantProbability, person2WillPassVariantProbability
// Both people's probabilities are known
return person1WillPassVariantProbability, person1WillPassVariantProbability, person2WillPassVariantProbability, person2WillPassVariantProbability
bestCasePerson1WillPassVariantProbability, worstCasePerson1WillPassVariantProbability, bestCasePerson2WillPassVariantProbability, worstCasePerson2WillPassVariantProbability := getBestAndWorstCaseProbabilities()
// -int: Percentage Probability of 0 mutations
// -int: Percentage Probability of 1 mutation
// -int: Percentage Probability of 2 mutations
// -error
getOffspringVariantMutationProbabilities := func(person1WillPassVariantProbability float64, person2WillPassVariantProbability float64)(int, int, int, error){
// This is the probability that neither person will pass the variant
// P = P(!A) * P(!B)
probabilityOf0Mutations := (1 - person1WillPassVariantProbability) * (1 - person2WillPassVariantProbability)
// This is the probability that either person will pass the variant, but not both
// P(A XOR B) = P(A) + P(B) - (2 * P(A and B))
probabilityOf1Mutation := person1WillPassVariantProbability + person2WillPassVariantProbability - (2 * person1WillPassVariantProbability * person2WillPassVariantProbability)
// This is the probability that both people will pass the variant
// P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)
probabilityOf2Mutations := person1WillPassVariantProbability * person2WillPassVariantProbability
percentageProbabilityOf0Mutations, err := helpers.FloorFloat64ToInt(probabilityOf0Mutations * 100)
if (err != nil) { return 0, 0, 0, err }
percentageProbabilityOf1Mutation, err := helpers.FloorFloat64ToInt(probabilityOf1Mutation * 100)
if (err != nil) { return 0, 0, 0, err }
percentageProbabilityOf2Mutations, err := helpers.FloorFloat64ToInt(probabilityOf2Mutations * 100)
if (err != nil) { return 0, 0, 0, err }
return percentageProbabilityOf0Mutations, percentageProbabilityOf1Mutation, percentageProbabilityOf2Mutations, nil
bestCase0MutationsProbability, bestCase1MutationProbability, bestCase2MutationsProbability, err := getOffspringVariantMutationProbabilities(bestCasePerson1WillPassVariantProbability, bestCasePerson2WillPassVariantProbability)
if (err != nil) { return err }
worstCase0MutationsProbability, worstCase1MutationProbability, worstCase2MutationsProbability, err := getOffspringVariantMutationProbabilities(worstCasePerson1WillPassVariantProbability, worstCasePerson2WillPassVariantProbability)
if (err != nil) { return err }
// We have to figure out which 1-mutation-probability is lower
// The best case probabilities can actually result in a higher probability for 1 mutation
// than the worst case probabilities
// This is because in a worst-case-scenario, the probability of 1 mutation might be 0 because
// the probability of 2 mutations is 100
// This is not needed for the 0 and 2 mutation probabilities because TODO
lowerBound1MutationProbability := min(bestCase1MutationProbability, worstCase1MutationProbability)
upperBound1MutationProbability := max(bestCase1MutationProbability, worstCase1MutationProbability)
newOffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo{
ProbabilityOf0MutationsLowerBound: worstCase0MutationsProbability,
ProbabilityOf0MutationsUpperBound: bestCase0MutationsProbability,
ProbabilityOf1MutationLowerBound: lowerBound1MutationProbability,
ProbabilityOf1MutationUpperBound: upperBound1MutationProbability,
ProbabilityOf2MutationsLowerBound: bestCase2MutationsProbability,
ProbabilityOf2MutationsUpperBound: worstCase2MutationsProbability,
offspringVariantsInfoMap[variantIdentifier] = newOffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfoObject
if (person1ProbabilityIsKnown == false && person2ProbabilityIsKnown == false && len(offspringVariantsInfoMap) == 0){
// We have no information about this genome pair's disease risk
// We don't add this genome pair's disease info to the diseaseInfoMap
return nil
quantityOfVariantsTestedMap[person1GenomeIdentifier] = person1NumberOfVariantsTested
quantityOfVariantsTestedMap[person2GenomeIdentifier] = person2NumberOfVariantsTested
newOffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfo{
ProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown: offspringHasDiseaseProbabilityIsKnown,
ProbabilityOffspringHasDisease: percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDisease,
ProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown: offspringHasAVariantProbabilityIsKnown,
ProbabilityOffspringHasVariant: percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant,
VariantsInfoMap: offspringVariantsInfoMap,
genomePairIdentifier := helpers.JoinTwo16ByteArrays(person1GenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier)
offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap[genomePairIdentifier] = newOffspringGenomePairMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject
return nil
err = addGenomePairInfoToDiseaseMaps(pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (genomePair2Exists == true){
err := addGenomePairInfoToDiseaseMaps(pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfo{
QuantityOfVariantsTestedMap: quantityOfVariantsTestedMap,
MonogenicDiseaseInfoMap: offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap,
// Now we check for conflicts in monogenic disease results
// For couples, a conflict is when either genome pair has differing results for any disease probability/variant probability
// This is different from a person having conflicts within their different genomes
// Each genome pair only uses 1 genome from each person.
