
105 lines
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package traits
import "seekia/internal/globalSettings"
import "seekia/internal/helpers"
import "maps"
import _ "embed"
import "errors"
import "encoding/gob"
import "bytes"
//go:embed rsIDs/GiantHeightStudyLoci.gob
var GiantHeightStudyLociFile []byte
func getHeightTraitObject()(Trait, error){
// Map Structure: rsID -> References Map
locusReferencesMap := make(map[int64]map[string]string)
referencesMap_List1 := make(map[string]string)
referencesMap_List1["GIANT consortium - Meta-analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies - 2022 - Height"] = ""
// These SNPs are taken from the meta-analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) created by the GIANT consortium
// Download link:
//SHA-256 Checksum:
// db18859724675f2f9ba86eff28cb4dacac0629c0b25c9806a6cf2eed6bb8b71e
// See /utilities/extractGiantLoci/extractGiantLoci.go to see how they were extracted from the file
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(GiantHeightStudyLociFile)
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(buffer)
var lociList_1 []int64
err := decoder.Decode(&lociList_1)
if (err != nil){ return Trait{}, err }
for _, rsID := range lociList_1{
locusReferencesMap[rsID] = maps.Clone(referencesMap_List1)
heightLociList := helpers.GetListOfMapKeys(locusReferencesMap)
referencesMap := make(map[string]string)
referencesMap["GIANT consortium - Meta-analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies - 2022 - Height"] = ""
numericValueFormatter := func(inputHeight float64, _ bool)(string, error){
getMyMetricOrImperial := func()(string, error){
exists, metricOrImperial, err := globalSettings.GetSetting("MetricOrImperial")
if (err != nil) { return "", err }
if (exists == false){
return "Metric", nil
if (metricOrImperial != "Metric" && metricOrImperial != "Imperial"){
return "", errors.New("Malformed globalSettings: Invalid metricOrImperial: " + metricOrImperial)
return metricOrImperial, nil
myMetricOrImperial, err := getMyMetricOrImperial()
if (err != nil){ return "", err }
if (myMetricOrImperial == "Metric"){
centimetersString := helpers.ConvertFloat64ToStringRounded(inputHeight, 2)
//TODO: Translate units
centimetersWithUnits := centimetersString + " centimeters"
return centimetersWithUnits, nil
feetInchesString, err := helpers.ConvertCentimetersToFeetInchesTranslatedString(inputHeight)
if (err != nil) { return "", err }
return feetInchesString, nil
heightObject := Trait{
TraitName: "Height",
TraitDescription: "The distance between the top of a standing person head and the floor.",
DiscreteOrNumeric: "Numeric",
LocusReferencesMap: locusReferencesMap,
LociList: heightLociList,
LociList_Rules: []int64{},
RulesList: []TraitRule{},
OutcomesList: []string{},
NumericValueFormatter: numericValueFormatter,
ReferencesMap: referencesMap,
return heightObject, nil