if (len(offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap) >= 2){
// Conflicts are only possible if two genome pairs with information about this disease exist
checkIfConflictExists := func()(bool, error){
probabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown := false
probabilityOffspringHasDisease := 0
probabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown := false
probabilityOffspringHasVariant := 0
offspringVariantsInfoMap := make(map[[3]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringMonogenicDiseaseVariantInfo)
firstItemReached := false
for _, offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject := range offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoMap{
currentProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown := offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.ProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown
currentProbabilityOffspringHasDisease := offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.ProbabilityOffspringHasDisease
currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown := offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.ProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown
currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariant := offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.ProbabilityOffspringHasVariant
currentOffspringVariantsInfoMap := offspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.VariantsInfoMap
if (firstItemReached == false){
probabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown = currentProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown
probabilityOffspringHasDisease = currentProbabilityOffspringHasDisease
probabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown = currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown
probabilityOffspringHasVariant = currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariant
offspringVariantsInfoMap = currentOffspringVariantsInfoMap
firstItemReached = true
if (currentProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown != probabilityOffspringHasDiseaseIsKnown){
return true, nil
if (currentProbabilityOffspringHasDisease != probabilityOffspringHasDisease){
return true, nil
if (currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown != probabilityOffspringHasVariantIsKnown){
return true, nil
if (currentProbabilityOffspringHasVariant != probabilityOffspringHasVariant){
return true, nil
areEqual := maps.Equal(currentOffspringVariantsInfoMap, offspringVariantsInfoMap)
if (areEqual == false){
return true, nil
return false, nil
conflictExists, err := checkIfConflictExists()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject.ConflictExists = conflictExists
offspringMonogenicDiseasesMap[diseaseName] = newOffspringMonogenicDiseaseInfoObject
newCoupleAnalysis.MonogenicDiseasesMap = offspringMonogenicDiseasesMap
// Step 2: Polygenic Diseases
polygenicDiseaseObjectsList, err := polygenicDiseases.GetPolygenicDiseaseObjectsList()
if (err != nil){ return false, "", err }
// Map Structure: Disease Name -> OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo
offspringPolygenicDiseasesMap := make(map[string]geneticAnalysis.OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo)
for _, diseaseObject := range polygenicDiseaseObjectsList{
diseaseName := diseaseObject.DiseaseName
// This map stores the polygenic disease info for each genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo
offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap := make(map[[32]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo)
// This will calculate the disease info for the offspring from the two specified genomes to the diseases map
// It then adds the pair entry to the offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap
addGenomePairDiseaseInfoToDiseaseMap := func(person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte, person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte)error{
person1LocusValuesMap, exists := person1GenomesMap[person1GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairDiseaseInfoToDiseaseMap called with unknown person1GenomeIdentifier.")
person2LocusValuesMap, exists := person2GenomesMap[person2GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairDiseaseInfoToDiseaseMap called with unknown person2GenomeIdentifier.")
neuralNetworkExists, anyOffspringLocusKnown, offspringAverageRiskScore, accuracyRangesMap, predictedRiskScoresList, quantityOfLociKnown, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, err := GetOffspringPolygenicDiseaseAnalysis(diseaseObject, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == false){
// We cannot analyze this disease
return nil
if (anyOffspringLocusKnown == false){
// We have no information about this genome pair's disease risk
// We don't add this genome pair's disease info to the diseaseInfoMap
return nil
newOffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo{
OffspringAverageRiskScore: offspringAverageRiskScore,
PredictionConfidenceRangesMap: accuracyRangesMap,
QuantityOfLociKnown: quantityOfLociKnown,
QuantityOfParentalPhasedLoci: quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci,
SampleOffspringRiskScoresList: predictedRiskScoresList,
genomePairIdentifier := helpers.JoinTwo16ByteArrays(person1GenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier)
offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap[genomePairIdentifier] = newOffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo
return nil
err = addGenomePairDiseaseInfoToDiseaseMap(pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (genomePair2Exists == true){
err := addGenomePairDiseaseInfoToDiseaseMap(pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (len(offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap) == 0){
// No disease analysis was performed
newOffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfo{
PolygenicDiseaseInfoMap: offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap,
if (len(offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap) >= 2){
// We check for conflicts
// Conflicts are only possible if two genome pairs with disease info for this disease exist
checkIfConflictExists := func()(bool, error){
currentGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo{}
firstItemReached := false
for _, genomePairDiseaseInfoObject := range offspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoMap{
if (firstItemReached == false){
currentGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo = genomePairDiseaseInfoObject
firstItemReached = true
areEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(genomePairDiseaseInfoObject, currentGenomePairPolygenicDiseaseInfo)
if (areEqual == false){
return true, nil
return false, nil
conflictExists, err := checkIfConflictExists()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoObject.ConflictExists = conflictExists
offspringPolygenicDiseasesMap[diseaseName] = newOffspringPolygenicDiseaseInfoObject
newCoupleAnalysis.PolygenicDiseasesMap = offspringPolygenicDiseasesMap
// Step 3: Traits
traitObjectsList, err := traits.GetTraitObjectsList()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
// Map Structure: Trait Name -> Trait Info Object
offspringDiscreteTraitsMap := make(map[string]geneticAnalysis.OffspringDiscreteTraitInfo)
// Map Structure: Trait Name -> Trait Info Object
offspringNumericTraitsMap := make(map[string]geneticAnalysis.OffspringNumericTraitInfo)
for _, traitObject := range traitObjectsList{
traitName := traitObject.TraitName
traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric := traitObject.DiscreteOrNumeric
if (traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric == "Discrete"){
// This map stores the trait info for each genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo
offspringTraitInfoMap := make(map[[32]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo)
// This will add the offspring trait information for the provided genome pair to the offspringTraitInfoMap
addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap := func(person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte, person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte)error{
person1LocusValuesMap, exists := person1GenomesMap[person1GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap called with unknown person1GenomeIdentifier.")
person2LocusValuesMap, exists := person2GenomesMap[person2GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap called with unknown person2GenomeIdentifier.")
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo{}
neuralNetworkExists, neuralNetworkAnalysisExists, outcomeProbabilitiesMap, averagePredictionConfidence, quantityOfLociTested, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, err := GetOffspringDiscreteTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork(traitObject, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == true){
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.NeuralNetworkExists = true
if (neuralNetworkAnalysisExists == true){
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.NeuralNetworkAnalysisExists = true
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo_NeuralNetwork := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo_NeuralNetwork{
OffspringOutcomeProbabilitiesMap: outcomeProbabilitiesMap,
AverageConfidence: averagePredictionConfidence,
QuantityOfLociKnown: quantityOfLociTested,
QuantityOfParentalPhasedLoci: quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci,
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.NeuralNetworkAnalysis = newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo_NeuralNetwork
anyRulesExist, rulesAnalysisExists, quantityOfRulesTested, quantityOfLociKnown, offspringProbabilityOfPassingRulesMap, offspringOutcomeProbabilitiesMap, err := GetOffspringDiscreteTraitAnalysis_Rules(traitObject, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return err }
if (anyRulesExist == true){
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.RulesExist = true
if (rulesAnalysisExists == true){
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.RulesAnalysisExists = true
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo_Rules := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo_Rules{
QuantityOfRulesTested: quantityOfRulesTested,
QuantityOfLociKnown: quantityOfLociKnown,
ProbabilityOfPassingRulesMap: offspringProbabilityOfPassingRulesMap,
OffspringOutcomeProbabilitiesMap: offspringOutcomeProbabilitiesMap,
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo.RulesAnalysis = newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo_Rules
genomePairIdentifier := helpers.JoinTwo16ByteArrays(person1GenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier)
offspringTraitInfoMap[genomePairIdentifier] = newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo
return nil
err = addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap(pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (genomePair2Exists == true){
err := addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap(pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringTraitInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringDiscreteTraitInfo{
TraitInfoMap: offspringTraitInfoMap,
if (len(offspringTraitInfoMap) >= 2){
// We check for conflicts
// Conflicts are only possible if two genome pairs exist with information about the trait
checkIfConflictExists := func()(bool, error){
// We check for conflicts between each genome pair's outcome scores and trait rules maps
genomePairTraitInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairDiscreteTraitInfo{}
firstItemReached := false
for _, currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject := range offspringTraitInfoMap{
if (firstItemReached == false){
genomePairTraitInfoObject = currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject
firstItemReached = true
areEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(genomePairTraitInfoObject, currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject)
if (areEqual == false){
return true, nil
return false, nil
conflictExists, err := checkIfConflictExists()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringTraitInfoObject.ConflictExists = conflictExists
offspringDiscreteTraitsMap[traitName] = newOffspringTraitInfoObject
} else {
// traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric == "Numeric"
// This map stores the trait info for each genome pair
// Map Structure: Genome Pair Identifier -> OffspringGenomePairNumericTraitInfo
offspringTraitInfoMap := make(map[[32]byte]geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairNumericTraitInfo)
// This will add the offspring trait information for the provided genome pair to the offspringTraitInfoMap
addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap := func(person1GenomeIdentifier [16]byte, person2GenomeIdentifier [16]byte)error{
person1LocusValuesMap, exists := person1GenomesMap[person1GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap called with unknown person1GenomeIdentifier.")
person2LocusValuesMap, exists := person2GenomesMap[person2GenomeIdentifier]
if (exists == false){
return errors.New("addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap called with unknown person2GenomeIdentifier.")
neuralNetworkExists, neuralNetworkAnalysisExists, averageOutcome, predictionConfidenceRangesMap, sampleOffspringOutcomesList, quantityOfLociTested, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, err := GetOffspringNumericTraitAnalysis(traitObject, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == false){
// Predictions are not possible for this trait
return nil
if (neuralNetworkAnalysisExists == false){
// No locations for this trait exists in which both user's genomes contain information
return nil
newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairNumericTraitInfo{
OffspringAverageOutcome: averageOutcome,
PredictionConfidenceRangesMap: predictionConfidenceRangesMap,
QuantityOfParentalPhasedLoci: quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci,
QuantityOfLociKnown: quantityOfLociTested,
SampleOffspringOutcomesList: sampleOffspringOutcomesList,
genomePairIdentifier := helpers.JoinTwo16ByteArrays(person1GenomeIdentifier, person2GenomeIdentifier)
offspringTraitInfoMap[genomePairIdentifier] = newOffspringGenomePairTraitInfo
return nil
err = addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap(pair1Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair1Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (genomePair2Exists == true){
err := addGenomePairTraitInfoToOffspringMap(pair2Person1GenomeIdentifier, pair2Person2GenomeIdentifier)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringTraitInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringNumericTraitInfo{
TraitInfoMap: offspringTraitInfoMap,
if (len(offspringTraitInfoMap) >= 2){
// We check for conflicts
// Conflicts are only possible if two genome pairs exist with information about the trait
checkIfConflictExists := func()(bool, error){
// We check for conflicts between each genome pair's outcome scores and trait rules maps
genomePairTraitInfoObject := geneticAnalysis.OffspringGenomePairNumericTraitInfo{}
firstItemReached := false
for _, currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject := range offspringTraitInfoMap{
if (firstItemReached == false){
genomePairTraitInfoObject = currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject
firstItemReached = true
areEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(genomePairTraitInfoObject, currentGenomePairTraitInfoObject)
if (areEqual == false){
return true, nil
return false, nil
conflictExists, err := checkIfConflictExists()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
newOffspringTraitInfoObject.ConflictExists = conflictExists
offspringNumericTraitsMap[traitName] = newOffspringTraitInfoObject
newCoupleAnalysis.DiscreteTraitsMap = offspringDiscreteTraitsMap
newCoupleAnalysis.NumericTraitsMap = offspringNumericTraitsMap
analysisBytes, err := encoding.EncodeMessagePackBytes(newCoupleAnalysis)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
analysisString := string(analysisBytes)
return true, analysisString, nil
// We also use this function when calculating offspring probabilities between users in viewProfileGui.go
// -bool: Probability offspring has disease is known
// -int: Percentage probability offspring has disease (0-100)
// -bool: Probability offspring has variant is known
// -int: Percentage probability offspring has variant (0-100)
// -error
func GetOffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities(dominantOrRecessive string, person1ProbabilityIsKnown bool, person1WillPassVariantPercentageProbability int, person2ProbabilityIsKnown bool, person2WillPassVariantPercentageProbability int)(bool, int, bool, int, error){
if (dominantOrRecessive != "Dominant" && dominantOrRecessive != "Recessive"){
return false, 0, false, 0, errors.New("GetOffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities called with invalid dominantOrRecessive: " + dominantOrRecessive)
if (person1ProbabilityIsKnown == false && person2ProbabilityIsKnown == false){
return false, 0, false, 0, nil
if (person1ProbabilityIsKnown == true){
if (person1WillPassVariantPercentageProbability < 0 || person1WillPassVariantPercentageProbability > 100){
return false, 0, false, 0, errors.New("GetOffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities called with invalid person1WillPassVariantProbability")
if (person2ProbabilityIsKnown == true){
if (person2WillPassVariantPercentageProbability < 0 || person2WillPassVariantPercentageProbability > 100){
return false, 0, false, 0, errors.New("GetOffspringMonogenicDiseaseProbabilities called with invalid person2WillPassVariantProbability")
if (person1ProbabilityIsKnown == false || person2ProbabilityIsKnown == false){
// Only 1 of the person's probabilities are known
getPersonWhoHasVariantProbabilityOfPassingIt := func()int{
if (person1ProbabilityIsKnown == true){
return person1WillPassVariantPercentageProbability
return person2WillPassVariantPercentageProbability
personWhoHasVariantProbabilityOfPassingIt := getPersonWhoHasVariantProbabilityOfPassingIt()
if (personWhoHasVariantProbabilityOfPassingIt == 100){
if (dominantOrRecessive == "Dominant"){
// We know the offspring will have the disease and will have a variant
return true, 100, true, 100, nil
//dominantOrRecessive == "Recessive"
// We don't know if the offspring will have the disease, but we know they will have a variant
return false, 0, true, 100, nil
if (personWhoHasVariantProbabilityOfPassingIt == 0){
if (dominantOrRecessive == "Recessive"){
// We know the offspring will not have the disease, but we don't know if they will have a variant
return true, 0, false, 0, nil
// We don't know the probabilities that the offspring will have the disease or if they will have a variant
return false, 0, false, 0, nil
person1WillPassVariantProbability := float64(person1WillPassVariantPercentageProbability)/100
person2WillPassVariantProbability := float64(person2WillPassVariantPercentageProbability)/100
// The probability offspring has a variant = the probability that either parent passes a variant (inclusive or)
// We find the probability of the offspring having a monogenic disease variant as follows:
// P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)
// (Probability of person 1 passing a variant) + (Probability of person 2 passing a variant) - (Probability of offspring having disease)
// A person with a variant may have the disease, or just be a carrier.
probabilityOffspringHasVariant := person1WillPassVariantProbability + person2WillPassVariantProbability - (person1WillPassVariantProbability * person2WillPassVariantProbability)
if (dominantOrRecessive == "Dominant"){
// The probability of having the monogenic disease is the same as the probability of having a variant
percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant := int(probabilityOffspringHasVariant * 100)
return true, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant, true, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant, nil
// We find the probability of the offspring having the mongenic disease as follows:
// P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)
// (Probability of person 1 Passing a variant) * (Probability of person 2 passing a variant)
probabilityOffspringHasDisease := person1WillPassVariantProbability * person2WillPassVariantProbability
percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDisease := probabilityOffspringHasDisease * 100
percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant := probabilityOffspringHasVariant * 100
// This conversion remove any digits after the radix point
// This will not result in any false 0% values, an example being 0.9% becoming 0%
// This is because the lowest non-zero probability a person can have for passing a variant is 50%
// Thus, the lowest non-zero probability of an offspring having a disease is 25%
percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseInt := int(percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDisease)
percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariantInt := int(percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariant)
return true, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasDiseaseInt, true, percentageProbabilityOffspringHasVariantInt, nil
// -bool: A neural network exists for this trait
// -bool: Any loci tested (if false, no offspring polygenic disease analysis is known)
// -int: Offspring Average Risk Score (Value between 0-10)
// -map[int]float64: Prediction accuracy ranges map
// -Map Structure: Probability prediction is accurate (X) -> Distance from prediction that must be travelled in both directions to
// create a range in which the true value will fall into, X% of the time
// -[]int: Sample offspring risks scores list
// -int: Quantity of loci known
// -int: Quantity of parental phased loci
// -error
func GetOffspringPolygenicDiseaseAnalysis(diseaseObject polygenicDiseases.PolygenicDisease, person1LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, person2LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, int, map[int]float64, []int, int, int, error){
diseaseName := diseaseObject.DiseaseName
modelExists := trainedPredictionModels.CheckIfAttributeNeuralNetworkExists(diseaseName)
if (modelExists == false){
// Prediction is not possible for this trait
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
if (len(person1LocusValuesMap) == 0){
return true, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
if (len(person2LocusValuesMap) == 0){
return true, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
diseaseLociList := diseaseObject.LociList
// First we count up the quantity of parental phased loci
// We only count the quantity of phased loci for loci which are known for both parents
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci := 0
for _, rsID := range diseaseLociList{
person1LocusValue, exists := person1LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person2LocusValue, exists := person2LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person1LocusIsPhased := person1LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person1LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
person2LocusIsPhased := person2LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person2LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
// We create 100 prospective offspring genomes.
anyLocusValueExists, prospectiveOffspringGenomesList, err := getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList(diseaseLociList, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, err }
if (anyLocusValueExists == false){
return true, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
// A list of predicted risk scores for each offspring
predictedRiskScoresList := make([]int, 0)
accuracyRangesMap := make(map[int]float64)
quantityOfLociTested := 0
for index, offspringGenomeMap := range prospectiveOffspringGenomesList{
neuralNetworkExists, predictionIsKnown, predictedRiskScore, predictionAccuracyRangesMap, currentQuantityOfLociTested, _, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetPersonGenomePolygenicDiseaseAnalysis(diseaseObject, offspringGenomeMap, false)
if (err != nil){ return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == false){
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeNumericTraitAnalysis claiming that neural network doesn't exist when we already checked.")
if (predictionIsKnown == false){
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeNumericTraitAnalysis claiming that prediction is impossible when we already know at least 1 locus value exists for trait.")
predictedRiskScoresList = append(predictedRiskScoresList, predictedRiskScore)
if (index == 0){
// These values should be the same for each predicted offspring
accuracyRangesMap = predictionAccuracyRangesMap
quantityOfLociTested = currentQuantityOfLociTested
// We calculate the average predicted risk score
outcomesSum := 0
for _, predictedRiskScore := range predictedRiskScoresList{
outcomesSum += predictedRiskScore
averageRiskScore := outcomesSum/100
return true, true, averageRiskScore, accuracyRangesMap, predictedRiskScoresList, quantityOfLociTested, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, nil
// -bool: A neural network exists for this trait
// -bool: Analysis exists (at least 1 locus exists for this analysis from both people's genomes
// -map[string]int: Outcome probabilities map
// Map Structure: Outcome Name -> Offspring probability of outcome
// -int: Average prediction confidence (the average prediction confidence for all prospective offspring)
// -int: Quantity of loci tested
// -int: Quantity of parental phased loci
// -error
func GetOffspringDiscreteTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork(traitObject traits.Trait, person1LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, person2LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, map[string]int, int, int, int, error){
traitName := traitObject.TraitName
traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric := traitObject.DiscreteOrNumeric
if (traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric != "Discrete"){
return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("GetOffspringDiscreteTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork called with non-discrete trait.")
modelExists := trainedPredictionModels.CheckIfAttributeNeuralNetworkExists(traitName)
if (modelExists == false){
// Neural network prediction is not possible for this trait
return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, nil
traitLociList := traitObject.LociList
// First we count up the quantity of parental phased loci
// We only count the quantity of phased loci for loci which are known for both parents
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci := 0
for _, rsID := range traitLociList{
person1LocusValue, exists := person1LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person2LocusValue, exists := person2LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person1LocusIsPhased := person1LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person1LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
person2LocusIsPhased := person2LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person2LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
// Next, we create 100 prospective offspring genomes.
anyLocusValueExists, prospectiveOffspringGenomesList, err := getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList(traitLociList, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, err }
if (anyLocusValueExists == false){
return true, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, nil
// Map Structure: Outcome Name -> Probability of outcome coming true
// Because we are summing from 100 offspring, the count of outcomes is the same as the probability of an offspring having the outcome
outcomeCountsMap := make(map[string]int)
// This is a sum of each prediction's confidence
predictionConfidencesSum := 0
quantityOfLociTested := 0
for index, offspringGenomeMap := range prospectiveOffspringGenomesList{
neuralNetworkExists, predictionIsKnown, predictedOutcome, predictionConfidence, currentQuantityOfLociTested, _, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetGenomeDiscreteTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork(traitObject, offspringGenomeMap, false)
if (err != nil){ return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == false){
return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork claiming that neural network doesn't exist when we already checked.")
if (predictionIsKnown == false){
return false, false, nil, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeTraitAnalysis_NeuralNetwork claiming that prediction is impossible when we already know at least 1 locus value exists for trait.")
outcomeCountsMap[predictedOutcome] += 1
predictionConfidencesSum += predictionConfidence
if (index == 0){
// This value should be the same for each predicted offspring
quantityOfLociTested = currentQuantityOfLociTested
averagePredictionConfidence := predictionConfidencesSum/100
return true, true, outcomeCountsMap, averagePredictionConfidence, quantityOfLociTested, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, nil
// -bool: Any rules exist (if false, rule-based prediction is not possible for this trait)
// -bool: Rule-based analysis exists (if false, no offspring trait information is known, or there is an outcome tie for one of the offspring)
// -int: Quantity of rules tested
// -int: Quantity of loci known
// -map[[3]byte]int: Offspring probability of passing rules map
// Map Structure: Rule identifier -> Offspring probability of passing rule (1-100)
// If a rule entry doesn't exist, we don't know the passes-rule probability for any of the offspring
// -map[string]int: Offspring outcome probabilities map
// Map Structure: Outcome Name -> Offspring probability of outcome (0-100)
// -error
func GetOffspringDiscreteTraitAnalysis_Rules(traitObject traits.Trait, person1LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, person2LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, int, int, map[[3]byte]int, map[string]int, error){
traitRulesList := traitObject.RulesList
if (len(traitRulesList) == 0){
return false, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil
if (len(person1LocusValuesMap) == 0){
return true, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil
if (len(person2LocusValuesMap) == 0){
return true, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil
// First, we create 100 prospective offspring genomes.
traitLociList_Rules := traitObject.LociList_Rules
anyLocusValueExists, prospectiveOffspringGenomesList, err := getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList(traitLociList_Rules, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, err }
if (anyLocusValueExists == false){
return true, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil
// Map Structure: Rule Identifier -> Number of offspring who pass the rule (out of 100 prospective offspring)
// Because there are 100 offspring, this also represents the percentage probability that an offspring will pass the rule
offspringPassesRulesCountMap := make(map[[3]byte]int)
// This map stores the quantity of offspring who have each outcome
// The probability an offspring will have this outcome is the same as the
// quantity of offspring who have this outcome in our set of 100 randomly generated offspring
// Map structure: Outcome name -> quantity of offspring who have this outcome
outcomeCountsMap := make(map[string]int)
quantityOfLociKnown := 0
for index, offspringGenomeMap := range prospectiveOffspringGenomesList{
// Now we get outcome prediction for prospective offspring
anyRulesExist, quantityOfRulesTested, currentQuantityOfLociKnown, offspringPassesRulesMap, predictionOutcomeIsKnown, predictedOutcome, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetGenomeDiscreteTraitAnalysis_Rules(traitObject, offspringGenomeMap, false)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, err }
if (anyRulesExist == false){
return false, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, errors.New("GetGenomeTraitAnalysis_Rules returning noRulesExists when we already checked and trait rules do in-fact exist.")
if (quantityOfRulesTested == 0){
// This will be the same for each of the 100 generated offspring
// No analysis is possible.
return true, false, 0, currentQuantityOfLociKnown, nil, nil, nil
if (index == 0){
// currentQuantityOfLociKnown will be the same for each prospective offspring
quantityOfLociKnown = currentQuantityOfLociKnown
for ruleIdentifier, genomePassesRule := range offspringPassesRulesMap{
if (genomePassesRule == true){
offspringPassesRulesCountMap[ruleIdentifier] += 1
if (predictionOutcomeIsKnown == false){
// There was a tie between outcomes for this offspring
// We can't predict anything about this trait for this couple using rules
// This is why we need to create rules which make it unlikely for a tie between outcomes to occur.
return true, false, 0, 0, nil, nil, nil
outcomeCountsMap[predictedOutcome] += 1
quantityOfRulesTested := len(offspringPassesRulesCountMap)
return true, true, quantityOfRulesTested, quantityOfLociKnown, offspringPassesRulesCountMap, outcomeCountsMap, nil
// -bool: A neural network exists for this trait
// -bool: Analysis exists (at least 1 locus exists for this analysis from both people's genomes
// -float64: Average outcome for offspring
// -map[int]float64: Prediction accuracy ranges map
// -Map Structure: Probability prediction is accurate (X) -> Distance from predictoin that must be travelled in both directions to
// create a range in which the true value will fall into, X% of the time
// -[]float64: A list of 100 offspring outcomes
// -int: Quantity of loci known
// -int: Quantity of parental phased loci
// -error
func GetOffspringNumericTraitAnalysis(traitObject traits.Trait, person1LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, person2LocusValuesMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, bool, float64, map[int]float64, []float64, int, int, error){
traitName := traitObject.TraitName
traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric := traitObject.DiscreteOrNumeric
if (traitIsDiscreteOrNumeric != "Numeric"){
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetOffspringNumericTraitAnalysis called with non-numeric trait.")
modelExists := trainedPredictionModels.CheckIfAttributeNeuralNetworkExists(traitName)
if (modelExists == false){
// Prediction is not possible for this trait
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
traitLociList := traitObject.LociList
// First we count up the quantity of parental phased loci
// We only count the quantity of phased loci for loci which are known for both parents
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci := 0
for _, rsID := range traitLociList{
person1LocusValue, exists := person1LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person2LocusValue, exists := person2LocusValuesMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
person1LocusIsPhased := person1LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person1LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
person2LocusIsPhased := person2LocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (person2LocusIsPhased == true){
quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci += 1
// Next, we create 100 prospective offspring genomes.
anyLocusValueExists, prospectiveOffspringGenomesList, err := getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList(traitLociList, person1LocusValuesMap, person2LocusValuesMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, err }
if (anyLocusValueExists == false){
return true, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, nil
// A list of predicted outcomes for each offspring
predictedOutcomesList := make([]float64, 0)
accuracyRangesMap := make(map[int]float64)
quantityOfLociTested := 0
for index, offspringGenomeMap := range prospectiveOffspringGenomesList{
neuralNetworkExists, predictionIsKnown, predictedOutcome, predictionAccuracyRangesMap, currentQuantityOfLociTested, _, err := createPersonGeneticAnalysis.GetGenomeNumericTraitAnalysis(traitObject, offspringGenomeMap, false)
if (err != nil){ return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, err }
if (neuralNetworkExists == false){
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeNumericTraitAnalysis claiming that neural network doesn't exist when we already checked.")
if (predictionIsKnown == false){
return false, false, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, errors.New("GetGenomeNumericTraitAnalysis claiming that prediction is impossible when we already know at least 1 locus value exists for trait.")
predictedOutcomesList = append(predictedOutcomesList, predictedOutcome)
if (index == 0){
// These values should be the same for each predicted offspring
accuracyRangesMap = predictionAccuracyRangesMap
quantityOfLociTested = currentQuantityOfLociTested
// We calculate the average predicted outcome
outcomesSum := float64(0)
for _, predictedOutcome := range predictedOutcomesList{
outcomesSum += predictedOutcome
averageOutcome := outcomesSum/100
return true, true, averageOutcome, accuracyRangesMap, predictedOutcomesList, quantityOfLociTested, quantityOfParentalPhasedLoci, nil
// This function will return a list of 100 prospective offspring genomes
// Each genome represents an equal-probability offspring genome from both people's genomes
// This function takes into account the effects of genetic linkage
// Any locations which do not exist in both people's genomes will not be included
// TODO: The user should be able to choose how many prospective offspring to create in the settings.
// More offspring will take longer, but will yield a more accurate trait analysis.
// -bool: Any locus value exists between both users
// -[]map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue
// -error
func getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList(lociList []int64, person1LociMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, person2LociMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)(bool, []map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, error){
// -We use randomness to generate the offspring genomes
// -We want the results to be the same for each pair of people each time, so we have to seed our randomness generator
// -This is necessary so that two people's analysis results do not change every time
// -Instead, the same 2 people will produce the exact same result every time
pseudorandomNumberGenerator := mathRand.New(mathRand.NewPCG(1, 2))
// -[]int64: A list of random breakpoints for this chromosome that are statistically accurate
// -error
getRandomChromosomeBreakpoints := func(chromosome int)([]int64, error){
getChromosomeLength := func()(int64, error){
// Approximate number of base pairs in each chromosome taken from:
switch chromosome{
case 1:{
return 249000000, nil
case 2:{
return 243000000, nil
case 3:{
return 200000000, nil
case 4:{
return 192000000, nil
case 5:{
return 181000000, nil
case 6:{
return 170000000, nil
case 7:{
return 158000000, nil
case 8:{
return 146000000, nil
case 9:{
return 140000000, nil
case 10:{
return 135000000, nil
case 11:{
return 135000000, nil
case 12:{
return 132000000, nil
case 13:{
return 114000000, nil
case 14:{
return 106000000, nil
case 15:{
return 100000000, nil
case 16:{
return 89000000, nil
case 17:{
return 79000000, nil
case 18:{
return 76000000, nil
case 19:{
return 64000000, nil
case 20:{
return 62000000, nil
case 21:{
return 47000000, nil
case 22:{
return 50000000, nil
chromosomeString := helpers.ConvertIntToString(chromosome)
return 0, errors.New("getRandomChromosomeBreakpoints called with invalid chromosome: " + chromosomeString)
chromosomeLength, err := getChromosomeLength()
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
listOfRandomBreakpoints := make([]int64, 0)
// TODO: Take into account different recombination rate for each chromosome
// TODO: There are also breakpoint hotspots which we need to account for
// TODO: I read somewhere that recombination break points are less likely to occur within genes,
// meaning they are more likely to occur at the gene boundaries (codons)
// We step by 1,000,000 each time
// It would be more realistic if we did it in 1 integer increments, but it would be slower
for position := int64(0); position < chromosomeLength; position += 1_000_000{
//From Wikipedia:
// A centimorgan (abbreviated cM) is a unit for measuring genetic linkage.
// It is defined as the distance between chromosome positions (loci) for which the expected
// average number of intervening chromosomal crossovers in a single generation is 0.01.
// One centimorgan corresponds to about 1 million base pairs in humans on average
// A chromosomal crossover == recombination breakpoint
// For every 1,000,000 base pairs, there is a 0.01 probability that there is a breakpoint
randomFloat := pseudorandomNumberGenerator.Float64()
if (randomFloat <= 0.01){
// This has a 0.01, or 1% probability of being true
listOfRandomBreakpoints = append(listOfRandomBreakpoints, position)
return listOfRandomBreakpoints, nil
// Map Structure: rsID -> Locus Value
offspringGenomesList := make([]map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, 0)
for i:=0; i < 100; i++{
// This map stores the chromosome breakpoints for person1
// Map Structure: Chromosome -> List of breakpoints
person1ChromosomeBreakpointsMap := make(map[int][]int64)
// This map stores the chromosome breakpoints for person2
// Map Structure: Chromosome -> List of breakpoints
person2ChromosomeBreakpointsMap := make(map[int][]int64)
// This stores the locus values for this prospective offspring
// Map Structure: rsID -> Locus Value
prospectiveOffspringGenome := make(map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue)
for _, rsID := range lociList{
// -bool: Allele is known
// -string: Locus base
// -error
getPersonAllele := func(personLociMap map[int64]locusValue.LocusValue, personBreakpointsMap map[int][]int64)(bool, string, error){
personLocusValue, exists := personLociMap[rsID]
if (exists == false){
return false, "", nil
personLocusBase1 := personLocusValue.Base1Value
personLocusBase2 := personLocusValue.Base2Value
personLocusIsPhased := personLocusValue.LocusIsPhased
if (personLocusBase1 == personLocusBase2){
// Phase doesn't matter
return true, personLocusBase1, nil
if (personLocusIsPhased == false){
// Breakpoints are unnecessary
// We either choose base 1 or 2
randomInt := pseudorandomNumberGenerator.IntN(2)
if (randomInt == 1){
return true, personLocusBase1, nil
return true, personLocusBase2, nil
// We have a phased locus
// We figure out which allele to use by seeing which allele gets inherited from our random breakpoints list
// We figure out the chromosome and position of this locus
locusMetadataExists, locusMetadataObject, err := locusMetadata.GetLocusMetadata(rsID)
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
if (locusMetadataExists == false){
rsIDString := helpers.ConvertInt64ToString(rsID)
return false, "", errors.New("getProspectiveOffspringGenomesList called with unknown rsID: " + rsIDString)
locusPosition := locusMetadataObject.Position
locusChromosome := locusMetadataObject.Chromosome
getPersonChromosomeBreakpointsList := func()([]int64, error){
breakpointsList, exists := personBreakpointsMap[locusChromosome]
if (exists == true){
return breakpointsList, nil
// We have to create a new breakpoints list
newBreakpointsList, err := getRandomChromosomeBreakpoints(locusChromosome)
if (err != nil) { return nil, err }
personBreakpointsMap[locusChromosome] = newBreakpointsList
return newBreakpointsList, nil
personBreakpointsList, err := getPersonChromosomeBreakpointsList()
if (err != nil) { return false, "", err }
getLocusListIndex := func()int{
for index, breakpointPosition := range personBreakpointsList{
if (int64(locusPosition) <= breakpointPosition){
return index
index := len(personBreakpointsList)
// This is reached if the final breakpoint in the list is less than the locus's position, or if there were no breakpoints
return index
locusListIndex := getLocusListIndex()
if (locusListIndex%2 == 0){
return true, personLocusBase1, nil
return true, personLocusBase2, nil
person1AlleleIsKnown, person1Allele, err := getPersonAllele(person1LociMap, person1ChromosomeBreakpointsMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, nil, err }
if (person1AlleleIsKnown == false){
person2AlleleIsKnown, person2Allele, err := getPersonAllele(person2LociMap, person2ChromosomeBreakpointsMap)
if (err != nil) { return false, nil, err }
if (person2AlleleIsKnown == false){
offspringLocusValue := locusValue.LocusValue{
Base1Value: person1Allele,
Base2Value: person2Allele,
LocusIsPhased: true,
prospectiveOffspringGenome[rsID] = offspringLocusValue
if (len(prospectiveOffspringGenome) == 0){
// We don't have any locations at which both people's genomes contain a locus value.
return false, nil, nil
offspringGenomesList = append(offspringGenomesList, prospectiveOffspringGenome)
return true, offspringGenomesList, nil